
系统:mac os


TensorFlow Lite 指南

TensorFlow Lite 是一组工具,可帮助开发者在移动设备、嵌入式设备和 IoT 设备上运行 TensorFlow 模型。它支持设备端机器学习推断,延迟较低,并且二进制文件很小。

TensorFlow Lite 包括两个主要组件:

  • TensorFlow Lite 转换器(converter),它可将 TensorFlow 模型转换为高效形式以供解释器使用,并可引入优化以减小二进制文件的大小和提高性能。
  • TensorFlow Lite 解释器(inference),它可在手机、嵌入式 Linux 设备和微控制器等很多不同类型的硬件上运行经过专门优化的模型。


转换模型(keras android集成uniapp sdk Android集成 keras_android集成uniapp sdk

下面是一个完整从kears模型(结构+权重)转换成tflite模型。参考模型转换器(Converter)的 Python API 指南 并使用python版TensorFlow Lite 解释器运行。参考TensorFlow Lite推断-在Python中加载并运行模型

import tensorflow as tf
import os
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model, save_model
import numpy as np

def h5_covert_tflite(model_path, output_path):
    model = load_model(model_path)

    keras_to_tflite_converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
    keras_to_tflite_converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
    keras_tflite = keras_to_tflite_converter.convert()

    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    with open(os.path.join(output_path, "keras.tflite"), 'wb') as f:

def test_h5_covert_tflite():
    model_path = "kears_model.hdf5"
    output_dir = "output_tflite"

    # Load the TFLite model and allocate tensors.
    tflite_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "my_model.tflite")
    interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=tflite_file_path)

    # Get input and output tensors.
    input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
    output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()


    # Test the model on random input data.
    input_shape = input_details[0]['shape']
	# input_data = np.array(np.random.random_sample(input_shape), dtype=np.float32)
    input_data = cv2.imread(
        0) / 255
    input_data = input_data.reshape(input_shape).astype(np.float32)
    interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], input_data)


    # The function `get_tensor()` returns a copy of the tensor data.
    # Use `tensor()` in order to get a pointer to the tensor.
    output_data = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])

注意:如果遇到报错:tflite AttributeError: module 'six' has no attribute 'ensure_str',解决方法是pip install six==1.12.0,参考stackoverflow。



Build TensorFlow Lite 动态库(使用Bazel)



(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
Cloning into 'tensorflow'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git/': LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to github.com:443 
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % git config --global http.https://github.com.proxy socks5://
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
Cloning into 'tensorflow'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 26, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (26/26), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24/24), done.
Receiving objects:  13% (136962/1028385), 81.85 MiB | 1.92 MiB/s


(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % git checkout r2.2
Updating files: 100% (13763/13763), done.
Branch 'r2.2' set up to track remote branch 'r2.2' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'r2.2'





(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % cd tensorflow 
(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % bazel
ERROR: The project you're trying to build requires Bazel 2.0.0 (specified in /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelversion), but it wasn't found in /Users/jiangzhigang/.bazel/bin.

Bazel binaries for all official releases can be downloaded from here:

You can download the required version directly using this command:
  (cd "/Users/jiangzhigang/.bazel/bin" && curl -LO https://releases.bazel.build/2.0.0/release/bazel-2.0.0-darwin-x86_64 && chmod +x bazel-2.0.0-darwin-x86_64)

可以看到,TensorFlow 2.2.0是需要bazel-2.0.0的,所以是使用源码安装。

一定要使用curl下载,因为你看Bazel的安装教程会看到:on macOS Catalina, due to Apple’s new app notarization requirements, you will need to download the installer from the terminal using curl。我自己也试了使用浏览器下载是不能安装的。

# Example installing version `3.2.0`. Replace the version below as appropriate.
export BAZEL_VERSION=2.0.0
curl -fLO "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/${BAZEL_VERSION}/bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh"

如果遇到下载慢,相同道理,给curl设置socks5,更多参考:curl 设置代理)。


# 修改curl配置文件
vim ~/.curlrc
# 写入
socks5 = ""

# 如果临时不需要代理使用以下参数
curl --noproxy "*" http://www.google.com


(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % export BAZEL_VERSION=2.0.0
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % curl -fLO "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/${BAZEL_VERSION}/bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh"
\  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   662  100   662    0     0    559      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   559
100 36.3M  100 36.3M    0     0   381k      0  0:01:37  0:01:37 --:--:--  403k
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % chmod +x "bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh"                                                                                                         
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % ./bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh --user                                                                                                           
Bazel installer

