
一种由 LLM 驱动的零样本方法,使用大型语言模型构建增量知识图谱(KG)

iText2KG 是一个 Python 包,通过利用大型语言模型从文本文档中提取实体和关系,逐步构建具有已解析实体和关系的一致知识图谱。



  • 文档提取器:此模块将原始文档重新表述为预定义的语义块,并由指导 LLM 提取特定信息的模式引导。
  • 增量实体提取器:此模块识别并解析语义块内的唯一语义实体,确保实体之间的清晰度和区别。
  • 增量关系提取器:此组件处理已解析的实体以检测语义上唯一的关系,解决语义重复的挑战。
  • Neo4j 图形集成器:最后一个模块以图形格式可视化关系和实体,利用 Neo4j 进行有效表示。

对于我们的 iText2KG 它包含了两大特点

  • 增量构建:iText2KG 允许增量构建 KG,这意味着它可以在新数据可用时不断更新和扩展图,而无需进行大量重新处理。
  • 零样本学习:该框架利用 LLM 的零样本功能,使其无需预定义集或外部本体即可运行。这种灵活性使其能够适应各种 KG 构建场景,而无需进行大量训练或微调。

一 、设置模型

在运行 iText2KG 之前,我们先设置好大模型,我这里选择的是 OpenAi 的模型以及 HuggingFacebge-large-zh embedding 模型。这么选择也是考虑到构建 KG 的准确度。

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings  
import os  
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "*****"  
openai_api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]  
openai_llm_model = llm = ChatOpenAI(  
messages = [  
        "You are a helpful assistant that translates English to French. Translate the user sentence.",  
    ("human", "I love programming."),  

开始部署我们的 Embedding 模型:

from langchain_huggingface.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings  
openai_embeddings_model = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5")  
text = "This is a test document."  
query_result = openai_embeddings_model.embed_query(text)  
doc_result = openai_embeddings_model.embed_documents([text])


二 、使用 iText2KG 构建 KG



我们可以为 iText2KG 的每个模块使用不同的 LLM 或嵌入模型。但是,重要的是确保节点和关系嵌入的维度在各个模型之间保持一致。



from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader  
loader = PyPDFLoader(f"./CV_Emily_Davis.pdf")  
pages = loader.load_and_split()

初始化 DocumentDistiller 引入 llm

from itext2kg.documents_distiller import DocumentsDisiller, CV  
document_distiller = DocumentsDisiller(llm_model = openai_llm_model)


IE_query = '''  
- Act like an experienced information extractor.  
- You have a chunk of a CV.  
- If you do not find the right information, keep its place empty.  
# 使用定义好的查询和输出数据结构提炼文档。  
distilled_cv = document_distiller.distill(documents=[page.page_content.replace("{", '[').replace("}", "]") for page in pages], IE_query=IE_query, output_data_structure=CV)


semantic_blocks_cv = [f"{key} - {value}".replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]") for key, value in distilled_cv.items() if value !=[] and value != ""  and value != None]


from pydantic import BaseModel, Field  
from typing import List, Optional  
class JobResponsibility(BaseModel):  
    description: str = Field(..., description="A specific responsibility in the job role")  
class JobQualification(BaseModel):  
    skill: str = Field(..., description="A required or preferred skill for the job")  
class JobCertification(BaseModel):  
    certification: str = Field(..., description="Required or preferred certifications for the job")  
class JobOffer(BaseModel):  
    job_offer_title: str = Field(..., description="The job title")  
    company: str = Field(..., description="The name of the company offering the job")  
    location: str = Field(..., description="The job location (can specify if remote/hybrid)")  
    job_type: str = Field(..., description="Type of job (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract)")  
    responsibilities: List[JobResponsibility] = Field(..., description="List of key responsibilities")  
    qualifications: List[JobQualification] = Field(..., description="List of required or preferred qualifications")  
    certifications: Optional[List[JobCertification]] = Field(None, description="Required or preferred certifications")  
    benefits: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="List of job benefits")  
    experience_required: str = Field(..., description="Required years of experience")  
    salary_range: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Salary range for the position")  
    apply_url: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="URL to apply for the job")


