

Optional<Employee> optionalEmp = new Optional(null);

try {

//get method

}catch (NullPointerException){

return optionalEmp;


write code for comapring two string

if they have same characters but in different order e.g.

String s1 = "army" and String s2 = "mary";

//use char[]

//initiate 2 char[] array

char[] charsInS1 = new char[26];

char[] charsInS2 = new char[26];

//loop and store in each array

for (char c1 : s1.toCharArray()) {

charsInS1[c1 - 'a']++;


for (char c2 : 21.toCharArray()) {

charsInS2[c2 - 'a']++;


//compare whether charsInS1.equals(charsInS2)


//if true, loop s1 and s2 for the order

for (int i = 0; i < ) {