Bazel is bundled with software licensed under the GPLv2 with Classpath exception.
You can find the sources next to the installer on our release page:

# Release 2.0.0 (2019-12-19)

Baseline: 807ed23e4f53a5e008ec823e9c23e2c9baa36d0d

Cherry picks:

   + db0e32ca6296e56e5314993fe9939bc7331768ec:
     build.sh: Fix bug in build script for RC release
   + 85e84f7812f04bc0dbc36376f31b6dd2d229b905:
     Set --incompatible_prohibit_aapt1 default to true.
   + 84eae2ff550c433a3d0409cf2b5525059939439d:
     Let shellzelisk fallback to bazel-real if it's the requested
   + d5ae460f1581ddf27514b4be18255481b47b4075:
     Fix a typo in bazel.sh

Incompatible changes:

  - --incompatible_remap_main_repo is enabled by default. Therefore,
    both ways of addressing the main repository, by its name and by
    '@' are now considered referring to the same repository.
    see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7130
  - --incompatible_disallow_dict_lookup_unhashable_keys is enabled by
    default https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/9184
  - --incompatible_remove_native_maven_jar is now enabled by default
    and the flag removed. See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6799
  - --incompatible_prohibit_aapt1 is enabled by default.
    See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/10000

Important changes:

  - --incompatible_proto_output_v2: proto v2 for aquery proto output
    formats, which reduces the output size compared to v1. Note that
    the messages' ids in v2 are in uint64 instead of string like in
  - Adds --incompatible_remove_enabled_toolchain_types.
  - Package loading now consistently fails if package loading had a
    glob evaluation that encountered a symlink cycle or symlink
    infinite expansion. Previously, such package loading with such
    glob evaluations would fail only in some cases.
  - The --disk_cache flag can now also be used together
    with the gRPC remote cache.
  - An action's discover inputs runtime metrics is now categorized as
    parse time on the CriticalPathComponent.
  - Make the formatting example more like to the written text by
    adding an initial description.
  - An action's discover inputs runtime metrics is now categorized as
    parse time on the CriticalPathComponent.
  - Bazel's Debian package and the binary installer now include an
    improved wrapper that understands `<WORKSPACE>/.bazelversion`
    files and the `$USE_BAZEL_VERSION` environment variable. This is
    similar to what Bazelisk offers
    ch-bazel-version-to-run-and-where-to-get-it-from), except that it
    works offline and integrates with apt-get.
  - We are planning to deprecate the runfiles manifest files, which
    aren't safe in the presence of whitespace, and also unnecessarily
    require local CPU when remote execution is used. This release
    adds --experimental_skip_runfiles_manifests to disable the
    generation of the input manifests (rule.manifest files) in most
    cases. Note that this flag has no effect on Windows by default or
    if --experimental_enable_runfiles is explicitly set to false.

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as aldersondrive, Benjamin Peterson, Bor Kae Hwang, David Ostrovsky, Jakob Buchgraber, Jin, John Millikin, Keith Smiley, Lauri Peltonen, nikola-sh, Peter Mounce, Tony Hsu.

## Build information
   - [Commit](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/50514fc6c1)
Uncompressing......Extracting Bazel installation....

Bazel is now installed!

Make sure you have "/Users/jiangzhigang/bin" in your path. You can also activate bash
completion by adding the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:
  source /Users/jiangzhigang/.bazel/bin/bazel-complete.bash

See http://bazel.build/docs/getting-started.html to start a new project!
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"                                                                                                 
(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % bazel --version                                                                                                                                                      
bazel 2.0.0


(base) jiangzhigang@192 Code % cd tensorflow 
(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % bazel                                                                                                                                                        
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
                                                           [bazel release 2.0.0]
Usage: bazel <command> <options> ...

Available commands:
  analyze-profile     Analyzes build profile data.
  aquery              Analyzes the given targets and queries the action graph.
  build               Builds the specified targets.
  canonicalize-flags  Canonicalizes a list of bazel options.
  clean               Removes output files and optionally stops the server.
  coverage            Generates code coverage report for specified test targets.
  cquery              Loads, analyzes, and queries the specified targets w/ configurations.
  dump                Dumps the internal state of the bazel server process.
  fetch               Fetches external repositories that are prerequisites to the targets.
  help                Prints help for commands, or the index.
  info                Displays runtime info about the bazel server.
  license             Prints the license of this software.
  mobile-install      Installs targets to mobile devices.
  print_action        Prints the command line args for compiling a file.
  query               Executes a dependency graph query.
  run                 Runs the specified target.
  shutdown            Stops the bazel server.
  sync                Syncs all repositories specified in the workspace file
  test                Builds and runs the specified test targets.
  version             Prints version information for bazel.

