1: .global _start
2: .global mystrcpy
4: _start:
5: B main
6: mystrcpy:
7: mov r2,#0
8: ldrb r2, [r0];
9: strb r2, [r1]
10: cmp r2, #0
11: beq rr
12: add r0, #1
13: add r1, #1
14: b mystrcpy
15: rr:
16: moveq pc,lr
2: char *source = "";
4: char dest[20] ="";
6: extern void mystrcpy(char *src, char *dst);
8: int main(void){
10: mystrcpy(source, dest);
11: while(1);
12: return 0;
13: }
1: all:
2: arm-none-eabi-gcc -g -c strcpys.s -o mystrcpys.o //
3: arm-none-eabi-gcc -g -c strcpyc.c -o mystrcpyc.o
4: arm-none-eabi-ld -Ttext 0x20000 mystrcpys.o mystrcpyc.o -o mystrcpy.elf
5: arm-none-eabi-objdump -D mystrcpy.elf >p.dis //反汇编
6: clean:
7: rm -rf *.o *.elf *.dis
target remote monitor reset halt
55: Disassembly of section .comment:
57: 00000000 <.comment>:
58: 0: 3a434347 bcc 10d0d24 <_stack+0x1050d24>
59: 4: 4e472820 cdpmi 8, 4, cr2, cr7, cr0, {1}
60: 8: 34202955 strtcc r2, [r0], #-2389 ; 0x955
61: c: 322e362e eorcc r3, lr, #48234496 ; 0x2e00000
62: ...
64: Disassembly of section .debug_aranges:
66: 00000000 <.debug_aranges>:
67: 0: 0000001c andeq r0, r0, ip, lsl r0
68: 4: 00000002 andeq r0, r0, r2
69: 8: 00040000 andeq r0, r4, r0
70: c: 00000000 andeq r0, r0, r0
71: 10: 00020000 andeq r0, r2, r0
72: 14: 00000028 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsr #32
73: ...
74: 20: 0000001c andeq r0, r0, ip, lsl r0
75: 24: 004d0002 subeq r0, sp, r2
76: 28: 00040000 andeq r0, r4, r0
77: 2c: 00000000 andeq r0, r0, r0
78: 30: 00020028 andeq r0, r2, r8, lsr #32
79: 34: 00000028 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsr #32
80: ...
82: Disassembly of section .debug_info:
84: 00000000 <.debug_info>:
85: 0: 00000049 andeq r0, r0, r9, asr #32
86: 4: 00000002 andeq r0, r0, r2
87: 8: 01040000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 4)
88: c: 00000000 andeq r0, r0, r0
89: 10: 00020000 andeq r0, r2, r0
90: 14: 00020028 andeq r0, r2, r8, lsr #32
91: 18: 63727473 cmnvs r2, #1929379840 ; 0x73000000
92: 1c: 2e737970 mrccs 9, 3, r7, cr3, cr0, {3}
93: 20: 3a440073 bcc 11001f4 <_stack+0x10801f4>
94: 24: 6c63655c cfstr64vs mvdx6, [r3], #-368 ; 0xfffffe90
95: 28: 65737069 ldrbvs r7, [r3, #-105]! ; 0x69
96: 2c: 6f72705f svcvs 0x0072705f
97: 30: 7463656a strbtvc r6, [r3], #-1386 ; 0x56a
98: 34: 796d5c73 stmdbvc sp!, {r0, r1, r4, r5, r6, sl, fp, ip, lr}^
99: 38: 63727473 cmnvs r2, #1929379840 ; 0x73000000
100: 3c: 47007970 smlsdxmi r0, r0, r9, r7
101: 40: 4120554e teqmi r0, lr, asr #10
102: 44: 2e322053 mrccs 0, 1, r2, cr2, cr3, {2}
103: 48: 01003132 tsteq r0, r2, lsr r1
104: 4c: 0000a480 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl #9
