1. 52周存钱挑战
1 import math 2 import datetime 3 4 5 def save_money_in_n_weeks(money_per_week, increase_money, total_week): 6 """ 7 计算n周内的存款金额 8 """ 9 10 money_list = [] # 记录每周存款数的列表11 saved_money_list = [] # 记录每周账户累计12 13 for i in range(total_week):14 money_list.append(money_per_week)15 saving = math.fsum(money_list)16 saved_money_list.append(saving)17 18 # 输出信息19 # print('第{}周,存入{}元,账户累计{}元'.format(i + 1, money_per_week, saving))20 21 # 更新下一周的存钱金额22 money_per_week += increase_money23 24 return saved_money_list25 26 27 def main():28 """29 主函数30 """31 money_per_week = float(input('请输入每周的存入的金额:')) # 每周的存入的金额32 increase_money = float(input('请输入每周的递增金额:')) # 递增的金额33 total_week = int(input('请输入总共的周数:')) # 总共的周数34 35 # 调用函数36 saved_money_list = save_money_in_n_weeks(money_per_week, increase_money, total_week)37 38 input_date_str = input('请输入日期(yyyy/mm/dd):')39 input_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(input_date_str, '%Y/%m/%d')40 week_num = input_date.isocalendar()[1]41 print('第{}周的存款:{}元'.format(week_num, saved_money_list[week_num - 1]))42 43 if __name__ == '__main__':44 main()
2. 利用递归函数绘制分形树
1 import turtle 2 3 4 def draw_branch(branch_length): 5 """ 6 绘制分形树 7 """ 8 if branch_length > 5: 9 # 绘制右侧树枝10 turtle.forward(branch_length)11 print('向前 ', branch_length)12 turtle.right(20)13 print('右转 20')14 draw_branch(branch_length - 15)15 16 # 绘制左侧树枝17 turtle.left(40)18 print('左转 40')19 draw_branch(branch_length - 15)20 21 # 返回之前的树枝22 turtle.right(20)23 print('右转 20')24 turtle.backward(branch_length)25 print('向后 ', branch_length)26 27 28 def main():29 """30 主函数31 """32 turtle.left(90)33 turtle.penup()34 turtle.backward(150)35 turtle.pendown()36 turtle.color('brown')37 draw_branch(80)38 turtle.exitonclick()39 40 if __name__ == '__main__':41 main()
3. 五角星的绘制
1 import turtle 2 3 4 def draw_pentagram(size): 5 """ 6 绘制五角星 7 """ 8 # 计数器 9 count = 110 while count <= 5:11 turtle.forward(size)12 turtle.right(144)13 # count = count + 114 count += 115 16 17 def draw_recursive_pentagram(size):18 """19 迭代绘制五角星20 """21 # 计数器22 count = 123 while count <= 5:24 turtle.forward(size)25 turtle.right(144)26 # count = count + 127 count += 128 29 # 五角星绘制完成,更新参数30 size += 1031 if size <= 100:32 draw_recursive_pentagram(size)33 34 35 def main():36 """37 主函数38 """39 40 turtle.penup()41 turtle.backward(200)42 turtle.pendown()43 turtle.pensize(2)44 turtle.pencolor('red')45 46 size = 5047 draw_recursive_pentagram(size)48 49 turtle.exitonclick()50 51 if __name__ == '__main__':52 main()
4. 汇率兑换
1 def main(): 2 """ 3 主函数 4 """ 5 # 汇率 6 USD_VS_RMB = 6.47 7 8 # 带单位的货币输入 9 currency_str_value = input('请输入带单位的货币金额:')10 11 unit = currency_str_value[-3:]12 13 if unit == 'CNY':14 exchange_rate = 1 / USD_VS_RMB15 16 elif unit == 'USD':17 exchange_rate = USD_VS_RMB18 19 else:20 exchange_rate = -121 22 if exchange_rate != -1:23 in_money = eval(currency_str_value[:-3])24 # 使用lambda定义函数25 convert_currency2 = lambda x: x * exchange_rate26 27 # # 调用函数28 # out_money = convert_currency(in_money, exchange_rate)29 30 # 调用lambda函数31 out_money = convert_currency2(in_money)32 print('转换后的金额:', out_money)33 else:34 print('不支持该种货币!')35 36 if __name__ == '__main__':37 main()
1 def main(): 2 """ 3 主函数 4 """ 5 y_or_n = input('是否退出程序(y/n)?') 6 7 while y_or_n != 'y': 8 # # 性别 9 # gender = input('性别:')10 # # print(type(gender))11 #12 # # 体重 (kg)13 # weight = float(input('体重(kg):'))14 # # print(type(weight))15 #16 # # 身高 (cm)17 # height = float(input('身高(cm):'))18 # # print(type(height))19 #20 # # 年龄21 # age = int(input('年龄:'))22 # # print(type(age))23 print('请输入以下信息,用空格分割')24 input_str = input('性别 体重(kg) 身高(cm) 年龄:')25 str_list = input_str.split(' ')26 27 try:28 gender = str_list[0]29 weight = float(str_list[1])30 height = float(str_list[2])31 age = int(str_list[3])32 33 if gender == '男':34 # 男性35 bmr = (13.7 * weight) + (5.0 * height) - (6.8 * age) + 6636 elif gender == '女':37 # 女性38 bmr = (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) - (4.7 * age) + 65539 else:40 bmr = -141 42 if bmr != -1:43 print('您的性别:{},体重:{}公斤,身高:{}厘米,年龄:{}岁'.format(gender, weight, height, age))44 print('您的基础代谢率:{}大卡'.format(bmr))45 else:46 print('暂不支持该性别')47 except ValueError:48 print('请输入正确的信息!')49 except IndexError:50 print('输入的信息过少!')51 except:52 print('程序异常!')53 54 print() # 输出空行55 y_or_n = input('是否退出程序(y/n)?')56 57 58 if __name__ == '__main__':59 main()
