SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –

如下的Outbound delivery 0080000801, 是一个公司间STO 里的外向交货单。这个交货单已经完成了发货过账,以及BILLING过账。如下是其document flow:

SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_公司间STO


SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_BILLING_02

RD04输出失败,看processing log,如下:

SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_SAP MM_03

报错:Inbound partner profile does not exist.


EDI: Inbound partner profile does not exist

Message no. E0337


An inbound partner profile could not be found with the following key:


This involves the key fields of table EDP21:

-SNDPRN partner number of sender
-SNDPRT partner type of sender
-SNDPFC partner function of sender
-MESTYP logical message type
-MESCOD logical message code
-MESFCT logical message function
-TEST test flag


Please check the inbound partner profiles.

Execute function

按照其详细报错信息,执行事务代码WE20为供应商100061维护如下的partner profile,

SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_RD04_04

SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_公司间STO_05


SAP MM 公司间STO的BILLING输出报错 - Inbound partner profile does not exist –_公司间STO_06

IDoc#4096 trigger了。

