dubbo 结果缓存











# 接口级别缓存
<dubbo:reference interface="com.foo.BarService" cache="lru" />

# 方法级别缓存
<dubbo:reference interface="com.foo.BarService">
    <dubbo:method name="findBar" cache="lru" />

# cache可选值:



public interface CacheFactory {

     * CacheFactory implementation class needs to implement this return underlying cache instance for method against
     * url and invocation.
     * @param url
     * @param invocation
     * @return Instance of Cache containing cached value against method url and invocation.
    Cache getCache(URL url, Invocation invocation);



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public class LruCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {

     * Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by LruCache.
     * @param url url of the method
     * @return ThreadLocalCache instance of cache
    protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
        return new LruCache(url);
    }   //创建LruCache




 * This class store the cache value per thread. If a service,method,consumer or provided is configured with key <b>cache</b>
 * with value <b>lru</b>, dubbo initialize the instance of this class using {@link LruCacheFactory} to store method's returns value
 * to server from store without making method call.

 * <pre>
 *     e.g. 1) <dubbo:service cache="lru" cache.size="5000"/>
 *          2) <dubbo:consumer cache="lru" />
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * LruCache uses url's <b>cache.size</b> value for its max store size, if nothing is provided then
 * default value will be 1000
 * </pre>  //cache.size配置缓存个数,默认1000
 * @see Cache
 * @see LruCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.support.AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
public class LruCache implements Cache {

     * This is used to store cache records
    private final Map<Object, Object> store;

     * Initialize LruCache, it uses constructor argument <b>cache.size</b> value as its storage max size.
     *  If nothing is provided then it will use 1000 as default value.
     * @param url A valid URL instance
    public LruCache(URL url) {
        final int max = url.getParameter("cache.size", 1000);
        this.store = new LRUCache<>(max);

     * API to store value against a key in the calling thread scope.
     * @param key  Unique identifier for the object being store.
     * @param value Value getting store
    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        store.put(key, value);

     * API to return stored value using a key against the calling thread specific store.
     * @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
     * @return Return stored object against key
    public Object get(Object key) {
        return store.get(key);





public class LfuCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {

     * Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by LfuCache.
     * @param url url of the method
     * @return ThreadLocalCache instance of cache
    protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
        return new LfuCache(url);
    }   //创建LfuCache缓存




 * This class store the cache value per thread. If a service,method,consumer or provided is configured with key <b>cache</b>
 * with value <b>lfu</b>, dubbo initialize the instance of this class using {@link LfuCacheFactory} to store method's returns value
 * to server from store without making method call.

 * <pre>
 *     e.g. 1) <dubbo:service cache="lfu" cache.size="5000" cache.evictionFactor="0.3"/>
 *          2) <dubbo:consumer cache="lfu" />
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * LfuCache uses url's <b>cache.size</b> value for its max store size, url's <b>cache.evictionFactor</b> value for its eviction factor,
 * default store size value will be 1000, default eviction factor will be 0.3
 * </pre>  //可用cache.size设置缓存个数,默认1000
 * @see Cache
 * @see LfuCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.support.AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
public class LfuCache implements Cache {

     * This is used to store cache records
    private final LFUCache store;

     *  Initialize LfuCache, it uses constructor argument <b>cache.size</b> value as its storage max size.
     *  If nothing is provided then it will use 1000 as default size value. <b>cache.evictionFactor</b> value as its eviction factor.
     *  If nothing is provided then it will use 0.3 as default value.
     * @param url A valid URL instance
    public LfuCache (URL url) {
        final int max = url.getParameter("cache.size", 1000);
        final float factor = url.getParameter("cache.evictionFactor", 0.75f);
        this.store = new LFUCache(max, factor);

     * API to store value against a key in the calling thread scope.
     * @param key  Unique identifier for the object being store.
     * @param value Value getting store
    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        store.put(key, value);

     * API to return stored value using a key against the calling thread specific store.
     * @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
     * @return Return stored object against key
    public Object get(Object key) {
        return store.get(key);