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 2 import numpy as np 3 4 # 解决中文显示问题 5 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] 6 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False 7 8 9 def main():10 """11 主函数12 """13 total_times = 1000014 15 # 记录骰子的结果16 roll1_arr = np.random.randint(1, 7, size=total_times)17 roll2_arr = np.random.randint(1, 7, size=total_times)18 result_arr = roll1_arr + roll2_arr19 20 hist, bins = np.histogram(result_arr, bins=range(2, 14))21 print(hist)22 print(bins)23 24 # 数据可视化25 plt.hist(result_arr, bins=range(2, 14), edgecolor='black', linewidth=1, rwidth=0.8)26 27 # 设置x轴坐标点显示28 tick_labels = ['2点', '3点', '4点', '5点',29 '6点', '7点', '8点', '9点', '10点', '11点', '12点']30 tick_pos = np.arange(2, 13) + 0.531 plt.xticks(tick_pos, tick_labels)32 33 plt.title('骰子点数统计')34 plt.xlabel('点数')35 plt.ylabel('频率')36 plt.show()37 38 39 if __name__ == '__main__':40 main()
1 from datetime import datetime 2 3 4 def is_leap_year(year): 5 """ 6 判断year是否为闰年 7 是,返回True 8 否,返回False 9 """10 is_leap = False11 12 if (year % 400 == 0) or ((year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0)):13 is_leap = True14 15 return is_leap16 17 18 def main():19 """20 主函数21 """22 input_date_str = input('请输入日期(yyyy/mm/dd):')23 input_date = datetime.strptime(input_date_str, '%Y/%m/%d')24 25 year = input_date.year26 month = input_date.month27 day = input_date.day28 29 # # 包含30天 月份集合30 # _30_days_month_set = {4, 6, 9, 11}31 # _31_days_month_set = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12}32 33 # 月份-天数 字典34 month_day_dict = {1: 31,35 2: 28,36 3: 31,37 4: 30,38 5: 31,39 6: 30,40 7: 31,41 8: 31,42 9: 30,43 10: 31,44 11: 30,45 12: 31}46 47 day_month_dict = {30: {4, 6, 9, 11},48 31: {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12}}49 50 # 初始化值51 days = 052 days += day53 54 for i in range(1, month):55 days += month_day_dict[i]56 57 if is_leap_year(year) and month > 2:58 days += 159 60 print('这是{}年的第{}天。'.format(year, days))61 62 63 if __name__ == '__main__':64 main()
8. 判断密码强度
1 class PasswordTool: 2 """ 3 密码工具类 4 """ 5 def __init__(self, password): 6 # 类的属性 7 self.password = password 8 self.strength_level = 0 9 10 def process_password(self): 11 # 规则1:密码长度大于8 12 if len(self.password) >= 8: 13 self.strength_level += 1 14 else: 15 print('密码长度要求至少8位!') 16 17 # 规则2:包含数字 18 if self.check_number_exist(): 19 self.strength_level += 1 20 else: 21 print('密码要求包含数字!') 22 23 # 规则3:包含字母 24 if self.check_letter_exist(): 25 self.strength_level += 1 26 else: 27 print('密码要求包含字母!') 28 29 # 类的方法 30 def check_number_exist(self): 31 """ 32 判断字符串中是否含有数字 33 """ 34 has_number = False 35 36 for c in self.password: 37 if c.isnumeric(): 38 has_number = True 39 break 40 41 return has_number 42 43 def check_letter_exist(self): 44 """ 45 判断字符串中是否含有字母 46 """ 47 has_letter = False 48 for c in self.password: 49 if c.isalpha(): 50 has_letter = True 51 break 52 return has_letter 53 54 55 class FileTool: 56 """ 57 文件工具类 58 """ 59 def __init__(self, filepath): 60 self.filepath = filepath 61 62 def write_to_file(self, line): 63 f = open(self.filepath, 'a') 64 f.write(line) 65 f.close() 66 67 def read_from_file(self): 68 f = open(self.filepath, 'r') 69 lines = f.readlines() 70 f.close() 71 return lines 72 73 74 def main(): 75 """ 76 主函数 77 """ 78 79 try_times = 5 80 filepath = 'password_6.0.txt' 81 # 实例化文件工具对象 82 file_tool = FileTool(filepath) 83 84 while try_times > 0: 85 86 password = input('请输入密码:') 87 # 实例化密码工具对象 88 password_tool = PasswordTool(password) 89 password_tool.process_password() 90 91 line = '密码:{}, 强度:{}\n'.format(password, password_tool.strength_level) 92 # 写操作 93 file_tool.write_to_file(line) 94 95 if password_tool.strength_level == 3: 96 print('恭喜!密码强度合格!') 97 break 98 else: 99 print('密码强度不合格!')100 try_times -= 1101 102 print()103 104 if try_times <= 0:105 print('尝试次数过多,密码设置失败!')106 107 # 读操作108 lines = file_tool.read_from_file()109 print(lines)110 111 112 if __name__ == '__main__':113 main()