iced - 跨平台原生Rust GUI库,并且受到赞助了
A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
重要的特性:同时支持本地GUI和Web UI。就是一份代码,可以编译到不同平台上运行。
然后,今天发布的消息,这个项目已经被 Cryptowatch 赞助了。
gnome-shell 的css解析栈工具全面转向Rust
大意是说gnome-shell之前使用的那些处理css的c语言的库,都已经陈旧且长时间不再维护了,而新的Mozilla/Servo/Rust 相关的Css工作栈的库,更新很快,性能也强。现在gnome官方已经决定全面转向使用 Rust 这套工具包了。
How to Panic in Rust
What exactly happens when you panic!()? I recently spent a lot of time looking at the parts of the standard library concerned with this, and it turns out the answer is quite complicated! I have not been able to find docs explaining the high-level picture of panicking in Rust, so this feels worth writing down.
scryer-prolog - 用Rust写的现代prolog编译器实现
Scryer Prolog aims to become to ISO Prolog what GHC is to Haskell: an open source industrial strength production environment that is also a testbed for bleeding edge research in logic and constraint programming, which is itself written in a high-level language.
Neat Rust Tricks: Passing Rust Closures to C
One of Rust’s biggest selling points is how well it can interoperate with C. It’s able to call into C libraries and produce APIs that C can call into with very little fuss. However, when dealing with sufficiently complex APIs, mismatches between language concepts can become a problem. In this post we’re going to look at how to handle callback functions when working with C from Rust.
calculator - 用 Nom, Pratt Parser, LLVM, Cranelift and Relm 实现的计算器
同时支持 cli,repl, gtk 哦。