
  • cpu执行指令过程中涉及的各种周期间的关系/主频&超频/同步cpu频率&发热
  • ref
  • 三种周期
  • 定长机器周期
  • 不定长机器周期
  • 🎈时钟周期(节拍/状态)
  • 机器周期
  • 指令周期
  • 指令周期的划分
  • 内存相关的周期
  • 存取周期
  • 存取时间
  • 参考
  • 小结
  • 相关概念
  • 时钟周期(时钟频率)&超频
  • 时钟频率的限制条件
  • 外频&倍频
  • 不锁倍频
  • 主频&时钟频率
  • Performance衡量cpu性能的指标
  • 时钟频率
  • What Is Clock Speed?
  • 通过时钟频率比较处理器性能
  • 同步cpu&时钟信号
  • 时钟周期下限
  • 同步cpu的缺点
  • 改进策略
  • cpu频率和发热(中文)
  • references



  • PC_cpu的结构和工作流程/指令周期分析_xuchaoxin1375的博客


  • 下面这个图从小到达涵盖了:时钟周期(一定等长),机器周期(不一定等长),指令周期(不一定等长)间的层次关系



  • 所示为不定长的机器周期,每个机器周期包含的节拍数可以为4个,也可以为3个

计组_指令周期/机器周期(cpu周期)/时钟周期(节拍T) 主频&超频/cpu频率&发热_机器周期


  • 在一个机器周期里可完成若干个微操作,每个微操作都需要一定的时间
  • 可用时钟信号来控制产生每一个微操作命令时钟就好比计算机的心脏,
  • 只要接通电源,计算机内就会产生时钟信号。
  • 时钟信号可由机器主振电路(如晶体振荡器)发出的脉冲信号经整形(或倍频、分频)后产生,
  • 时钟信号的频率即为CPU主频。
  • 时钟信号控制节拍发生器,就可产生节拍;
  • 每个节拍的宽度正好对应一个时钟周期。
  • 在每个节拍内机器可完成一个或几个需同时执行的操作,它是控制计算机操作的最小时间单位
  • 时钟周期是(计算机CPU操作的)最小的时间单位,也叫节拍
  • 工作脉冲:控制器的最小时间单位,起定时触发的作用(一个时钟周期有一个工作脉冲)
  • 时钟周期T:
  • 它是 CPU操作的 最基本单位,用 时钟信号控制 节拍发生器,可以产生节拍,每个 节拍的宽度正好对应一个 时钟周期
  • 在每个节拍内 机器可完成一个或几个同时执行的操作
  • 这是实现流水指令的基础条件
  • 时钟周期和主频的互为倒数
  • 计组_指令周期/机器周期(cpu周期)/时钟周期(节拍T) 主频&超频/cpu频率&发热_机器周期_02
  • 计组_指令周期/机器周期(cpu周期)/时钟周期(节拍T) 主频&超频/cpu频率&发热_指令周期_03


  • 机器周期可看做是所有指令执行过程中的一个基准时间,机器周期取决于指令的功能及器件的速度。
  • 确定机器周期时,通常要分析机器指令的执行步骤及每一步骤所需的时间。
  • 例如,
  1. 取数、存数指令能反映存储器的速度及其与CPU的配合情况;
  2. 加法指令能反映ALU的速度
  3. 条件转移指令因为要根据上一条指令的执行结果,经测试后才能决定是否转移,所需的时间较长。
  • 总之,通过对机器指令执行步骤的分析,会找到一个基准时间,在这个基准时间内,所有指令的操作都能结束
  1. 若以这个基准时间定为机器周期,显然不是最合理的。
  2. 因为只有以完成复杂指令功能所需的时间(最长时间)作为基准,才能保证所有指令在此时间内完成全部操作,这对简单指令来说,显然是一种浪费。
  • 进一步分析发现,机器内的各种操作大致可归属为
  • CPU内部的操作对主存的操作两大类,
  • 由于CPU内部的操作速度较快,CPU访存的操作时间较长,因此通常以访问一次存储器的时间定为基准时间较为合理,这个基准时间就是机器周期
  • 又由于不论执行什么指令,都需要访问存储器取出指冬,因此在存储字长等于指令字长的前提下,取指周期也可看做机器周期。
  • 考虑到,指令周期的每个阶段占用的机器周期不一定等长,所以机器周期之间也不一定等长