Getting more help:
  bazel help <command>
                   Prints help and options for <command>.
  bazel help startup_options
                   Options for the JVM hosting bazel.
  bazel help target-syntax
                   Explains the syntax for specifying targets.
  bazel help info-keys
                   Displays a list of keys used by the info command.

ok, 这是安装好了Bazel,下面开始正式使用Bazelbuild环境。

Bazel Build



(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % ./tensorflow/lite/tools/make/download_dependencies.sh
downloading https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/52a2fbbb008a47c5e3fb8ac1c65c2feecb0c511c/eigen-52a2fbbb008a47c5e3fb8ac1c65c2feecb0c511c.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 2524k    0 2524k    0     0  1048k      0 --:--:--  0:00:02 --:--:-- 1048k
checking sha256 of tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads/eigen
/var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.QLyl9rZF/eigen-52a2fbbb008a47c5e3fb8ac1c65c2feecb0c511c.tar.gz: OK
downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/mirror.tensorflow.org/github.com/google/gemmlowp/archive/12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3.zip
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  913k  100  913k    0     0   344k      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:--  344k
checking sha256 of tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads/gemmlowp
/var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.bpc7qCBI/12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3.zip: OK
Archive:  /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.bpc7qCBI/12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3.zip
   creating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.7VZuSwcc/gemmlowp-12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3/
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.7VZuSwcc/gemmlowp-12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3/.gitignore  
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.7VZuSwcc/gemmlowp-12fed0cd7cfcd9e169bf1925bc3a7a58725fdcc3/.travis.yml
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.0IvYH1Bq/FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997/third-party/eigen-half.h  
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.0IvYH1Bq/FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997/third-party/float16-compressor.h  
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.0IvYH1Bq/FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997/third-party/half.hpp  
  inflating: /var/folders/ms/h4r5t2v90k151rsr51v_81vm0000gn/T/tmp.0IvYH1Bq/FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997/third-party/npy-halffloat.h  
download_dependencies.sh completed successfully.


(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % ls /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads 
absl		eigen		farmhash	fft2d		flatbuffers	fp16		gemmlowp	googletest	neon_2_sse



(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % ./configure

我提前安装好了Android Studio,所以是直接配置SDK和NDK的。如果没有安装Android Studio需要自己下载SDN和NDK,也可以使用TensorFlow官网提供的Docker 环境

android集成uniapp sdk Android集成 keras_Code_02


Would you like to interactively configure ./WORKSPACE for Android builds? [y/N]: y
Searching for NDK and SDK installations.

然后会让你配置Android NDK的路径,把你开始解压出来的路径复制进去。回车。然后他会识别到版本,让你确认。回车就行。
然后会让你配置Android SDK的路径,和上一步一样,把解压路径复制进去。


(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % ./configure
You have bazel 2.0.0 installed.
Please specify the location of python. [Default is /Users/jiangzhigang/opt/miniconda3/bin/python]: 

Found possible Python library paths:
Please input the desired Python library path to use.  Default is [/Users/jiangzhigang/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages]

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with OpenCL SYCL support? [y/N]: N
No OpenCL SYCL support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with ROCm support? [y/N]: N
No ROCm support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with CUDA support? [y/N]: N
No CUDA support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Do you wish to download a fresh release of clang? (Experimental) [y/N]: N
Clang will not be downloaded.

Please specify optimization flags to use during compilation when bazel option "--config=opt" is specified [Default is -march=native -Wno-sign-compare]: 

Would you like to interactively configure ./WORKSPACE for Android builds? [y/N]: y
Searching for NDK and SDK installations.

Please specify the home path of the Android NDK to use. [Default is /Users/jiangzhigang/library/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle]: 

WARNING: The NDK version in /Users/jiangzhigang/library/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle is 21, which is not supported by Bazel (officially supported versions: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]). Please use another version. Compiling Android targets may result in confusing errors.

