
PCA (Principle Component Analysis)是统计学中的主成分分析方法。主成分分析方法从矩阵角度讲也称K-L变换。使用PCA方法对图像进行压缩和重建的大致过程:
2 PCA图像压缩
3 PCA图像重建


function [u,errAll] = SIDER(Dest,Alphaest,b,f,R,N,mu,lambda,gamma,alpha,beta,nBreg,mask,varargin)
% function [u,errAll] =
% SIDER(Dest,Alphaest,b,f,R,N,mu,lambda,gamma,alpha,beta,nBreg,mask,var
% argin)
% The proposed method incorporates the knowledge of the signal decay into
% the reconstruction (SIDER) to accelerate the acquisition of MR diffusion
% data by undersampling in both spatial and b-value dimensions.
% SIDER combines total variation (TV) with a
% penalty function that promotes sparsity across the b-direction as follows
% min_u beta|grad_x,y u|_1 + gamma|M u|_1 st. ||Fu-f||^2 < delta, where the
% first term corresponds to spatial TV and M is is an operator that encodes
% the relationship between ventilation images for consecutives values of b,
% based on a stretched exponential model.
% Code downloaded from repository:
% https://github.com/HGGM-LIM/compressed-sensing-diffusion-lung-MRI
% If you use this code, please, cite the following paper:
% JFPJ Abascal, M Desco, J Parra-Robles. Incorporation of prior knowledge
% of the signal behavior into the reconstruction to accelerate the
% acquisition of MR diffusion data,(submitted for publication) 2016.
% Departamento de Bioingenier韆 e Ingenier韆 Aeroespacial
% Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
% juanabascal78@gmail.com, jmparra@hggm.es, desco@hggm.esswitch nargin
case 14
uTarget = varargin{1};
end % nargintolKrylov = 1e-2;% 1e-2 % Krylov convergence criterion
rows = N(1);
cols = N(2);
numTime = N(3);
Nf = size(f);R = reshape(R,Nf);
f = f.*R;% Normalize data
normFactor = getNormalizationFactor(R,f);
f = normFactorf;
uTarget = uTargetnormFactor;% Calculate the norm of the target on the given mask
% for ip = 1:numTime
% uTargetNorm(ip) = norm(reshape(uTarget(:,:,ip),[],1));
% end
for ip = 1:numTime
tmp = uTarget(:,:,ip);
uTargetNorm(ip) = norm(tmp(mask));
end% Signal decay operator
dm = -[exp(-( (Destb(2:end)).^Alphaest - (Destb(1:end-1)).^Alphaest )) 0]';
L = spdiags([dm ones(N(3),1)],[-1 0],N(3),N(3));LT = L’;
LTL = LT*L;LMat = @(x)reshape((Lreshape(x,[prod(N(1:2)),N(3)])‘)’,N);
LTMat = @(x)reshape((LTreshape(x,[prod(N(1:2)),N(3)])‘)’,N);
LTLMat = @(x)reshape((LTL*reshape(x,[prod(N(1:2)),N(3)])‘)’,N);uBest = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
errBest = inf;% Reserve memory for the auxillary variables
f0 = f;
v = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
u = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
x = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
y = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
bx = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
by = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
dx = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
dy = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);p = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);
bp = zeros(rows,cols,numTime);murf = mu*ifft2(f);
h = waitbar(0,‘SIDER’);
h2 = figure;% Do the reconstruction
for outer = 1:nBreg
rhs_wt = gammau;
rhs_p = lambdaLTMat(p-bp);
rhs_tv = lambda*(Dxt(x-bx)+Dyt(y-by));
rhs = murf+rhs_wt+rhs_p+rhs_tv;
u = reshape(krylov(rhs(😃),N);
% Derivatives
dx = Dx(u);
dy = Dy(u);
dp = LMat(u);

% update x and y
[x,y] = shrink2(dx+bx, dy+by,alpha/lambda);
p = shrink1(dp+bp, beta/lambda);

% update bregman parameters
bx = bx+dx-x;
by = by+dy-y;
bp = bp+dp-p;

% Bregman iteration for the data constraint
fForw = fft2(u).*R;
f = f + f0-fForw;
murf = mu*(ifft2(f));
% for ip = 1:numTime
% % Solution error norm
% tmp = u(:,:,ip)-uTarget(:,:,ip);
% errAll(outer,ip) = norm(tmp(😃)/uTargetNorm(ip);
% end
% Solution error norm in a mask
for ip = 1:numTime
tmp = u(:,:,ip);
tmp2 = uTarget(:,:,ip);
errAll(outer,ip) = norm(tmp(mask)-tmp2(mask))/uTargetNorm(ip);
if nargin >= 14
if any([outer ==1, outer == 100, outer == 500, rem(outer,250)==0])
figure(h); waitbar(outer/nBreg,h);
ip = 1;
imagesc(abs(u(:,:,ip))); colorbar; title(['Iter ' num2str(outer)]);
imagesc(abs(x(:,:,1))); colorbar; title(['x, nnz(x) % ' num2str(ceil(100*nnz(x(:))/prod(N)))]); colorbar;
imagesc(abs(p(:,:,ip))); colorbar; title(['p, nnz(p) % ' num2str(ceil(100*nnz(p(:))/prod(N)))]); colorbar;
subplot(2,2,4); plot(errAll(1:outer,:)); axis tight; title(['Sol. error' ]);
colormap hot;
end % rem
end % plots

if (mean(errAll(outer,:)) <= errBest)
uBest = u;
errBest = mean(errAll(outer,:));
end %errThis


【图像重建】基于matlab SIDER算法图像压缩重建【含Matlab源码 2170期】_ide

【图像重建】基于matlab SIDER算法图像压缩重建【含Matlab源码 2170期】_matlab_02

【图像重建】基于matlab SIDER算法图像压缩重建【含Matlab源码 2170期】_ide_03


1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB图像处理——理论、算法与实例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2020.