105: 50: 14000200 strne r0, [r0], #-512 ; 0x200
106: 54: 04000000 streq r0, [r0]
107: 58: 00000001 andeq r0, r0, r1
108: 5c: 00250100 eoreq r0, r5, r0, lsl #2
109: 60: 002f0000 eoreq r0, pc, r0
110: 64: 00280000 eoreq r0, r8, r0
111: 68: 00500002 subseq r0, r0, r2
112: 6c: 00400002 subeq r0, r0, r2
113: 70: 01020000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 2)
114: 74: 0000004c andeq r0, r0, ip, asr #32
115: 78: 3e010801 cdpcc 8, 0, cr0, cr1, cr1, {0}
116: 7c: 28000000 stmdacs r0, {} ; <UNPREDICTABLE>
117: 80: 50000200 andpl r0, r0, r0, lsl #4
118: 84: 00000200 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsl #4
119: 88: 03000000 movweq r0, #0
120: 8c: 6e690504 cdpvs 5, 6, cr0, cr9, cr4, {0}
121: 90: 0c040074 stceq 0, cr0, [r4], {116} ; 0x74
122: 94: 01000000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 0)
123: 98: 00005202 andeq r5, r0, r2, lsl #4
124: 9c: 05010100 streq r0, [r1, #-256] ; 0x100
125: a0: 00005804 andeq r5, r0, r4, lsl #16
126: a4: 08010600 stmdaeq r1, {r9, sl}
127: a8: 00000051 andeq r0, r0, r1, asr r0
128: ac: 00005807 andeq r5, r0, r7, lsl #16
129: b0: 00006f00 andeq r6, r0, r0, lsl #30
130: b4: 006f0800 rsbeq r0, pc, r0, lsl #16
131: b8: 00130000 andseq r0, r3, r0
132: bc: 13070406 movwne r0, #29702 ; 0x7406
133: c0: 04000000 streq r0, [r0]
134: c4: 00000020 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsr #32
135: c8: 005f0401 subseq r0, pc, r1, lsl #8
136: cc: 01010000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 1)
137: d0: 00000c09 andeq r0, r0, r9, lsl #24
138: d4: 52020100 andpl r0, r2, #0
139: d8: 01000000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 0)
140: dc: 80680305 rsbhi r0, r8, r5, lsl #6
141: e0: 20090002 andcs r0, r9, r2
142: e4: 01000000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 0)
143: e8: 00005f04 andeq r5, r0, r4, lsl #30
144: ec: 03050100 movweq r0, #20736 ; 0x5100
145: f0: 0002806c andeq r8, r2, ip, rrx
146: ...
148: Disassembly of section .debug_abbrev:
150: 00000000 <.debug_abbrev>:
151: 0: 10001101 andne r1, r0, r1, lsl #2
152: 4: 12011106 andne r1, r1, #-2147483647 ; 0x80000001
153: 8: 1b080301 blne 200c14 <_stack+0x180c14>
154: c: 13082508 movwne r2, #34056 ; 0x8508
155: 10: 00000005 andeq r0, r0, r5
156: 14: 25011101 strcs r1, [r1, #-257] ; 0x101
157: 18: 030b130e movweq r1, #45838 ; 0xb30e
158: 1c: 110e1b0e tstne lr, lr, lsl #22
159: 20: 10011201 andne r1, r1, r1, lsl #4
160: 24: 02000006 andeq r0, r0, #6
161: 28: 0c3f002e ldceq 0, cr0, [pc], #-184 ; ffffff78 <_stack+0xfff7ff78>
162: 2c: 0b3a0e03 bleq e83840 <_stack+0xe03840>