  • CPU 从主存中 取出并执行一条指令的时间称为 指令周期 ,不同指令的指令周期可能不同。
  • 指令周期,又称提取-执行周期(fetch-and-execute cycle)是指
  • CPU要执行一条机器指令经过的步骤,由若干机器周期组成。
  • 不同的机器分解指令周期的方式也不同,
  • 有的处理器对每条指令分解出相同数量的机器周期(即使某些简单的指令可以在更少的机器周期内完成),
  • 另一些处理器根据指令的复杂程度分解出不同数量的机器周期
  • 取得指令:
  • CPU内有程序计数器(PC),它储存下一个要执行的指令的地址。处理器按PC储存的地址,经主内存取得指令的内容,PC加1,经数据总线指令存入指令寄存器(IR)。
  • 解码指令:
  • 执行指令:
  • 执行从内存(RAM/Cache)中取到的指令
  • 通常我们更关心这个指令周期的这个阶段(执行阶段);区分不通指令的功能
  • 储存结果
  • 一共是4步 前两步称为提取周期,后两步为执行周期


  • 不同的指令的指令周期划分阶段可以不同(指令周期可以分为若干个可能有差异的cpu周期(机器周期))
  • 例如,无条件转移指令仅包含 取指阶段执行阶段(分别对应 取指周期执行周期两个机器周期)
  • 对于间接寻址的指令,除了取指周期和执行周期,中间还有一个间接寻址的阶段(间址周期)
  • 考虑的完整一些,cpu若采取中断的方式实现主机和某些I/O设备的信息交换时,则cpu在每条指令结束前,都要发出中断查询信号
  • 如果发现了中断请求,cpu进入中断响应阶段(中断周期)
  • 上述4个工作周期都有CPU访存操作,只是访存的目的不同。
  • 取指周期是为了取指令,
  • 间址周期是为了取有效地址,
  • 执行周期是为了取操作数,
  • 中断周期是为了保存程序断点。
  • 机器周期可视为所有指令执行过程中的一个基准时间。
  • 不同指令的操作不同,指令周期也不同。
  • 指令周期可以由多个**cpu周期(机器周期)**构成



  • 访问一次存储器的时间是固定的,因此 通常以 存取周期作为 基准时间 ,即内存中读取一个指令字的 最短时间作为机器周期
  • 在存储字长等于指令字长的前提下,取指周期也可视为 机器周期
  • 在一个 机器周期里可完成若干 微操作,每个微操作都需一定的时间,可用 时钟信号来控制产生每个微操作命令。


  • 存储器进行两次独立的存储器操纵(读操作/写操作)所需要的最小间隔时间
  • 存取时间仅为 完成一次操作的时间,而 存取周期不仅包含 操作时间,还包含操作后 线路的恢复时间


  • Instruction cycle - Wikipedia
  • In simpler CPUs, the instruction cycle is executed sequentially, each instruction being processed before the next one is started.
  • the next instruction starts being processed before the previous instruction has finished, which is possible because the cycle is broken up into separate steps.[1]


  • 时钟周期=节拍脉冲=震荡周期
  • 能完成一次微操作
  • 机器周期= CPU周期
  • 从主存读出一条指令的最短时间
  • 可完成复杂操作
  • 指令周期:
  • 从主存取一条指令并执行指令的时间
  • 取指+执行