Please specify the (min) Android NDK API level to use. [Available levels: ['16', '17', '18', '19', '21', '22', '23', '24', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30']] [Default is 21]: 

Please specify the home path of the Android SDK to use. [Default is /Users/jiangzhigang/library/Android/Sdk]: 

Please specify the Android SDK API level to use. [Available levels: ['29', '30']] [Default is 30]: 

Please specify an Android build tools version to use. [Available versions: ['28.0.3', '30.0.2']] [Default is 30.0.2]: 

Do you wish to build TensorFlow with iOS support? [y/N]: y
iOS support will be enabled for TensorFlow.

Preconfigured Bazel build configs. You can use any of the below by adding "--config=<>" to your build command. See .bazelrc for more details.
	--config=mkl         	# Build with MKL support.
	--config=monolithic  	# Config for mostly static monolithic build.
	--config=ngraph      	# Build with Intel nGraph support.
	--config=numa        	# Build with NUMA support.
	--config=dynamic_kernels	# (Experimental) Build kernels into separate shared objects.
	--config=v2          	# Build TensorFlow 2.x instead of 1.x.
Preconfigured Bazel build configs to DISABLE default on features:
	--config=noaws       	# Disable AWS S3 filesystem support.
	--config=nogcp       	# Disable GCP support.
	--config=nohdfs      	# Disable HDFS support.
	--config=nonccl      	# Disable NVIDIA NCCL support.
Configuration finished

注意,新版本Android Studio的NDK默认目录为:/Users/jiangzhigang/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.1.6352462




    name = "libtensorflowLite.so",
    linkopts = ["-shared", "-Wl,-soname=libtensorflowLite.so"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    linkshared = 1,
    copts = tflite_copts(),
    deps = [


(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/lite:libtensorflowLite.so  --config=android_arm64 --cxxopt="-std=c++11"


(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/lite:libtensorflowLite.so  --config=android_arm64 --cxxopt="-std=c++11"
INFO: Options provided by the client:
  Inherited 'common' options: --isatty=1 --terminal_columns=210
INFO: Reading rc options for 'build' from /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc:
  Inherited 'common' options: --experimental_repo_remote_exec
INFO: Reading rc options for 'build' from /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc:
  'build' options: --apple_platform_type=macos --define framework_shared_object=true --define open_source_build=true --java_toolchain=//third_party/toolchains/java:tf_java_toolchain --host_java_toolchain=//third_party/toolchains/java:tf_java_toolchain --define=use_fast_cpp_protos=true --define=allow_oversize_protos=true --spawn_strategy=standalone -c opt --announce_rc --define=grpc_no_ares=true --noincompatible_remove_legacy_whole_archive --noincompatible_prohibit_aapt1 --enable_platform_specific_config --config=v2
INFO: Reading rc options for 'build' from /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.tf_configure.bazelrc:
  'build' options: --action_env PYTHON_BIN_PATH=/Users/jiangzhigang/opt/miniconda3/bin/python --action_env PYTHON_LIB_PATH=/Users/jiangzhigang/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages --python_path=/Users/jiangzhigang/opt/miniconda3/bin/python --config=xla --action_env ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/Users/jiangzhigang/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.3.6528147 --action_env ANDROID_NDK_API_LEVEL=21 --action_env ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=30.0.2 --action_env ANDROID_SDK_API_LEVEL=30 --action_env ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/Users/jiangzhigang/library/Android/Sdk --action_env TF_CONFIGURE_IOS=0
INFO: Found applicable config definition build:v2 in file /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc: --define=tf_api_version=2 --action_env=TF2_BEHAVIOR=1
INFO: Found applicable config definition build:xla in file /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc: --action_env=TF_ENABLE_XLA=1 --define=with_xla_support=true
INFO: Found applicable config definition build:android_arm64 in file /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc: --config=android --cpu=arm64-v8a --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a
INFO: Found applicable config definition build:android in file /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc: --crosstool_top=//external:android/crosstool --host_crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain
INFO: Found applicable config definition build:macos in file /Users/jiangzhigang/Code/tensorflow/.bazelrc: --copt=-w --define=PREFIX=/usr --define=LIBDIR=$(PREFIX)/lib --define=INCLUDEDIR=$(PREFIX)/include --cxxopt=-std=c++14 --host_cxxopt=-std=c++14
WARNING: The major revision of the Android NDK referenced by android_ndk_repository rule 'androidndk' is 21. The major revisions supported by Bazel are [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. Bazel will attempt to treat the NDK as if it was r20. This may cause compilation and linkage problems. Please download a supported NDK version.
INFO: Analyzed target //tensorflow/lite:libtensorflowLite.so (61 packages loaded, 7812 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //tensorflow/lite:libtensorflowLite.so up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 369.020s, Critical Path: 119.45s
INFO: 308 processes: 308 local.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 385 total actions




