1 简介
2 部分代码
function [bestsol,yy] = ABC(prob,lb,ub,Np,T,limit)
%% Starting of ABC
f = NaN(Np,1); % Vector to store the objective function value of the population members
fit = NaN(Np,1); % Vector to store the fitness function value of the population members
trial = NaN(Np,1); % Initialization of the trial vector
D = length(lb); % Determining the number of decision variables in the problem
P = repmat(lb,Np,1) + repmat((ub-lb),Np,1).*rand(Np,D); % Generation of the initial population
for p = 1:Np
f(p) = prob(P(p,:)); % Evaluating the objective function value
fit(p) = CalFit(f(p)); % Evaluating the fitness function value
[bestobj, ind] = min(f); % Determine and memorize the best objective value
bestsol = P(ind,:); % Determine and memorize the best solution
for t = 1:T
%% Employed Bee Phase
for i = 1:Np
[trial,P,fit,f] = GenNewSol(prob, lb, ub, Np, i, P, fit, trial, f, D);
%% Onlooker Bee Phase
% as per the code of the inventors available at https://abc.erciyes.edu.tr/
% prob=(0.9.*Fitness./max(Fitness))+0.1;
% MATLAB Code of the ABC algorithm version 2 has been released (14.12.2009) (more optimized coding)
probability = 0.9 * (fit/max(fit)) + 0.1;
m = 0; n = 1;
while(m < Np)
if(rand < probability(n))
[trial,P,fit,f] = GenNewSol(prob, lb, ub, Np, n, P, fit, trial, f, D);
m = m + 1;
n = mod(n,Np) + 1;
[bestobj,ind] = min([f;bestobj]);
CombinedSol = [P;bestsol];
bestsol = CombinedSol(ind,:);
if bestobj<bestobj1
%% Scout Bee Phase
[val,ind] = max(trial);
if (val > limit)
trial(ind) = 0; % Reset the trial value to zero
P(ind,:) = lb + (ub-lb).*rand(1,D); % Generate a random solution
f(ind) = prob(P(ind,:)); % Determine the objective function value of the newly generated solution
fit(ind) = CalFit(f(ind)); % Determine the fitness function value of the newly generated solution
[bestfitness,ind] = min([f;bestobj]);
CombinedSol = [P;bestsol];
bestsol = CombinedSol(ind,:);
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]苏彩红, 向娜, 陈广义,等. 基于人工蜂群算法与BP神经网络的水质评价模型[J]. 环境工程学报, 2012.