
1.免费使用,在发行时支付 5%








1.免费使用,在发行时支付 5%




虚幻介入lua 虚幻 收费_自定义


当您从产品中获得收入或将其分发给最终用户时,您必须尽早在 unrealengine.com/release 上提供Epic预先通知,包括产品名称,分发格式,唯一产品ID( 适用时)和分销渠道。

英文原文: When you generate revenue from a Product or Distribute it to end users, you must provide Epic with advance notification at unrealengine.com/release, as early as reasonably possible, including the name of the Product, the format of distribution, unique Product id (where applicable), and the distribution channel(s). 我们对Markdown编辑器进行了一些功能拓展与语法支持,除了标准的Markdown编辑器功能,我们增加了如下几点新功能,帮助你用它写博客:


在每个日历季度结束后45天内,产品在上述特许权使用费排除范围之外获得收入,您必须向Epic支付该季度应付的全部特许权使用费,并向Epic发送每个产品的特许权使用费报告 基础。 有关版税报告和付款的详细信息,请访问unrealengine.com/release。

英文原文: Within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter in which a Product earns revenue outside of the above-listed royalty exclusions, you must pay to Epic the full amount of the royalty due for that quarter and send Epic a royalty report on a per Product basis. Detailed information on royalty reporting and payment can be found at unrealengine.com/release.

unrealengine.com/release的内容如下: 地址:https://www.unrealengine.com/zh-CN/release

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您同意保留与您的产品开发,制造,分销和销售以及相关收入相关的准确书籍和记录。 Epic可以对这些书籍和记录进行合理的审核。 审核将在工作时间内通过合理的事先通知进行。 Epic将承担审计费用,除非在审计期间结果显示超过5%的付款不足,在这种情况下,您将负责审计的费用。

英文原文: You agree to keep accurate books and records related to your development, manufacture, Distribution, and sale of Products and related revenue. Epic may conduct reasonable audits of those books and records. Audits will be conducted during business hours on reasonable prior notice to you. Epic will bear the costs of audits unless the results show a shortfall in payments in excess of 5% during the period audited, in which case you will be responsible for the cost of the audit.


Epic可以使用您在任何产品中使用的商标,服务标记,商品名称和徽标,以及与产品相关的公开发布的屏幕截图和视频内容,用于Epic在任何产品中的营销,广告和促销 和所有媒体没有限制。 英文原文: Epic may use your trademarks, service marks, trade names, and logos used with any Product, as well as publicly released screen shots and video content from the Product, in connection with Epic’s marketing, advertisement, and promotion of the Unreal® Engine in any and all media without restriction.


9.使用许可技术的互动游乐园游乐设施的收入; 英文原文: However, no royalty is owed on the following forms of revenue: (但是,以下形式的收入不需要支付版税:)

  1. The first $3,000.00 in gross revenue for each Product per calendar quarter;
  2. The first $5,000,000.00 in gross revenue for each Product from the Oculus Store;
  3. Consulting fees or work-for-hire fees which are non-recoupable for services performed using the Licensed Technology (e.g., an architect-created walkthrough simulation or a contractor-developed in-house training simulator);
  4. Revenue from an Unrestricted Product, including for clarity, revenue from a Product which solely relies on the Licensed Technology for production of non-interactive linear media (e.g., broadcast or streamed video files, cartoons, or movies) and which is Distributed in a form that does not contain the Licensed Technology or, in order to deliver, rely on servers running the Licensed Technology;
  5. Revenue from a Product which is only Distributed to Engine Licensees (such as through the Marketplace);
  6. Revenue from ancillary products which are not software and which do not contain embedded information (such as QR codes) which affects the operation of the Product (e.g., comic books, soundtracks, apparel);
  7. Financial winnings generated by awards for the Product;
  8. Revenue from donations for a Product which are not tied to Product access or in-Product benefits;
  9. Revenue from interactive amusement park rides which use the Licensed Technology; and
  10. Revenue collected from an end-user buyer of in-game items or other in-game content for your Product which is sold by an end-user seller and which is actually paid to the end-user seller and is not retained by you or any other party.