1、首先下载KVM源码:http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Downloads 或者http://sourceforge.net/projects/kvm/files/ 选择最新版本
On a debian etch system you can install the prerequisites with:(Ubuntu系统适用命令:)
Note: When building from git, you also need gawk. (如果你是从git 上获取源码,那么还得需要gawk)
If you are using a recent kernel (2.6.25+) with kvm modules included, boot into it, and:(如果你是用的linux内核版本大于2.6.25,就按照下面的方法做)
If you're using an older kernel, or a kernel from your distribution without the kvm modules, you'll have to compile the modules yourself:(如果linux内核低于2.6,那么你要自己编译)
Note: if sound doesn't play in the guest vm you can add --audio-drv-list="alsa oss" to ./configure as explained inhttp://www.linux-kvm.com/content/sound-problem-solved
以上是QEMU 管理工具,属于字符界面的操作。如果你对字符界面 不是很感兴趣,那么还可以安装图形界面的管理工具。以下为参考链接
参考链接:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-12/76324.htm 经测试此种方法成功安装!!