job_offer = """  
About the Job Offer  
FICTITIOUS COMPANY is a high-end French fashion brand known for its graphic and poetic style, driven by the values of authenticity and transparency upheld by its creator Simon Porte Jacquemus.  
Your Role  
Craft visual stories that captivate, inform, and inspire. Transform concepts and ideas into visual representations. As a member of the studio, in collaboration with the designers and under the direction of the Creative Designer, you should be able to take written or spoken ideas and convert them into designs that resonate. You need to have a deep understanding of the brand image and DNA, being able to find the style and layout suited to each project.  
Your Missions  
Translate creative direction into high-quality silhouettes using Photoshop  
Work on a wide range of projects to visualize and develop graphic designs that meet each brief  
Work independently as well as in collaboration with the studio team to meet deadlines, potentially handling five or more projects simultaneously  
Develop color schemes and renderings in Photoshop, categorized by themes, subjects, etc.  
Your Profile  
Bachelor’s degree (Bac+3/5) in Graphic Design or Art  
3 years of experience in similar roles within a luxury brand's studio  
Proficiency in Adobe Suite, including Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop  
Excellent communication and presentation skills  
Strong organizational and time management skills to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment  
Good understanding of the design process  
Freelance cont


IE_query = '''  
- Act like an experienced information extractor.  
- You have a chunk of a job offer description.  
- If you do not find the right information, keep its place empty.  
distilled_Job_Offer = document_distiller.distill(documents=[job_offer], IE_query=IE_query, output_data_structure=JobOffer)  
semantic_blocks_job_offer = [f"{key} - {value}".replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]") for key, value in distilled_Job_Offer.items() if value !=[] and value != ""  and value != None]

到这里准备工作完成,简历和工作需求都已经提炼完毕,然后正式开始构建 graph,我们将简历的所有语义块作为一个块传递给了 LLM



from itext2kg import iText2KG  
itext2kg = iText2KG(llm_model = openai_llm_model, embeddings_model = openai_embeddings_model)  
global_ent, global_rel = itext2kg.build_graph(sections=[semantic_blocks_cv], ent_threshold=0.6, rel_threshold=0.6)  
global_ent_, global_rel_ = itext2kg.build_graph(sections=[semantic_blocks_job_offer], existing_global_entities = global_ent, existing_global_relationships = global_rel,  ent_threshold=0.6, rel_threshold=0.6)

iText2KG 构建 KG 的过程我们看到有很多参数,下面分贝是对每个参数的表示做一些解释:

  • llm_model:用于从文本中提取实体和关系的语言模型实例。
  • embeddings_model:用于创建提取实体的向量表示的嵌入模型实例。
  • sleep_time (int):遇到速率限制或错误时等待的时间(以秒为单位)(仅适用于 OpenAI)。默认为 5 秒。

iText2KGbuild_graph 参数:

  • sections (List[str]):字符串(语义块)列表,其中每个字符串代表文档的一部分,将从中提取实体和关系。
  • existing_global_entities (List[dict], optional):与新提取的实体进行匹配的现有全局实体列表。每个实体都表示为一个字典。
  • existing_global_relationships (List[dict], optional):与新提取的关系匹配的现有全局关系列表。每个关系都表示为一个字典。
  • ent_threshold (float, optional):实体匹配的阈值,用于合并不同部分的实体。默认值为 0.7。
  • rel_threshold (float, optional):关系匹配的阈值,用于合并不同部分的关系。默认值为 0.7。




最后使用 GraphIntegrator 对构建的知识图谱进行可视化。

使用指定的凭据访问图形数据库 Neo4j,并对生成的图形进行可视化,以提供从文档中提取的关系和实体的视觉表示。

from itext2kg.graph_integration import GraphIntegrator  
URI = "bolt://"  
USERNAME = "neo4j"  
PASSWORD = "selection-cosal-cubes"  
new_graph = {}  
new_graph["nodes"] = global_ent_  
new_graph["relationships"] = global_rel_  
GraphIntegrator(uri=URI, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD).visualize_graph(json_graph=new_graph)

打开我们的 Neo4j 图形数据库:


可以看到简历和工作需求的匹配关系连接。这样子我们可以灵活的运用 iText2KG 框架做图形关系和实体的增量。


本文介绍了使用大型语言模型 ( LLM ) 构建增量知识图谱 ( KG ) 的 iText2KG 框架。一个强大的 KG 构建框架,该框架利用了 LLM 的优势,解决了该领域的重大挑战,并提出了一种模块化方法,可增强不同领域的灵活性和适用性。

  • 增强的架构一致性:iText2KG 方法在各种文档类型中实现了高架构一致性,优于由于依赖预定义结构而经常难以保持一致性的传统方法。
  • 实体和关系提取的高精度:该框架有效地缓解了与语义重复和未解决实体相关的问题,这些问题在传统方法中普遍存在。这导致更准确和可靠的 KG
  • 减少后处理需求:传统方法通常需要大量的后处理来解决歧义和冗余。iText2KG 通过采用结构化结构来最大限度地减少这种需求。