1 简介
这个算法是 Mirjalili 等人2017年在文章《Salp Swarm Algorithm:A bio-inspired optimizer for engineering design problems》中介绍的一个模拟樽海鞘生物的智能优化算法。它对于一些优化问题具有很强的优越性,当然它也会包含一些类似于粒子群等算法相关的内容。
2 部分代码
% Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) source codes demo version %
% feat : feature vector ( Instances x Features )
% label : label vector ( Instances x 1 )
% N : Number of salps
% max_Iter : Maximum number of iterations
% sFeat : Selected features (instances x features)
% Sf : Selected feature index
% Nf : Number of selected features
% curve : Convergence curve
%% Salp Swarm Algorithm
clc, clear, close;
% Benchmark data set
load ionosphere.mat;
% Set 20% data as validation set
ho = 0.2;
% Hold-out method
HO = cvpartition(label,'HoldOut',ho);
% Parameter setting
N = 10;
max_Iter = 100;
% Salp Swarm Algorithm
[sFeat,Sf,Nf,curve] = jSSA(feat,label,N,max_Iter,HO);
% Plot convergence curve
xlabel('Number of iterations');
ylabel('Fitness Value');
title('SSA'); grid on;
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]陈涛, 王梦馨, & 黄湘松. (2018). 基于樽海鞘群算法的无源时差定位. 电子与信息学报, 40(7), 7.