// Design for a half-adder
module ha ( input a, b,
output sum, cout);
assign sum = a ^ b;
assign cout = a & b;
// A top level design that contains N instances of half adder
module my_design
#(parameter N=4)
( input [N-1:0] a, b,
output [N-1:0] sum, cout);
// Declare a temporary loop variable to be used during
// generation and won't be available during simulation
genvar i;
// Generate for loop to instantiate N times
for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1) begin
ha u0 (a[i], b[i], sum[i], cout[i]);
module tb;
parameter N = 2;
reg [N-1:0] a, b;
wire [N-1:0] sum, cout;
// Instantiate top level design with N=2 so that it will have 2
// separate instances of half adders and both are given two separate
// inputs
my_design #(.N(N)) md( .a(a), .b(b), .sum(sum), .cout(cout));
initial begin
a <= 0;
b <= 0;
$monitor ("a=0x%0h b=0x%0h sum=0x%0h cout=0x%0h", a, b, sum, cout);
#10 a <= 'h2;
b <= 'h3;
#20 b <= 'h4;
#10 a <= 'h5;
我用的是 vivado 21 秒学会 vivado 仿真