163: 30: 0c270b3b stceq 11, cr0, [r7], #-236 ; 0xffffff14
164: 34: 01111349 tsteq r1, r9, asr #6
165: 38: 06400112 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x06400112
166: 3c: 24030000 strcs r0, [r3]
167: 40: 3e0b0b00 vmlacc.f64 d0, d11, d0
168: 44: 0008030b andeq r0, r8, fp, lsl #6
169: 48: 00340400 eorseq r0, r4, r0, lsl #8
170: 4c: 0b3a0e03 bleq e83860 <_stack+0xe03860>
171: 50: 13490b3b movtne r0, #39739 ; 0x9b3b
172: 54: 0c3c0c3f ldceq 12, cr0, [ip], #-252 ; 0xffffff04
173: 58: 0f050000 svceq 0x00050000
174: 5c: 490b0b00 stmdbmi fp, {r8, r9, fp}
175: 60: 06000013 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x06000013
176: 64: 0b0b0024 bleq 2c00fc <_stack+0x2400fc>
177: 68: 0e030b3e vmoveq.16 d3[0], r0
178: 6c: 01070000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 7)
179: 70: 01134901 tsteq r3, r1, lsl #18
180: 74: 08000013 stmdaeq r0, {r0, r1, r4}
181: 78: 13490021 movtne r0, #36897 ; 0x9021
182: 7c: 00000b2f andeq r0, r0, pc, lsr #22
183: 80: 03003409 movweq r3, #1033 ; 0x409
184: 84: 3b0b3a0e blcc 2ce8c4 <_stack+0x24e8c4>
185: 88: 3f13490b svccc 0x0013490b
186: 8c: 000a020c andeq r0, sl, ip, lsl #4
187: ...
189: Disassembly of section .debug_line:
191: 00000000 <.debug_line>:
192: 0: 0000003c andeq r0, r0, ip, lsr r0
193: 4: 00200002 eoreq r0, r0, r2
194: 8: 01020000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 2)
195: c: 000d0efb strdeq r0, [sp], -fp
196: 10: 01010101 tsteq r1, r1, lsl #2
197: 14: 01000000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 0)
198: 18: 00010000 andeq r0, r1, r0
199: 1c: 63727473 cmnvs r2, #1929379840 ; 0x73000000
200: 20: 2e737970 mrccs 9, 3, r7, cr3, cr0, {3}
201: 24: 00000073 andeq r0, r0, r3, ror r0
202: 28: 05000000 streq r0, [r0]
203: 2c: 02000002 andeq r0, r0, #2
204: 30: 2f301600 svccs 0x00301600
205: 34: 2f2f2f2f svccs 0x002f2f2f
206: 38: 02302f2f eorseq r2, r0, #188 ; 0xbc
207: 3c: 01010002 tsteq r1, r2
208: 40: 00000039 andeq r0, r0, r9, lsr r0
209: 44: 00200002 eoreq r0, r0, r2
210: 48: 01020000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 2)
211: 4c: 000d0efb strdeq r0, [sp], -fp
212: 50: 01010101 tsteq r1, r1, lsl #2
213: 54: 01000000 mrseq r0, (UNDEF: 0)
214: 58: 00010000 andeq r0, r1, r0
215: 5c: 63727473 cmnvs r2, #1929379840 ; 0x73000000
216: 60: 2e637970 mcrcs 9, 3, r7, cr3, cr0, {3}
217: 64: 00000063 andeq r0, r0, r3, rrx
218: 68: 05000000 streq r0, [r0]
219: 6c: 02002802 andeq r2, r0, #131072 ; 0x20000
220: 70: 004c1900 subeq r1, ip, r0, lsl #18
221: 74: 9f010402 svcls 0x00010402
222: 78: 01000602 tsteq r0, r2, lsl #12
223: 7c: Address 0x0000007c is out of bounds.
