
Hello guys after two hours trying to install the server finally i finished!!

The steps:

1. Make sure that you have: libc6-dev linux-libc-dev gcc-3.3 g++-3.3, if not:

​sudo apt-get install libc6-dev linux-libc-dev gcc-3.3 g++-3.3​

2.Download the sourcecode of DSS-Source-,but before you should create an account in www.apple/developer to ​​  

3. Extract the file directory:

​tar xzf DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Source.tar.gz DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Source​

4. Create a group and user for Darwin:

​sudo addgroup --system qtss
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup qtss qtss

4.1 Not necessary,but if you want change password to qtss (user) for example “xx”

​sudo passwd qtss​

5. Enter to “DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Source” directory and type:

​./Buildit install​

With this command start to compile DSS and creates a new directory called “DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux”

6. Enter to “DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux and type:

​sudo ./Install​

The command will show:

​Installing Darwin Streaming Server​

Checking for and Killing currently running Darwin Streaming Server

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus ‘-’? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus ‘-’? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html

Removing previous versions of Darwin Streaming Server

removing /usr/local/sbin/DarwinStreamingServer

Backing up previous config files

backing up /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml to /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml.backup

backing up /etc/streaming/qtusers to /etc/streaming/qtusers.backup

backing up /etc/streaming/qtgroups to /etc/streaming/qtgroups.backup

Inserting path to perl into scripts..

Creating unprivileged user to run the server = “qtss”.

copying DarwinStreamingServer to /usr/local/sbin/DarwinStreamingServer

copying PlaylistBroadcaster to /usr/local/bin/PlaylistBroadcaster

copying MP3Broadcaster to /usr/local/bin/MP3Broadcaster

copying qtpasswd to /usr/local/bin/qtpasswd

copying createuserstreamingdir to /usr/local/bin/createuserstreamingdir

Generating a new prefs file at /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSHomeDirectoryModule [dynamic]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSRefMovieModule [dynamic]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSFileModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSReflectorModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSRelayModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSAccessLogModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSFlowControlModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSPosixFileSysModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSAdminModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSMP3StreamingModule [static]

INFO: Module Loaded…QTSSAccessModule [static]

WARNING: No users file found at /etc/streaming/qtusers.

WARNING: No groups file found at /etc/streaming/qtgroups.

copying relayconfig.xml-Sample to /etc/streaming/relayconfig.xml-Sample

copying qtusers to /etc/streaming/qtusers

copying qtgroups to /etc/streaming/qtgroups

copying readme.txt to /var/streaming/readme.txt

copying 3rdPartyAcknowledgements.rtf to /var/streaming/3rdPartyAcknowledgements.rtf

copying sample_100kbit.mov into /usr/local/movies/sample_100kbit.mov

copying sample_300kbit.mov into /usr/local/movies/sample_300kbit.mov

copying sample_100kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_100kbit.mp4

copying sample_300kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_300kbit.mp4

copying sample.mp3 into /usr/local/movies/sample.mp3

copying sample_50kbit.3gp into /usr/local/movies/sample_50kbit.3gp

copying sample_h264_100kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_100kbit.mp4

copying sample_h264_300kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_300kbit.mp4

copying sample_h264_1mbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_1mbit.mp4

copying streamingadminserver.pl into /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl

copying Admin HTML to /var/streaming/AdminHtml directory

Launching streamingadminserver.pl

Installation Complete

Darwin Streaming Server Setup

In order to administer the Darwin Streaming Server you must create an administrator user [Note: The administrator user name cannot contain spaces, or single or double quote characters, and cannot be more than 255 characters long].

Please enter a new administrator user name: jeanpaul

You must also enter a password for the administrator user [Note: The administrator password cannot contain spaces, or quotes, either single or double, and cannot be more than 80 characters long].

Please enter a new administrator Password:

Re-enter the new administrator password:

Adding userName jeanpaul

Setup Complete!

7. Open your browser (firefox) and type:


7.1 If DSS is down! Run the DSS web server:

​sudo /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl ​

8. To listen a mp3 list created:

A: http://localhost:8000/mylist (mp3 Broadcast)

9. To watch a movie

B: rtsp://localhost/sample_100kbit.mp4

The followings playes works ok!

Results for player: X: doesn’t work , OK: works, for mp3 and rstp

mplayer A-X B-OK

vlc A-OK B-OK

helix X X

ibm applet OK X

Directories DSS

The following table presents an overview of the most important files and directories of the Darwin server:

/usr/local/sbin/Darwin Streaming Server —- Server Software

/usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl —- Web Frontend

/etc/streaming —- Configuration Dir

/etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml —- Configuration File Server

/var/streaming/logs —- Logs

/usr/local/movies —- Default directory for video files

Thanks to: