
异常检测(Anomaly detection),一个很常见的问题。


异常检测,GAN如何gan ?_GAN生成对抗网络




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1. IPMI 2017 AnoGAN ( Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery )


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一是通过计算G(z)和x的图像层面的L1 loss:

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3. 2018-12 Adversarially Learned Anomaly Detection

第二种方法的加强版,也是基于BiGAN,并且在稳定训练上做了些功夫。如下所示,(乖乖,搞了三个判别器 =_=

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4. 2018-11-13 GANomaly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training

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所以训练好后,用正常样本训练好的 G只能重建正常数据分布,一旦用于从未见过的异常样本编码、解码、再经历编码得到的潜在空间Z差距是大的。


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5. 2019-01-25 Skip-GANomaly: Skip Connected and Adversarially Trained Encoder-Decoder Anomaly Detection

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6. PRICAI 2018 A Surface Defect Detection Method Based on Positive Samples

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7. MIDL 2018  Unsupervised Detection of Lesions in Brain MRI using constrained adversarial auto-encoders


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最后的最后,再来发一波、到目前为止、部分、用 GAN做异常检测的基本相关(直接用“adversarial anomaly detection”在arxiv上爬下来的,不一定相关!2333)论文供参考!!!


001 (2019-12-10) Event Detection in Micro-PMU Data  A Generative Adversarial Network ScoringMethod



002 (2019-12-10) Outage Detection in Partially Observable DistributionSystems using Smart Meters and Generative Adversarial Networks



003 (2019-12-9) Oversampling Log Messages Using a Sequence GenerativeAdversarial Network for Anomaly Detection and Classification



004 (2019-12-2) Anomaly Detection in Particulate Matter Sensor usingHypothesis Pruning Generative Adversarial Network



005 (2019-11-27) Sparse-GAN Sparsity-constrained Generative Adversarial Network for AnomalyDetection in Retinal OCT Image



006 (2019-11-21) EvAn  NeuromorphicEvent-based Anomaly Detection



007 (2019-11-19) Attention Guided Anomaly Detection and Localization in Images



008 (2019-11-17) Deep Verifier Networks Verification of Deep Discriminative Models with Deep Generative Models



009 (2019-11-16) RSM-GAN  A ConvolutionalRecurrent GAN for Anomaly Detection in Contaminated Seasonal Multivariate TimeSeries



010 (2019-10-30) Robust and Computationally-Efficient Anomaly Detectionusing Powers-of-Two Networks



011 (2019-10-29) Small-GAN  SpeedingUp GAN Training Using Core-sets



012 (2019-10-23) Photoshopping Colonoscopy Video Frames



013 (2019-10-21) GraphSAC  Detectinganomalies in large-scale graphs



014 (2019-10-21) Adversarial Anomaly Detection for Marked Spatio-TemporalStreaming Data



015 (2019-10-10) Misbehaviour Prediction for Autonomous Driving Systems



016 (2019-10-9) Adversarial Learning of Deepfakes in Accounting



017 (2019-09-12) Perceptual Image Anomaly Detection



018 (2019-08-27) Self-Supervised Representation Learning viaNeighborhood-Relational Encoding



019 (2019-08-10) Transcriptional Response of SK-N-AS Cells to Methamidophos



020 (2019-09-3) Februus  InputPurification Defence Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Network Systems



021 (2019-08-8) What goes around comes around  Cycle-Consistency-based Short-Term MotionPrediction for Anomaly Detection using Generative Adversarial Networks



022 (2019-08-2) Detection of Accounting Anomalies in the Latent Space usingAdversarial Autoencoder Neural Networks



023 (2019-09-3) Q-MIND  DefeatingStealthy DoS Attacks in SDN with a Machine-learning based Defense Framework



024 (2019-10-8) Real-time Evasion Attacks with Physical Constraints on DeepLearning-based Anomaly Detectors in Industrial Control Systems



025 (2019-07-12) AMAD  AdversarialMultiscale Anomaly Detection on High-Dimensional and Time-Evolving CategoricalData



026 (2019-06-27) A Survey on GANs for Anomaly Detection



027 (2019-06-15) Physical Integrity Attack Detection of Surveillance Camerawith Deep Learning Based Video Frame Interpolation



028 (2019-07-8) GAN-based Multiple Adjacent Brain MRI Slice Reconstructionfor Unsupervised Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis



029 (2019-06-3) Generative Adversarial Networks for Distributed IntrusionDetection in the Internet of Things



030 (2019-11-20) Unsupervised Learning of Anomaly Detection fromContaminated Image Data using Simultaneous Encoder Training



031 (2019-10-18) Adversarially-trained autoencoders for robust unsupervisednew physics searches



032 (2019-05-19) Spatio-Temporal Adversarial Learning for Detecting UnseenFalls



033 (2019-05-20) Finding Rats in Cats Detecting Stealthy Attacks using Group Anomaly Detection



034 (2019-04-25) End-to-End Adversarial Learning for Intrusion Detection inComputer Networks



035 (2019-04-24) GAN Augmented Text Anomaly Detection with Sequences of DeepStatistics



036 (2019-04-23) A Comparison Study of Credit Card Fraud Detection  Supervised versus Unsupervised



