-- 创建存储过程 (无参)
create procedure sp_pro1()

  select count(*) from student;

-- 调用存储过程 
call sp_pro1();

--  创建带参数的存储过程
-- 输入参数
create procedure sp_pro2(typeid int)
    if typeid=1 THEN
        select * from score where cid='01' order by mark desc limit 0,3; 
    elseif typeid=2 THEN 
        select * from score where cid='02' order by mark desc limit 0,3; 
    end if;

call sp_pro2(1);

-- 输出参数
create procedure sp_pro3(typeid int ,out mycount int )
    if typeid=1 THEN
       select count(*) into mycount  from score where cid='01' and mark>90;
    elseif typeid=2 THEN
       select count(*) into mycount from score where cid='02' and mark>90;
     end if;

-- 调用带有输出参数的存储过程的时候 输出参数前要加@
call sp_pro3(1,@mycount);
select @mycount;