Configuration [SERVICE NAME].MapServer can not be started. Server Object instance creation failed on machine [SERVER NAME].   I am running ArcGIS Server 10.0 All of my services were running ok yesterday and I was able to add newservices. However, today I am not able to restart existing services oradd any new services. I receive this message: Unable to Restart service. Error (Configuration [SERVICENAME].MapServer can not be started. Server Object instance creationfailed on machine [SERVER NAME]. ). Where SERVICE NAME = the name of the service I am attempting to restart/add and SERVER NAME = the name of my server. I am able to access my existing services that are running. I have not made any changes to my computer, permissions, etc. since yesterday. I tried restarting the server, and still no luck. How can I resolve this?   The logs should give us some more information as to the cause of theissue. Take a look at this link, increase the log level to Verbose, andthen try to re-start your services. If the issue is not clear, post thelog, perhaps we can figure it out. ​​​​   Thanks for the direction. The "Feature Access" capability was enabled, which requires the data to be in an SDE geodatabase.