  1. In general, frequency is a measurement of how often something happens. In science and technology, frequency is measured in Hz (hertz).
  2. Concerning a CPU, frequency refers to the processor’s operational clock cycles per second. The frequency of most modern CPUs is measured in GHz, or billions of cycles per second.
  3. A frequency is the number of oscillations in alternating electrical current each second.
  • 1995年,Intel’s Pentium 芯片达到了100 MHz (1亿次/秒),到了2002年,最快的CPU:Intel Pentium 4 达到了3GHz(三十亿次/秒,相当于每个周期3.3*10-10秒)
  • 对某些CPU来说,将时钟频率降低一半(降频),一般来说性能也将降低一半,同时此CPU产生的热量也将减少。
  • 与此相对的,有些人试图提高CPU性能,为此他们尝试让CPU运行在一个较高的时钟频率上(超频)[1]。对他们来说他们的超频行为可能会很快受到下面一条或者两条条件的限制:
  • 在一个时钟脉冲后,CPU的信号线需要时间稳定它的新状态。如果上一个脉冲的信号还没有处理完成,而下一个时钟脉冲来的太快(在所有信号线完成从0到1或者从1到0的转换前),就会产生错误的结果。芯片制造商制定了“最高时钟频率”的规范,并且在出售芯片之前对它们进行测试确保它们符合“最高时钟频率”的规范。测试将执行最复杂的指令,处理最复杂的数据模型确定使用的最长处理时间(测试在最合适的电压和稳定保证CPU在最低性能下运行),保证最高时钟频率时不会发生冲突。
  • 当信号线从1转换到0状态(也可以是0转换到1状态)时,将会浪费部分能量使之转换为热能(主要是内部驱动晶体管)。当CPU执行复杂指令,由此进行大量的1状态0状态之间的互相转换时,更高的时钟频率将更容易浪费掉能量产生更多的热量。如果产生的热量不能被散热系统及时带走,晶体管将可能因此过热损坏。
  • 工程师一直在寻找新的方法来设计CPU,使它们性能提高,耗能减少,减少限制条件的影响,使新的CPU能运行在更高的时钟频率上。最终限制条件可能由可逆计算解决,虽然可逆计算还没有得到应用。
  • 同时人们也在寻找另一种新方法来设计CPU,使新CPU与老CPU运行在相同甚至更低的时钟频率,但是新CPU将拥有在每个时钟周期执行更多指令的能力(另见摩尔定律)。
  • 时钟频率是比较在同一家族内的芯片性能的唯一方法。
  • 例如,一台PC机配备了50MHz的Intel 486 CPU的计算机,它的性能大约是拥有同样内存、显示设备和CPU但CPU运行在25MHz的另一台计算机的两倍,
  • 而如果是一台运行在相同时钟频率的MIPS R4000计算机就不能这样直接比较了,因为它们的处理器、功能和架构是不同的
  • 此外,在比较计算机整体性能的时候还需要考虑很多因素
  • 时钟频率不应该被应用在不同计算机或者不同类处理器家族的比较中。
  • 而是应该以软件基准测试的结果作为比较的标准。
  • 仅仅考虑时钟频率会让人产生误解,因为不同的处理器在一个周期内能完成的工作是不一样的。
  • 例如,精简指令集(RISC)处理器的指令要比复杂指令集(CISC)的简单(但是时钟频率要高)、
  • 超标量处理机可以在一个周期内执行多条指令,但是它一个周期没有完成多条指令的情况也不少见。
  • 此外除去时钟频率低标量并行度都影响了计算机的性能。


  • 而且绝大部分电脑系统中外频也是内存与主板之间的同步运行的速度,在这种方式下,可以理解为CPU的外频直接与内存相连通,实现两者间的同步运行状态
  • cpu不锁倍频的设计,这就意味更适合超频方面的应用


  • 时钟频率(又译:时钟频率速度,英语:clock rate),是指同步电路中时钟的基础频率,它以“若干次周期每秒”来度量,量度单位采用SI单位赫兹(Hz)。
  • 它是评定CPU性能的重要指标。一般来说主频数字值越大越好。
  • 外频,是CPU外部的工作频率,是由主板提供的基准时钟频率
  • FSB(Front Side Bus)频率,是连接CPU和主板芯片组中的北桥芯片的前端总线(Front Side Bus)上的数据传输频率
  • CPU的主频和外频间存在这样的关系:主频=外频×倍频


