erp和crm是企业最重要的两个信息系统,metasfreshi是适合大中型企业使用的开源制造业erp,metasfresh官方推荐使用yetiforce crm作为客户的crm解决方案

yetiforce crm是适用于大中型企业的开源crm

metasfresh 集成 yetiforce crm_CRM

metasfresh 集成 yetiforce crm_yetiforce_02

metasfresh 集成 yetiforce crm_metasfresh_03

We design an innovative CRM system that is dedicated for large and medium sized companies. We dedicate it to everyone who values open source software, security and innovation. YetiForce was built on a rock-solid Vtiger foundation, but has hundreds of changes that help to accomplish even the most challenging tasks in the simplest way. Every function within the system was thought through and automated to ensure that all of them work together seamlessly and form a coherent integrity. We looked at the entire sales process and consequently refined the system, module by module. We have years of experience creating tailor made CRM software for a variety of different companies. Download it and have a first-hand experience.

我们设计了一种创新的CRM系统,专用于大中型公司。 我们将其奉献给重视开源软件,安全性和创新的每个人。 YetiForce建立在坚如磐石的Vtiger基础上,但是进行了数百次更改,以最简单的方式帮助完成了最具挑战性的任务。 系统中的每个功能都经过仔细考虑并实现了自动化,以确保它们无缝地协同工作并形成一致的完整性。 我们研究了整个销售过程,因此逐个模块地完善了系统。 我们有多年为各种不同公司创建量身定制的CRM软件的经验。