# 找到所有的 .h文件,全压缩到一个headers.tar中
(base) jiangzhigang@192 tensorflow % find tensorflow/lite -name "*.h" | tar -cf headers.tar -T -

还有一个重要的头文件faltbuffer,它是tf lite的一个依赖库,也需要整理头文件出来。这个库位于tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads/flatbuffers,把里面的include文件夹全部拷贝出来,放在一个flatbuffers文件夹里面。一般eigen库也是必须的,相当于python下的numpyTensorFlow 2.2.0又多了一个必须依赖的库absl,谷歌的通用基础库。这些都位于tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads/目录下。


android集成uniapp sdk Android集成 keras_github_03



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)

set(libs "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main/jniLibs")

# 引入TensorFlow头文件
# 引入TensorFlow依赖库的头文件

# Android项目中的C++文件列表作为SRC_LIST变量
aux_source_directory(src/main/cpp/ SRC_LIST)

# C++代码作为一个native动态库
add_library(native-lib SHARED ${SRC_LIST})

# 直接对so动态库链接,链接目标native动态库
target_link_libraries(native-lib ${libs}/${ANDROID_ABI}/libtensorflowLite.so)

set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug CACHE STRING "set build type to release")




#include <tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/model.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/optional_debug_tools.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>

class Detector {
    cv::Mat sourceImage;
    std::string modelPath;
    Detector(cv::Mat sourceImage_, const std::string &modelPath_) : sourceImage(sourceImage_), modelPath(modelPath_) {}
    cv::Mat clip_center(float ratio = 1.0, cv::Vec2f pan = cv::Vec2f(0, 0), bool keep_ratio = false);
    void fill_input(const std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter>& interpreter);
    float blockDetection();


#include "detector.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#define TFLITE_MINIMAL_CHECK(x)  if (!(x)){ spdlog::info("Error at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);exit(1);}

cv::Mat Detector::clip_center(float ratio, cv::Vec2f pan, bool keep_ratio) {
    int h = sourceImage.rows;
    int w = sourceImage.cols;
    float h_ = ratio * h;
    float w_ = ratio * w;
    if (keep_ratio) {
        h_ = std::min(h_, w_);
        w_ = h_;
    return cv::Mat(sourceImage, cv::Rect(int((w - w_) / 2 + pan[0]), int((h - h_) / 2 + pan[1]), int(w_), int(h_)));

void Detector::fill_input(const std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> &interpreter) {
    cv::Mat input_image = clip_center(1, cv::Vec2f(0, 0), true);
    int input_height = 256;
    int input_width = 256;
    cv::resize(input_image, input_image, cv::Size(input_height, input_width));

    for (int i = 0; i < input_height; i++) {
        uchar *row = input_image.ptr<uchar>(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < input_width; j++) {
            int index = i * input_width + j;
            interpreter->typed_input_tensor<float>(0)[index] = row[j] / 255.0f;

float Detector::detection() {
    // Load the model
    std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(modelPath.c_str());
    TFLITE_MINIMAL_CHECK(model != nullptr);

    // Build the interpreter
    tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
    std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter;
    tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter);

    // Resize input tensors, if desired.
    TFLITE_MINIMAL_CHECK(interpreter->AllocateTensors() == kTfLiteOk);

    // Fill `input`.

    TFLITE_MINIMAL_CHECK(interpreter->Invoke() == kTfLiteOk);

    float output = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0)[0];
    spdlog::info("camera block detection result:{}", output);
    return output;

有关更多示例代码,请参见 minimal.cclabel_image.cc
以及TensorFlow Lite推断-用C ++加载并运行模型c++ - TensorFlow Lite模型测试:正确的代码,类的概率



总之最后调用步骤为:java/kotlin android集成uniapp sdk Android集成 keras_android集成uniapp sdk jni android集成uniapp sdk Android集成 keras_android集成uniapp sdkc++


Tensorflow lite 编译Android JNI C++ 动态链接库(步骤详细生动,还怕搞不定吗)C++TensorFlow Lite编译及使用