UPDATE CM_Contract
SET F1=b.HtClass,F2=b.IsFyControl
FROM CM_Contract a INNER JOIN dbo.dc_cb_Contract_temp2019 b ON a.contractId=b.contractId
insert into CM_Contract
(select [ContractId],[ProjectId],[SupplierId],[ContractNumber],[ContractName],[ContractAmount],
from dc_cb_Contract_temp2019
where [ContractId] not in(select [ContractId] from CM_Contract) and [ProjectId] not like '%;%'
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UPDATE SM_SupplierAccount
SET SupplierAccount=b.LicenceNo
FROM SM_SupplierAccount a INNER JOIN dbo.SM_supplier b ON a.SupplierId=b.SupplierId
where (a.SupplierAccount is null or a.SupplierAccount='' ) and b.LicenceNo is not null and b.LicenceNo !=''