 * JCacheFactory is factory class to provide instance of javax spi cache.Implement {@link org.apache.dubbo.cache.CacheFactory} by
 * extending {@link AbstractCacheFactory} and provide
 * @see AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see JCache
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
 * @see Cache
 * @see CachingProvider
 * @see javax.cache.Cache
 * @see javax.cache.CacheManager
public class JCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {

     * Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by JCache.
     * @param url url of the method
     * @return JCache instance of cache
    protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
        return new JCache(url);




 * This class store the cache value per thread. If a service,method,consumer or provided is configured with key <b>cache</b>
 * with value <b>jcache</b>, dubbo initialize the instance of this class using {@link JCacheFactory} to store method's returns value
 * to server from store without making method call.
 * @see Cache
 * @see JCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.support.AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
public class JCache implements org.apache.dubbo.cache.Cache {

    private final Cache<Object, Object> store;

    public JCache(URL url) {
        String method = url.getParameter(METHOD_KEY, "");
        String key = url.getAddress() + "." + url.getServiceKey() + "." + method;
        // jcache parameter is the full-qualified class name of SPI implementation
        String type = url.getParameter("jcache");

        CachingProvider provider = StringUtils.isEmpty(type) ? Caching.getCachingProvider() : Caching.getCachingProvider(type);
        CacheManager cacheManager = provider.getCacheManager();
        Cache<Object, Object> cache = cacheManager.getCache(key);
        if (cache == null) {
            try {
                //configure the cache
                MutableConfiguration config =
                        new MutableConfiguration<>()
                                .setTypes(Object.class, Object.class)
                                .setExpiryPolicyFactory(CreatedExpiryPolicy.factoryOf(new Duration(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, url.getMethodParameter(method, "cache.write.expire", 60 * 1000))))
                cache = cacheManager.createCache(key, config);
            } catch (CacheException e) {
                // concurrent cache initialization
                cache = cacheManager.getCache(key);

        this.store = cache;

    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        store.put(key, value);

    public Object get(Object key) {
        return store.get(key);





public class ExpiringCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {

     * Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by JCache.
     * @param url url of the method
     * @return ExpiringCache instance of cache
    protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
        return new ExpiringCache(url);
    }   //创建ExpiringCache



 * This class store the cache value with the characteristic of expiration time. If a service,method,consumer or provided is configured with key <b>cache</b>
 * with value <b>expiring</b>, dubbo initialize the instance of this class using {@link ExpiringCacheFactory} to store method's returns value
 * to server from store without making method call.
 * <pre>
 *     e.g. 1) <dubbo:service cache="expiring" cache.seconds="60" cache.interval="10"/>
 *          2) <dubbo:consumer cache="expiring" />
 * </pre>

 * <li>It used constructor argument url instance <b>cache.seconds</b> value to decide time to live of cached object.Default value of it is 180 second.</li>
 * <li>It used constructor argument url instance <b>cache.interval</b> value for cache value expiration interval.Default value of this is 4 second</li>

 * @see Cache
 * @see ExpiringCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.support.AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
public class ExpiringCache implements Cache {
    private final Map<Object, Object> store;    //使用map存储缓存

    public ExpiringCache(URL url) {
        // cache time (second)
        final int secondsToLive = url.getParameter("cache.seconds", 180);
        // Cache check interval (second)
        final int intervalSeconds = url.getParameter("cache.interval", 4);
        ExpiringMap<Object, Object> expiringMap = new ExpiringMap<>(secondsToLive, intervalSeconds);
        this.store = expiringMap;

     * API to store value against a key in the calling thread scope.
     * @param key  Unique identifier for the object being store.
     * @param value Value getting store
    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        store.put(key, value);

     * API to return stored value using a key against the calling thread specific store.
     * @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
     * @return Return stored object against key

    public Object get(Object key) {
        return store.get(key);





public class ThreadLocalCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {

     * Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by ThreadLocalCache.
     * @param url url of the method
     * @return ThreadLocalCache instance of cache
    protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
        return new ThreadLocalCache(url);
    }   //创建ThreadLocalCache




