1:  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%info%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   2:  %author: Yang Li
   3:  %email: yangli0534@gmail.com
   4:  %data:2013/12/16
   5:  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%IF signal generation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
   6:  b=2e6;
   7:  taup=50/1e6;
   8:  fc=20e6;
  10:  n = fix(50 * taup * b);
  11:  t = linspace(-taup/2,taup/2,n);
  12:  s= exp(i * pi * (b/taup) .* t.^2 + i * 2 * pi * fc .* t);
  13:  figure(1)
  14:  subplot(4,1,1)
  15:  plot(t,real(s),'k')
  16:  ylabel('real part of IF signal s')
  17:  xlabel('time in seconds')
  18:  grid
  19:  subplot(4,1,2)
  20:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
  21:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
  22:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
  23:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft(real(s)))),'k');
  24:  ylabel('Spectrum of real part of s')
  25:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
  27:  grid
  28:  subplot(4,1,3)
  29:  plot(t,imag(s),'k')
  30:  ylabel('imag part of IF signal s')
  31:  xlabel('time in seconds')
  32:  grid
  34:  subplot(4,1,4)
  36:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft(imag(s)))),'k');
  37:  ylabel('Spectrum of imag part of s')
  38:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
  39:  grid
  40:  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%mixer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  41:  lo =   exp(i*2 * pi * fc .* t);
  42:  smi = real(s) .* real(lo);
  43:  figure(2)
  44:  subplot(4,1,1)
  45:  plot(t, smi,'k')
  46:  ylabel('real part of   signal sm after mixed')
  47:  xlabel('time in seconds')
  48:  grid
  49:  subplot(4,1,2)
  50:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
  51:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
  52:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
  53:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( smi ))),'k');
  54:  ylabel('Spectrum of smi')
  55:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
  56:  grid
  58:  smq = real(s) .* imag(lo);
  60:  subplot(4,1,3)
  61:  plot(t, smq,'k')
  62:  ylabel('imap part of   signal sm after mixed')
  63:  xlabel('time in seconds')
  64:  grid
  65:  subplot(4,1,4)
  66:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
  67:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
  68:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
  69:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( smq ))),'k');
  70:  ylabel('Spectrum of smq')
  71:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
  72:  grid
  75:  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CIC filter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  76:  decf    = 10;  % Decimation Factor
  77:  diffd   = 1;   % Differential Delay
  78:  numsecs = 5;   % Number of Sections
  80:  hm = mfilt.cicdecim(decf, diffd, numsecs);
  81:  sci=double(filter(hm,smi));
  82:  scq=double(filter(hm,smq));
  83:  n=length(sci);
  84:  t = linspace(-taup/2,taup/2,n);
  85:  figure(3)
  86:  subplot(4,1,1)
  87:  plot(t, sci,'k')
  88:  ylabel('real part of   signal smi after cic filter')
  89:  xlabel('time in seconds')
  90:  grid
  91:  subplot(4,1,2)
  92:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
  93:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
  94:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
  95:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( sci ))),'k');
  96:  ylabel('Spectrum of sci')
  97:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
  98:  grid
 102:  subplot(4,1,3)
 103:  plot(t, scq,'k')
 104:  ylabel('imap part of   signal sm after mixed')
 105:  xlabel('time in seconds')
 106:  grid
 107:  subplot(4,1,4)
 108:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
 109:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
 110:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
 111:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( scq ))),'k');
 112:  ylabel('Spectrum of smq')
 113:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
 114:  grid
 116:  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%lpf filter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 117:  Fs = 9.98;  % Sampling Frequency
 119:  Fpass = 1;               % Passband Frequency
 120:  Fstop = 1.5;             % Stopband Frequency
 121:  Dpass = 0.057501127785;  % Passband Ripple
 122:  Dstop = 0.0001;          % Stopband Attenuation
 123:  dens  = 20;              % Density Factor
 125:  % Calculate the order from the parameters using FIRPMORD.
 126:  [N, Fo, Ao, W] = firpmord([Fpass, Fstop]/(Fs/2), [1 0], [Dpass, Dstop]);
 128:  % Calculate the coefficients using the FIRPM function.
 129:  b  = firpm(N, Fo, Ao, W, {dens});
 130:  Hd = dfilt.dffir(b);
 132:  spi=double(filter(Hd,sci));
 133:  spq=double(filter(Hd,scq));
 134:  n=length(spi);
 135:  t = linspace(-taup/2,taup/2,n);
 136:  figure(4)
 137:  subplot(4,1,1)
 138:  plot(t, spi,'k')
 139:  ylabel('real part of   signal spi after lpf filter')
 140:  xlabel('time in seconds')
 141:  grid
 142:  subplot(4,1,2)
 143:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
 144:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
 145:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
 146:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( spi ))),'k');
 147:  ylabel('Spectrum of spi')
 148:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
 149:  grid
 153:  subplot(4,1,3)
 154:  plot(t, spq,'k')
 155:  ylabel('imap part of   signal sm after lpf filter')
 156:  xlabel('time in seconds')
 157:  grid
 158:  subplot(4,1,4)
 159:  sampling_interval = 1 / 5 /fc;
 160:  freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval;
 161:  freq = linspace(-freqlimit,freqlimit,n);
 162:  plot(freq,fftshift(abs(fft( spq ))),'k');
 163:  ylabel('Spectrum of smq')
 164:  xlabel('Frequency in Hz')
 165:  grid

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