AutoIt 目前最新是v3版本,这是一个使用类似BASIC脚本语言的免费软件,它设计用于Windows GUI(图形用户界面)中进行自动化操作.它利用模拟键盘按键,鼠标移动和窗口/控件的组合来实现自动化任务.而这是其它语言不可能做到或无可靠方法实现的(例如VBScript和SendKeys).
AutoIt is a freeware automation language for Microsoft Windows. In its earliest release, the software was primarily intended to create automation scripts (sometimes called macros) for Microsoft Windows programs but has since grown to include enhancements in both programming language design and overall functionality.
With the release of Version 3, the syntax of AutoIt has been restructured to be more like the BASIC family of languages. It is a third-generation programming language using a classical data model, utilizing a variant data type that can store several types of data, including arrays. It is compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista (however, support for operating systems older than Windows 2000 was discontinued with the release of v3.3.0).
An AutoIt automation script can be compiled into a compressed, stand-alone executable which can be run on computers that do not have the AutoIt interpreter installed. A wide range of function libraries (known as UDF’s, or “User Defined Functions”) are also included as standard or are available from the website to add specialized functionality. AutoIt is also distributed with an IDE based on the free SciTE editor. The compiler and help text are fully integrated and provide a de facto standard environment for developers using AutoIt.
The AutoIt SciTE editor.
* Scripting language with BASIC-like structure for Windows Desktop Environment.
* Add-on libraries and modules for specific applications.
* On-line support forum for AutoIt users and developers.
* Supports TCP and UDP protocols.
* Supports COM (component object modelling) objects.
* Call functions in Win32 DLLs.
* Run console applications and access the standard streams.
* Include files in the compiled file to be extracted when run.
* GUI interfaces, create message and input boxes.
* Play sounds, pause, resume, stop, seek, get the current position of the sound and get the length of the sound.
* Simulate mouse movements.
* Manipulate windows and processes.
* Automate sending user input and keystrokes to applications, as well as to individual controls within an application.
* Scripts can be compiled into standalone executables.
* Unicode support from version
* 64 bit code support from version
* Supports regular expressions.
* Works with Windows Vista’s User Account Control.
* Object oriented design through library
AutoIt can be used to produce utility software for Microsoft Windows and automate common tasks, such as website monitoring, network monitoring, disk defragging and backup. It is also used to simulate application users, whereby an application is driven by an AutoIt script in place of manual application control during software testing.