 * This class store the cache value per thread. If a service,method,consumer or provided is configured with key <b>cache</b>
 * with value <b>threadlocal</b>, dubbo initialize the instance of this class using {@link ThreadLocalCacheFactory} to store method's returns value
 * to server from store without making method call.
 *  <pre>
 *      e.g. <dubbo:service cache="threadlocal" />
 *  </pre>  //使用cache="threadlocal"配置使用threadlocal缓存

 * <pre>
 * As this ThreadLocalCache stores key-value in memory without any expiry or delete support per thread wise, if number threads and number of key-value are high then jvm should be
 * configured with appropriate memory.
 * </pre>

 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.support.AbstractCacheFactory
 * @see org.apache.dubbo.cache.filter.CacheFilter
 * @see Cache
public class ThreadLocalCache implements Cache {

     * Thread local variable to store cached data.
    private final ThreadLocal<Map<Object, Object>> store;  //每个线程使用map存储缓存

     * Taken URL as an argument to create an instance of ThreadLocalCache. In this version of implementation constructor
     * argument is not getting used in the scope of this class.
     * @param url
    public ThreadLocalCache(URL url) {
        this.store = ThreadLocal.withInitial(HashMap::new);

     * API to store value against a key in the calling thread scope.
     * @param key  Unique identifier for the object being store.
     * @param value Value getting store
    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        store.get().put(key, value);

     * API to return stored value using a key against the calling thread specific store.
     * @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
     * @return Return stored object against key
    public Object get(Object key) {
        return store.get().get(key);








@Activate(group = {CONSUMER, PROVIDER}, value = CACHE_KEY)
public class CacheFilter implements Filter {

    private CacheFactory cacheFactory;

     * Dubbo will populate and set the cache factory instance based on service/method/consumer/provider configured
     * cache attribute value. Dubbo will search for the class name implementing configured <b>cache</b> in file org.apache.dubbo.cache.CacheFactory
     * under META-INF sub folders.
     * @param cacheFactory instance of CacheFactory based on <b>cache</b> type
    public void setCacheFactory(CacheFactory cacheFactory) {
        this.cacheFactory = cacheFactory;

     * If cache is configured, dubbo will invoke method on each method call. If cache value is returned by cache store
     * then it will return otherwise call the remote method and return value. If remote method's return value has error
     * then it will not cache the value.
     * @param invoker    service
     * @param invocation invocation.
     * @return Cache returned value if found by the underlying cache store. If cache miss it will call target method.
     * @throws RpcException
    public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
        if (cacheFactory != null && ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), CACHE_KEY))) {
            Cache cache = cacheFactory.getCache(invoker.getUrl(), invocation);
            if (cache != null) {       //如果缓存不为null,查找缓存中是否有对应的值
                String key = StringUtils.toArgumentString(invocation.getArguments()); //用方法参数创建key
                Object value = cache.get(key);  
                if (value != null) {   
                    if (value instanceof ValueWrapper) {
                        return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(((ValueWrapper) value).get(), invocation);
                    } else {
                        return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(value, invocation);
                    }  //如果有对应的value,直接返回value,不发起方法调用
                Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);  //如果缓存中没有对应的value,发起远程调用
                if (!result.hasException()) {
                    cache.put(key, new ValueWrapper(result.getValue()));
                return result;
        return invoker.invoke(invocation);  //如果没有设置缓存,直接发起方法调用

     * Cache value wrapper.
    static class ValueWrapper implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1777337318019193256L;

        private final Object value;

        public ValueWrapper (Object value) {
            this.value = value;

        public Object get() {
            return this.value;










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    name: dubbo-provider
    #register-mode: instance
    address: localhost:2181
    protocol: zookeeper
    group: dubbo
    name: dubbo
    #port: 20880



public interface HelloService {

    String get(Integer id);



public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {

    public String get(Integer id) {

        return "hello";






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    name: dubbo-consumer
    protocol: zookeeper
    address: localhost:2181
    group: dubbo
    #register-mode: instance
    name: dubbo
    #port: 20880

  port: 8081



public interface HelloService {

    String get(Integer id);



public class HelloController {

    @DubboReference(cache = "lru")
    private HelloService helloService;

    public String hello(){

        return "hello";







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