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Unity Analytics is Unity’s official analytics solution. No SDK to implement and it’s free! We have been hard at work expanding our analytics product and we are excited to announce the following new features now available: Native Engine Integration, Heatmaps, and Unity IAP Closed Beta Program.

Unity Analytics是Unity的官方分析解决方案。 没有SDK来实现,它的 歼稀土 ! 我们一直在努力扩大我们的分析产品,我们很高兴地宣布,现在提供以下新功能: 本地引擎集成比赛地图 ,并统一IAP封闭测试计划

Given the extremely competitive game landscape, analytics is important. However, in the real world there are also trade-offs, especially when it comes to development resources. Do you spend time:

鉴于竞争激烈的游戏格局,分析至关重要。 但是,在现实世界中也存在一些折衷,尤其是在开发资源方面。 您是否花费时间:

  • integrating analytics or [designing a new dungeon level]?
  • integrating analytics or [improving your tutorial]?
  • integrating analytics or [building a new boss encounter]?

It’s about trade-offs and we understand that. Integrating an analytics solution takes away precious game development time. However, making these game design tweaks without understanding the impact and quantifying the effect is basically flying in the dark.

这与权衡有关,我们了解这一点。 集成分析解决方案可以节省宝贵的游戏开发时间。 但是,在不了解效果和量化效果的情况下进行这些游戏设计的调整基本上是在黑暗中进行。

At Unity Analytics, we are focused on making sure developers don’t have to make this trade-off.  We built core analytics data tracking directly into the engine. As a result, harnessing the power of your players’ data now requires zero development resources! With a flip of a switch (ok, the Services Window) analytics is now instantly available!


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Not only do we provide readily available graphs and charts for your analysis, we’re excited to share with you another tool to visualize your data – Heatmaps! Take your raw event data and convert your data into easily understood three-dimensional information that you can view right inside your game level. Heatmaps help you to understand your data in the context of your game. Visually answer questions such as where your player is dying in your game or which road is most travelled. Read our forum post to get started. 

我们不仅为您的分析提供了随时可用的图形和图表,而且很高兴与您分享另一个工具来可视化您的数据 -热图 ! 获取原始事件数据并将数据转换为易于理解的三维信息,您可以在游戏级别内直接查看这些信息。 热图可帮助您了解游戏环境中的数据。 视觉上回答问题,例如玩家在游戏中丧生的地方或最常走的路 。 阅读我们的论坛帖子以开始使用。

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At Unite Boston we announced Unity In App Purchase (IAP) – an extensible cross platform API built into the Engine. Unity IAP makes it easy to implement In App Purchases into your application across the most popular App stores. Early next year, we’re rolling out universal reporting, receipt validation, and hosted inventory management. We’re happy to share that we’re looking for Closed Beta testers! Sign up here (in the Unity IAP section).

在波士顿团结大学,我们宣布了Unity购买应用内购买(IAP)–引擎内置的可扩展跨平台API。 通过Unity IAP ,可以轻松地在最受欢迎的App Store中将In App Purchases实现到您的应用程序中。 明年年初,我们将推出通用报告,收据验证和托管库存管理。 我们很高兴分享我们正在寻找封闭Beta测试人员的情况! 在此处注册 (在Unity IAP部分中)。

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We have added many of these features in direct response to feedback from the community, so thank you! Please let us know what you think and also which features you would like to see us offer next. Share your feature requests in the feedback tracker. To get started with Unity Analytics – Sign up now. The beta is free to all Unity developers!

我们添加了许多这些功能,以直接响应社区的反馈,所以谢谢! 请让我们知道您的想法,以及接下来您希望看到我们提供的功能。 在 反馈跟踪器中 共享您的功能请求 。 要开始使用Unity Analytics –立即 注册 。 该测试版对所有Unity开发人员都是免费的!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/10/09/unity-analytics-update-editor-integration-heatmaps-and-unity-iap-beta/

unity iap