tags: English



  • data datum 数据
  • media medium 媒体
  • bacteria bacterium 细菌
  • stadia stadium 体育场
  • curricula curriculum 课程

  • criteria criterion 标准

big data keywords(five V’s):

  1. volumn: 容量
  2. velocity: 速度
  3. variety: 多样性
  4. veracity: 可信度(真实性)
  5. value: 价值
  • prestigious: 有威望的
  • awash: 充斥
  • ravage: 毁坏


Businesses will get efficiency, as information about the physical world that used to be ephemeral and uncertain becomes concrete and analyzable.

Smart lighting in buildings saves energy.

Computerized machinery can predict its own breakdowns and schedule preventive maintenance.

Connected cows can have their eating habits and vital signs tracked in real time, which means they produce more milk and require less medicine when they fall ill.

Such gains are individually small but, compround again and again across an economy, they are the raw material of growth–potentially a great deal of it.

企业将得以提升效率. 现实世界中原本瞬息即逝, 难以把握的信息如今变得具体且易于分析. 建筑中的智能照明可以节省能耗. 计算机化的机械装置可以预测自身的故障并安排预防性维护. 将奶牛联网之后, 可以实时跟踪其饮食习惯和生命体征, 从而提高产奶量并减少其生病时的用药量. 尽管这样的收益单独来看不过是涓涓细流, 但在整个经济体中的一次次累积叠加之后, 他们就是增长的原动力, 而且可能推动巨大的经济增长.

Virtual business models will jar in the physical world. Tech furms are generally happy to move fast and break things. But you cannot release the beta version of a fridge. Apple, a smartphone maker, provides updates for its phones for only five years or so after their release; users of Android smartphones are lucky to get two. But goods such as washing machines or industrial machinery can have lifespans of a decade or more. Firms will need to work out how to support complicated computerized devices long after their original programmers have moved on.

虚拟商业模式到了现实世界中将会格格不入。科技公司通常都乐于快速行动,也勇于创新。 但是你无法对冰箱这样的产品发布测试版。智能手机制造商苹果公司在新机发布后仅提供五年左右的系统更新服务,安卓智能手机的用户能享受两年的更新服务就不错了。但洗衣机或工业机械等产品的寿命可达十年或更长时间。在最初的程序员离岗很长时间之后,企业将需要找出解决办法来继续支持复杂的计算机化设备。

  • One forecast is that by 2035 the world will have a trillion connected computers, built into everything from food packaging to bridges and clothes.
    有人预测, 到2035年, 全世界将有一万亿台联网计算机植入各种各样的事物之中, 包括食品包装, 桥梁和衣物等.
  • Consumers will get convenience, and products that can do things non-computerised versions cannot.
    消费者将获得便利, 其使用的产品具有非计算机化版本所不具备的功能.
  • Ever more companies will become tech companies; the internet will becomeall-pervasive.
    越来越多的公司将成为科技公司, 互联网将变得无处不在.
  • Firms will need to work out how to support complicated computerised devices long after their original programmers have moved on.
    在最初的程序员离岗很长时间之后, 企业将需要找出解决办法来继续支持复杂的计算机化设备.
  • Medical implants observe and modify heartbeats and insulin levels, with varying degrees of transparency.
    基于不同级别的透明度, 医疗植入设备能够监测和调整心跳及胰岛素水平.