
log_dest file /MosquittoTest/DisSunLog_1.log

log_dest stdout

#log_type none

log_type debug

log_type error

log_type warning

log_type notice

log_type information

log_type subscribe

#log_type unsubscribe

#log_type websockets
#websockets_log_level 0

06 mosquitto 配置日期信息_# MQTT
4、按Ctrl+C 停止主服务,如果不停止服务,日志文件会被独占锁住无法打开。找到这个日志
06 mosquitto 配置日期信息_mosquitto_02

1552112775: mosquitto version 1.5.8 starting
1552112775: Config loaded from mosquitto.conf.
1552112775: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
1552112775: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.

1552113940: mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad 0 'dissun/topic'
20-DisSunPad (c1, k60, u'dissun').

1552112782: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1552112782: New client connected from ::1 as mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad (c1, k60, u'dissun').

1552112782: No will message specified.
1552112782: Sending CONNACK to mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad (0, 0)
1552112782: Received SUBSCRIBE from mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad
1552112782:     'dissun/topic' (QoS 0)
1552112782: mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad 0 'dissun/topic'
1552112782: Sending SUBACK to mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad

1552112832: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1552112832: New client connected from ::1 as mosqpub|12284-DisSunPad (c1, k60, u'dissun').

1552112832: No will message specified.
1552112832: Sending CONNACK to mosqpub|12284-DisSunPad (0, 0)
1552112832: Received PUBLISH from mosqpub|12284-DisSunPad (d0, q0, r0, m0, ''dissun/topic'', ... (12 bytes))
1552112832: Sending PUBLISH to mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad (d0, q0, r0, m0, ''dissun/topic'', ... (12 bytes))
1552112832: Received DISCONNECT from mosqpub|12284-DisSunPad

1552112832: Client mosqpub|12284-DisSunPad disconnected.

1552112842: Received PINGREQ from mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad
1552112842: Sending PINGRESP to mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad
1552112902: Received PINGREQ from mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad
1552112902: Sending PINGRESP to mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad
1552112962: Received PINGREQ from mosqsub|11332-DisSunPad

##########:以下是information信息 主服务中断
1552113191: mosquitto version 1.5.8 terminating