
  • 个人主页: ζ小菜鸡
  • 大家好我是ζ小菜鸡,让我们一起学习在 Windows 上安装 scoop。
  • 如果文章对你有帮助、欢迎关注、点赞、收藏(一键三连)

二、 scoop是什么


  scoop官方网址: https://scoop.sh/

在 Windows 上安装 scoop_Windows


  • Windows 7 以上
  • 64位系统
  • powershell 3 以上




在 Windows 上安装 scoop_运维_02


set-executionpolicy remotesigned -s cu


在 Windows 上安装 scoop_运维_03






iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')

## 或者

iwr-useb get.scoop.sh|iex


在 Windows 上安装 scoop_运维_04


在 Windows 上安装 scoop_scoop_05



code C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


在 Windows 上安装 scoop_运维_06


在 Windows 上安装 scoop_scoop_07

  添加以下内容: raw.githubusercontent.com

  手在ping raw.githubusercontent.com,如下图所示:

在 Windows 上安装 scoop_运维_08


irm get.scoop.sh | iex
iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
Creating shim...
Adding D:\scoop\shims to your path.
Scoop was installed successfully!
Type 'scoop help' for instructions.

scoop update


  通过 scoop 或 scoop help 命令查看使用简介,若输出帮助信息,说明安装成功:

scoop help


Usage: scoop [<COMMAND>] [<OPTIONS>]

Windows command line installer

General exit codes:
0 - Everything OK
1 - No parameter provided or usage shown
2 - Argument parsing error
3 - General execution error
4 - Permission/Privileges related issue
10+ - Number of failed actions (installations, updates, ...)

Type 'scoop help <COMMAND>' to get help for a specific command.

Available commands are:

alias       Manage scoop aliases.
bucket      Manage local scoop buckets.
cache       Show or clear the download cache.
cat         Show content of specified manifest(s).
checkup     Check system for pontential problems.
cleanup     Perform cleanup on specified installed application(s) by removing old/not actively used versions.
config      Get or set configuration values into scoop configuration file.
depends     List dependencies for an application.
download    Download manifest files into cache folder.
export      Export (an importable) list of installed applications.
help        Show help for specific scoop command or scoop itself.
hold        Hold an application(s) to disable updates.
home        Open the application's homepage in default browser.
info        Display information about an application.
install     Install specific application(s).
list        List installed applications.
prefix      Return the location/path of installed application.
reset       Force binaries/shims, shortcuts, environment variables and persisted data to be re-linked.
search      Search for applications, which are available for installation.
status      Show status and check for available updates for all installed applications.
unhold      Unhold an installed application(s) to enable updates.
uninstall   Uninstall specified application(s).
update      Update installed application(s), or scoop itself.
utils       Wrapper around utilities for maintaining buckets and manifests.
virustotal  Search virustotal database for potential viruses in files provided in manifest(s).
which       Locate the path to a shim/executable of application that was installed with scoop (similar to 'which' on Li

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