037 (2019-09-24) Trick or Heat Manipulating Critical Temperature-Based Control Systems UsingRectification Attacks



038 (2019-12-2) Adversarial Learning in Statistical Classification  A Comprehensive Review of Defenses AgainstAttacks



039 (2019-04-11) (Martingale) Optimal Transport And Anomaly Detection WithNeural Networks  A Primal-dual Algorithm



040 (2019-07-24) Efficient GAN-based method for cyber-intrusion detection



041 (2019-04-2) Fence GAN  TowardsBetter Anomaly Detection



042 (2019-03-27) Fundamental Limits of Covert Packet Insertion



043 (2019-05-20) Deep Generative Design Integration of Topology Optimization and Generative Models



044 (2019-11-14) adVAE  Aself-adversarial variational autoencoder with Gaussian anomaly prior knowledgefor anomaly detection



045 (2019-07-14) Secure Distributed Dynamic State Estimation in Wide-AreaSmart Grids



046 (2019-02-19) Anomaly Detection with Adversarial Dual Autoencoders



047 (2019-05-9) The Odds are Odd  AStatistical Test for Detecting Adversarial Examples



048 (2019-11-6) BIVA  A Very DeepHierarchy of Latent Variables for Generative Modeling



049 (2019-01-28) Heartbeat Anomaly Detection using Adversarial Oversampling



050 (2019-01-25) Skip-GANomaly  SkipConnected and Adversarially Trained Encoder-Decoder Anomaly Detection



051 (2019-05-27) Maximum Entropy Generators for Energy-Based Models



052 (2019-01-10) Adversarial Pseudo Healthy Synthesis Needs PathologyFactorization



053 (2019-01-18) Robust Anomaly Detection in Images using AdversarialAutoencoders



054 (2019-01-15) MAD-GAN  MultivariateAnomaly Detection for Time Series Data with Generative Adversarial Networks



055 (2019-12-4) Event Generation and Statistical Sampling for Physics withDeep Generative Models and a Density Information Buffer



056 (2018-12-11) Anomaly Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks inHost Based Intrusion Detection



057 (2018-12-11) Anomaly detection with Wasserstein GAN



058 (2018-12-5) Adversarially Learned Anomaly Detection



059 (2018-11-11) Adversarial Learning-Based On-Line Anomaly Monitoring forAssured Autonomy



060 (2018-10-19) Subset Scanning Over Neural Network Activations



061 (2018-10-11) MDGAN  BoostingAnomaly Detection Using \\Multi-Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks



062 (2019-04-30) Prospect Theoretic Approach for Data Integrity in IoTNetworks under Manipulation Attacks



063 (2019-01-15) Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks forMultivariate Time Series



064 (2018-09-28) Layerwise Perturbation-Based Adversarial Training for HardDrive Health Degree Prediction



065 (2018-09-7) Coupled IGMM-GANs for deep multimodal anomaly detection inhuman mobility data



066 (2019-08-2) Detection and Mitigation of Attacks on TransportationNetworks as a Multi-Stage Security Game



067 (2018-08-23) DOPING  GenerativeData Augmentation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with GAN



068 (2018-08-1) Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood GenerativeAdversarial Networks



069 (2018-07-22) SAIFE  UnsupervisedWireless Spectrum Anomaly Detection with Interpretable Features



070 (2018-06-27) Adversarial Distillation of Bayesian Neural NetworkPosteriors



071 (2019-03-25) Learning Neural Random Fields with Inclusive AuxiliaryGenerators



072 (2018-07-17) AVID  AdversarialVisual Irregularity Detection



073 (2018-11-13) GANomaly Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training



074 (2018-05-5) Population Anomaly Detection through Deep Gaussianization



075 (2018-04-13) Group Anomaly Detection using Deep Generative Models



076 (2018-04-13) Adversarial Clustering A Grid Based Clustering Algorithm Against Active Adversaries



077 (2018-04-12) Deep Autoencoding Models for Unsupervised AnomalySegmentation in Brain MR Images



078 (2018-04-3) Correlated discrete data generation using adversarialtraining



079 (2018-03-17) A Multi-perspective Approach To Anomaly Detection ForSelf-aware Embodied Agents



080 (2018-04-9) CIoTA  CollaborativeIoT Anomaly Detection via Blockchain



081 (2018-05-24) Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier for NoveltyDetection



082 (2019-05-1) Efficient GAN-Based Anomaly Detection



083 (2018-02-13) Satellite Image Forgery Detection and Localization UsingGAN and One-Class Classifier



084 (2018-02-8) Detection of Adversarial Training Examples in PoisoningAttacks through Anomaly Detection



085 (2018-01-5) Shielding Google's language toxicity model againstadversarial attacks



086 (2018-06-27) When Not to Classify Anomaly Detection of Attacks (ADA) on DNN Classifiers at Test Time



087 (2018-04-24) Bayesian Hypernetworks



088 (2017-09-15) To Go or Not To Go  ANear Unsupervised Learning Approach For Robot Navigation



089 (2017-04-5) Counter-RAPTOR Safeguarding Tor Against Active Routing Attacks



090 (2017-03-17) Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative AdversarialNetworks to Guide Marker Discovery