  • The performance or speed of a processor depends on, among many other factors,
  • the clock rate (generally given in multiples of hertz) and
  • the instructions per clock (IPC), (或者大单位MIPS)
  • which together are the factors for the instructions per second (IPS) that the CPU can perform.[82]
  • Many reported IPS values have represented “peak” execution rates on artificial instruction sequences with few branches, whereas realistic workloads consist of a mix of instructions and applications, some of which take longer to execute than others.
  • The performance of the memory hierarchy also greatly affects processor performance, an issue barely considered in MIPS calculations.
  • Because of these problems, various standardized tests, often called “benchmarks” for this purpose—such as SPECint—have been developed to attempt to measure the real effective performance in commonly used applications.
  • Processing performance of computers is increased by using multi-core processors, which essentially is plugging two or more individual processors (called cores in this sense) into one integrated circuit.[83]
  • Ideally, a dual core processor would be nearly twice as powerful as a single core processor.
  • In practice, the performance gain is far smaller, only about 50%, due to imperfect software algorithms and implementation.[84]
  • Increasing the number of cores in a processor (i.e. dual-core, quad-core, etc.) increases the workload that can be handled.
  • This means that the processor can now handle numerous asynchronous events, interrupts, etc. which can take a toll on the CPU when overwhelmed. These cores can be thought of as different floors in a processing plant, with each floor handling a different task.
  • Sometimes, these cores will handle the same tasks as cores adjacent to them if a single core is not enough to handle the information.
  • Due to specific capabilities of modern CPUs, such as simultaneous multithreading and uncore, which involve sharing of actual CPU resources while aiming at increased utilization, monitoring performance levels and hardware use gradually became a more complex task.[85]
  • As a response, some CPUs implement additional hardware logic that monitors actual use of various parts of a CPU and provides various counters accessible to software; an example is Intel’s Performance Counter Monitor technology.[2]


  • Clock speed is one of your CPU’s key specifications—but what does it really mean?
  • The performance of your CPU—the “brain” of your PC—has a major impact on the speed at which programs load and how smoothly they run.
  • However, there are a few different ways to measure processor performance.
  • Clock speed (also “clock rate” or “frequency”) is one of the most significant.
  • If you’re wondering how to check your clock speed, click the Start menu (or click the Windows* key) and type “System Information.” Your CPU’s model name and clock speed will be listed under “Processor”.

What Is Clock Speed?

  • In general, a higher clock speed means a faster CPU. However, many other factors come into play.
  • Your CPU processes many instructions (low-level calculations like arithmetic) from different programs every second.
  • The clock speed measures the number of cycles your CPU executes per second, measured in GHz (gigahertz).
  • A “cycle” is technically a pulse synchronized by an internal oscillator, but for our purposes, they’re a basic unit that helps understand a CPU’s speed. During each cycle, billions of transistors within the processor open and close.


  • A CPU with a clock speed of 3.2 GHz executes 3.2 billion cycles per second. (Older CPUs had speeds measured in megahertz, or millions of cycles per second.)
  • Sometimes, multiple instructions are completed in a single clock cycle;
  • in other cases, one instruction might be handled over multiple clock cycles.
  • Since different CPU designs handle instructions differently, it’s best to compare clock speeds within the same CPU brand and generation.
  • For example, a CPU with a higher clock speed from five years ago might be outperformed by a new CPU with a lower clock speed, as the newer architecture deals with instructions more efficiently.
  • An X-series Intel® processor might outperform a K-series processor with a higher clock speed, because it splits tasks between more cores and features(have as an important actor or participant) a larger CPU cache.
  • But within the same generation of CPUs, a processor with a higher clock speed will generally outperform a processor with a lower clock speed across many applications.
  • This is why it’s important to compare processors from the same brand and generation.
  • In computing, the clock rate or clock speed typically refers to the frequency at which the clock generator of a processor can generate pulses, which are used to synchronize the operations of its components,[1]
  • and is used as an indicator of the processor’s speed.
  • It is measured in clock cycles per second(每秒钟的完成的时钟周期) or its equivalent, the SI(International System of Units国际单位) unit hertz (Hz).
  • The clock rate of the first generation of computers was measured in hertz or kilohertz (kHz), the first personal computers (PCs) to arrive throughout the 1970s and 1980s had clock rates measured in megahertz (MHz), and in the 21st century the speed of modern CPUs is commonly advertised in gigahertz (GHz).
  • This metric is most useful when comparing processors within the same family, holding constant other features that may affect performance.
  • Video card and CPU manufacturers commonly select their highest performing units from a manufacturing batch and set their maximum clock rate higher, fetching a higher price.


  • Most CPUs are synchronous circuits, which means they employ a clock signal to pace their sequential operations.
  • The clock signal is produced by an external oscillator circuit that generates a consistent number of pulses each second in the form of a periodic square wave.
  • The frequency of the clock pulses determines the rate at which a CPU executes instructions and, consequently, the faster the clock, the more instructions the CPU will execute each second.
  • To ensure proper operation of the CPU, the clock period is longer than the maximum time needed for all signals to propagate (move) through the CPU.
  • In setting the clock period to a value well above the worst-case propagation delay, it is possible to design the entire CPU and the way it moves data around the “edges” of the rising and falling clock signal.
  • This has the advantage of simplifying the CPU significantly, both from a design perspective and a component-count perspective.
  • However, it also carries the disadvantage that the entire CPU must wait on its slowest elements, even though some portions of it are much faster.

