1 小波变换原理
2 多尺度分析
3 图像的分解和量化
4 图像压缩编码
5 图像编码评价
clear all;
close all;
help imedgefuse;
% demo of deblurring
para.nLv = 5;
para.debug_mode = 1; % show message
para.wpropagation = 1; % weight propagation among subbands from parent to children
para.denoise = 1; % weight smoothing at each subbands for denoising
% J = imedgefuse( para, '001.jpg', '009.jpg', '016.jpg' );
J = imedgefuse( para, '001.jpg', '016.jpg' );
figure( 1 ), imshow( J ); title( 'fused image' );
% demo of exposure fusion
para.nLv = 7;
para.debug_mode = 1;
para.wpropagation = 0; % weight propagation among subbands from parent to children
para.denoise = 1; % weight smoothing at each subbands for denoising
J = imedgefuse( para, 'takato_001.jpg', 'takato_002.jpg', 'takato_003.jpg' );
figure( 2 ), imshow( J ); title( 'fused image' );
function J = imedgefuse( para, varargin )
%IMEDGEFUSE composite images taken with different depth-of-fields
% as a result a pan focus image is generated.
% Usage:
% J = IMEDGEFUSE( para, fname, fname, ..., fname )
% J = IMEDGEFUSE( para, Image, Image, ..., Image )
% input arguments :
% para - parameters (the detail is described later)
% image - gray scale images (R^MxN) and rgb color images (R^MxNx3)
% fname - file names of input images
% output arguments :
% J - a fused image
% parameters :
% para.nLv = 6 - the total number of decompositions.
% para.propagate = 1 - weight propagation among subbands from parent to children.
% para.denoise = 1 - smoothing at each subbands for noise reduction.
% para.debug_mode = 1 - show debug message.
% parameters
global g_para;
set_parameters( para );
g_para.nImg = length( varargin ); % number of images
nImg = g_para.nImg;
nLv = g_para.nLv; % total number of decomposition
% Wavelet decomposition for the Y of YCbCr
DEBUG_MSG( 'Reading images and applying wavelet to them (Y of YCbCr)' );
for k = 1:nImg
% RGB color images are converted into the YCrCb color.
I = my_imread( varargin{ k } );
if k == 1 % initialization of the coefficient array
[ey, ex, nLv] = output_size( size(I,1), size(I,2), nLv );
C = zeros(ey,ex,nImg);
[C(:,:,k), S] = wavedec97( I(:,:,1), nLv );
DEBUG_MSG( '.' );
DEBUG_MSG( ' OK\n' );
W = gen3DWeightMatrix( C, S );
F = genNewSubbands( C, W );
J(:,:,1) = waverec97( F, S );
if g_para.bColor == 0
% Wavelet decomposition for the Cb of YCbCr
DEBUG_MSG( 'Reading pictures and applying wavelet to them (Cb of YCbCr)' );
for k = 1:nImg
I = my_imread( varargin{ k } );
[C(:,:,k), S] = wavedec97( I(:,:,2), nLv );
DEBUG_MSG( '.' );
DEBUG_MSG( ' OK\n' );
F = genNewSubbands( C, W );
J(:,:,2) = waverec97( F, S );
% Wavelet decomposition for the Cr of YCbCr
DEBUG_MSG( 'Reading pictures and applying wavelet to them (Cr of YCbCr)' );
for k = 1:nImg
I = my_imread( varargin{ k } );
[C(:,:,k), S] = wavedec97( I(:,:,3 ), nLv );
DEBUG_MSG( '.' );
DEBUG_MSG( ' OK\n' );
F = genNewSubbands( C, W );
J(:,:,3) = waverec97( F, S );
% Final conversion
J = ycbcr2rgb( J );
function set_parameters( para )
global g_para;
g_para = para; % initialization
% total number of decompositions
if ~isfield( g_para, 'nLv' )
g_para.nLv = 5;
% weight propagation among subbands from parent to children
if ~isfield( g_para, 'propagate' )
g_para.propagate = 1;
% weight smoothing at each subband
if ~isfield( g_para, 'denoise' )
g_para.denoise = 1;
% hide debug message
if ~isfield( g_para, 'debug_mode' )
g_para.debug_mode = false(1);
g_para.bColor = true(1); % color image
1 matlab版本
2 参考文献
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB图像处理——理论、算法与实例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2020.