返回值 decltype(表达式)
1. 如果这个表达式是个函数,decltype 给出的类型为函数返回值的类型。
- int add(int i, int j){ return i+j; }
- decltype(add(5,6)) var = 5;//Here the type of var is return of add() -> which is int并不会执行add
- 需要注意:如果 int ary[10] = {0};那么 decltype(ary) iary;则iary也是含有10 个元素的数组,而不是指针。
2.如果表达式是一个左值类型,那么 decltype 给出的类型为表达式左值引用类型。
- struct M { double x; };
- double pi = 3.14;
- const M* m = new M();
- decltype( (m->x) ) piRef = pi;
- // Note: Due to the inner bracets the inner statement is evaluated as expression,
- // rather than member 'x' and as type of x is double and as this is lvale
- // the return of declspec is double& and as 'm' is a const pointer
- // the return is actually const double&.
- // So the type of piRef is const double& view plaincopy
3.非常重要的标记一下,decltype 不会执行表达式而auto会,他仅仅推论一下表达式的类型。
- int foo(){}
- decltype( foo() ) x; // x is an int and note that
- // foo() is not actually called at runtime view plaincopy
- template<class U, class V>
- auto Multiply(U u, V v) -> decltype(u*v)// Note -> after the function bracet. 不要忘记这句话
- {
- return u*v;
- } plain