This limitation has largely been compensated弥补 for by various methods of increasing CPU parallelism并行 (see below).


  • However, architectural improvements alone do not solve all of the drawbacks of globally synchronous CPUs.
  • For example, a clock signal is subject to the delays of any other electrical signal.
  • Higher clock rates in increasingly complex CPUs make it more difficult to keep the clock signal in phase (synchronized) throughout the entire unit.
  • This has led many modern CPUs to require multiple identical clock signals to be provided to avoid delaying a single signal significantly enough to cause the CPU to malfunction故障.
  • Another major issue, as clock rates increase dramatically, is the amount of heat that is dissipated by the CPU.
  • The constantly changing clock causes many components to switch regardless of whether they are being used at that time.
  • In general, a component that is switching uses more energy than an element in a static state.
  • Therefore, as clock rate increases, so does energy consumption, causing the CPU to require more heat dissipation in the form of CPU cooling solutions.


  • One method of dealing with the switching of unneeded components is called clock gating, which involves turning off the clock signal to unneeded components (effectively disabling them).
  • However, this is often regarded as difficult to implement and therefore does not see common usage outside of very low-power designs.
  • One notable recent CPU design that uses extensive clock gating is the IBM PowerPC-based Xenon used in the Xbox 360; that way, power requirements of the Xbox 360 are greatly reduced.[67]



  • 主频=外频×倍频。
  • 大部分的CPU,甚至大部分的时序逻辑设备,本质上都是同步的。
  • [seqlogic]也就是说,它们被设计和使用的前题是假设都在同一个同步信号中工作。这个信号,就是众所周知的**时脉讯号**,通常是由一个周期性的方波(构成)。
  • 通过计算电信号在CPU众多不同电路中的分支中循环所需要的最大时间,设计者们可为时脉讯号选择一个适合的周期
  • 该周期必须比信号在延迟最大的情况下移动或者传播所需的时间更长
  • 设计整个CPU在时钟信号的上升沿下降沿附近移动数据是可能的。无论是在设计还是器件的维度看来,均对简化CPU有显著的优点。
  • 同时,它也存在CPU必须等候回应较慢器件的缺点。
  • 此限制已透过多种增加CPU并行运算的方法下被大幅的补偿了
  • 无论如何,结构上的改良无法解决所有同步CPU的弊病。
  • 比方说,时脉讯号易受其它的电子信号影响。在逐渐复杂的CPU中,越来越高的时钟频率使其更难与整个单元的时脉讯号同步。
  • 是故近代的CPU倾向发展多个相同的时脉讯号,以避免单一信号的延迟使得整个CPU失灵。
  • 另一个主要的问题是,时脉讯号的增加亦使得CPU产生的热能增加。
  • 持续变动的时钟频率使得许多器件切换(Switch)而不论它们是否处于运作状态。
  • 一般来说,一个处于切换状态的器件比处于静止状态还要耗费更多的能源
  • 因此,时钟频率的增加使得CPU需要更有效率的冷却方案。
  • 其中一个处理切换不必要器件的方法称为时脉闸控,即关闭对不必要器件的时钟频率(有效的禁止器件)。
  • 但此法被认为太难实行而不见其低耗能通用性。[clockgating]
  • 另一个对全程时钟信号的方法是同时移除时钟信号。当移除全程时钟信号;使得设计的程序更加复杂时,异步(或无时脉)设计使其在能源消耗与产生热能的维度上更有优势。
  • 罕见的是,所有的CPU建造在没有利用全程时钟信号的状况。
  • 两个值得注意的示例是ARM(“Advanced RISC Machine”)顺从AMULET以及MIPS R3000兼容MiniMIPS。与其完全移除时脉讯号,部分CPU的设计允许一定比例的设备不同步,比方说使用不同步算术逻辑单元连接超标量流水线以达成一部分的算术性能增进。
  • 在不将时脉讯号完全移除的情况下,不同步的设计可使其表现出比同步计数器更少的数学运算。因此,结合了不同步设计极佳的能源耗损量及热能产生率,使它更适合在嵌入式计算机上运作
