分糖果时间限制:1.0s 内存限制:256.0MB问题描述 有n个小朋友围坐成一圈。老师
Problem B: Throwing cards away I Given is an ordered deck ofn cards numbered 1 to n with card 1 at the top and card n at the bottom. The following operation is performed as long as there are at leas
Printer QueueTime limit: 3.000 seconds【分析】 首先记录所求时间它在队列中的位置,用一个队列存储这些任务的优先级,同时也创建一个队列存储对应任务一开始的位置,那么当我们对前一个队列进行什么操作时,后一个队列也跟着做什么操作即可,就可以保证两个队列的对应关系——任务对应初始位置。进行模拟时,
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