226: Disassembly of section .debug_frame:
228: 00000000 <.debug_frame>:
229: 0: 0000000c andeq r0, r0, ip
230: 4: ffffffff ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xffffffff
231: 8: 7c020001 stcvc 0, cr0, [r2], {1}
232: c: 000d0c0e andeq r0, sp, lr, lsl #24
233: 10: 00000018 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsl r0
234: 14: 00000000 andeq r0, r0, r0
235: 18: 00020028 andeq r0, r2, r8, lsr #32
236: 1c: 00000028 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsr #32
237: 20: 8e080e42 cdphi 14, 0, cr0, cr8, cr2, {2}
238: 24: 42028b01 andmi r8, r2, #1024 ; 0x400
239: 28: 00040b0c andeq r0, r4, ip, lsl #22
241: Disassembly of section .debug_str:
243: 00000000 <.debug_str>:
244: 0: 20554e47 subscs r4, r5, r7, asr #28
245: 4: 2e342043 cdpcs 0, 3, cr2, cr4, cr3, {2}
246: 8: 00322e36 eorseq r2, r2, r6, lsr lr
247: c: 72756f73 rsbsvc r6, r5, #460 ; 0x1cc
248: 10: 75006563 strvc r6, [r0, #-1379] ; 0x563
249: 14: 6769736e strbvs r7, [r9, -lr, ror #6]!
250: 18: 2064656e rsbcs r6, r4, lr, ror #10
251: 1c: 00746e69 rsbseq r6, r4, r9, ror #28
252: 20: 74736564 ldrbtvc r6, [r3], #-1380 ; 0x564
253: 24: 72747300 rsbsvc r7, r4, #0
254: 28: 63797063 cmnvs r9, #99 ; 0x63
255: 2c: 4400632e strmi r6, [r0], #-814 ; 0x32e
256: 30: 63655c3a cmnvs r5, #14848 ; 0x3a00
257: 34: 7370696c cmnvc r0, #1769472 ; 0x1b0000
258: 38: 72705f65 rsbsvc r5, r0, #404 ; 0x194
259: 3c: 63656a6f cmnvs r5, #454656 ; 0x6f000
260: 40: 6d5c7374 ldclvs 3, cr7, [ip, #-464] ; 0xfffffe30
261: 44: 72747379 rsbsvc r7, r4, #-469762047 ; 0xe4000001
262: 48: 00797063 rsbseq r7, r9, r3, rrx
263: 4c: 6e69616d powvsez f6, f1, #5.0
264: 50: 61686300 cmnvs r8, r0, lsl #6
265: 54: Address 0x00000054 is out of bounds.
268: Disassembly of section .debug_loc:
270: 00000000 <.debug_loc>:
271: 0: 00000000 andeq r0, r0, r0
272: 4: 00000004 andeq r0, r0, r4
273: 8: 007d0002 rsbseq r0, sp, r2
274: c: 00000004 andeq r0, r0, r4
275: 10: 00000008 andeq r0, r0, r8
276: 14: 087d0002 ldmdaeq sp!, {r1}^
277: 18: 00000008 andeq r0, r0, r8
278: 1c: 00000028 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsr #32
279: 20: 047b0002 ldrbteq r0, [fp], #-2
280: ...
282: Disassembly of section .ARM.attributes:
284: 00000000 <_stack-0x80000>:
285: 0: 00002d41 andeq r2, r0, r1, asr #26
286: 4: 61656100 cmnvs r5, r0, lsl #2
287: 8: 01006962 tsteq r0, r2, ror #18
288: c: 00000023 andeq r0, r0, r3, lsr #32
289: 10: 4d524105 ldfmie f4, [r2, #-20] ; 0xffffffec
290: 14: 4d445437 cfstrdmi mvd5, [r4, #-220] ; 0xffffff24
291: 18: 02060049 andeq r0, r6, #73 ; 0x49
292: 1c: 01090108 tsteq r9, r8, lsl #2
293: 20: 01140412 tsteq r4, r2, lsl r4
294: 24: 03170115 tsteq r7, #1073741829 ; 0x40000005
295: 28: 011a0118 tsteq sl, r8, lsl r1
296: 2c: Address 0x0000002c is out of bounds.