jQuery中使用.on()方法来处理事件. 具体可以看之前写的jQuery基本知识
页面上有3个li, 在默认状态下是折叠起来的(图1)
在点击之后, 面板展开, 再次点击的时候, 面板收起
1 <body>
3 <header><h1>Monsieur Pigeon</h1></header>
5 <section class="page">
6 <ul class="accordion" id="accordion">
7 <li>
8 <button class="accordion-control">Classics</button>
9 <div class="accordion-panel">
10 <p>If you like your flavors traditional, Monsieur Pigeon's classic marshmallows won't disappoint. With luxuriously <strong>Velvety Vanilla</strong>, <strong>Charming Chocolate</strong>, and <strong>Sumptuous Strawberry</strong>, the favorites you love are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve!</p>
11 </div>
12 </li>
13 <li>
14 <button class="accordion-control">The Flower Series</button>
15 <div class="accordion-panel">
16 <p>Take your tastebuds for a gentle stroll through an English garden filled with Monsieur Pigeon's beautifully fragrant Flower Series marshmallows. With three sweetly floral options: <strong>Elderberry</strong>, <strong>Rose Petal</strong>, and <strong>Chrysanthemum</strong> - all edible and all naturally flavored - they will have you dreaming of butterflies and birdsong in no time.</p>
17 </div>
18 </li>
19 <li>
20 <button class="accordion-control">Salt o' The Sea</button>
21 <div class="accordion-panel">
22 <p>Ahoy! If you long for a taste of organic sea salt mixed in with your sweet Monsieur Pigeon marshmallows, look no further than our Salt o' the Sea range. Featuring two delicious flavors: <strong>Salted Caramel</strong> and <strong>Cashew Butter</strong>, this sweetly salty duo will expand your taste horizons.</p>
23 </div>
24 </li>
25 </ul>
26 </section>
29 </body>
在.accordion-control的公共父元素accordion上绑定了click事件, 利用DOM事件冒泡机制来统一委托处理.
当出发了某个元素的click事件, JS会一次通知该元素及其父元素...知道最顶部的document对象位置.
如果这些元素上绑定了click事件处理函数, 就会依次执行.
在本例中, 事件委托机制就是, 不为每个button元素直接绑定click事件处理函数, 而是委托给ul元素, '告诉'他: 如果收到了click
事件触发匿名函数, 并且这个click事件时有这些button元素其中之一触发的, 就执行祖辈元素上委托绑定的事件处理函数.
1 $('.accordion').on('click', '.accordion-control', function(e){ // When clicked
2 e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action of button
3 //console.log($(this).attr('class'));
4 $(this) // Get the element the user clicked on 这里的this指向触发click事件的accordion-control类(可以从上一句console得知)
5 .next('.accordion-panel') // Select following panel
6 .not(':animated') // If it is not currently animating
7 .slideToggle(); // Use slide toggle to show or hide it
8 });