S1={1,2,4,7} S2={3,5,8} S3={6,9,10}
#define MAX_TREE_SIZE 100 typedef int TElemType; typedef struct PTNode //结点结构 { TElemType data; //结点数据 int parent; //双亲位置 }PTNode; typedef struct //树结构 { PTNode nodes[MAX_TREE_SIZE]; //结点数组 int r, n; //r是根位置,n是结点数 }PTree;
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_SIZE 100 typedef int TElemType; typedef struct _PTNode { int data; int parent; }PTNode; typedef struct { PTNode set[MAX_SIZE]; int n; }SetType;
void CreateSets(SetType *Set) { //输入数据,使第一个数变为根节点 int d=0,parent=0; int i = 0; Set->n = 0; printf("input number(data,parent) to create set Number(<-1,-1> to exit):\n"); while (1) { scanf("%d,%d", &d,&parent); if (d == -1&&parent==-1) break; Set->set[i].data = d; Set->set[i].parent = parent; Set->n++; i++; } printf("create set finish\n"); }
void ShowSet(SetType s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n; i++) printf("%d %d %d\n", i, s.set[i].data, s.set[i].parent); }
int Find(SetType s, TElemType e) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n&&e != s.set[i].data; i++) ; if (i >= s.n) return -1; for (; s.set[i].parent >= 0; i = s.set[i].parent) ; return i; }
int main() { SetType set; TElemType n; int root; CreateSets(&set); ShowSet(set); printf("input number to find root:\n"); scanf("%d", &n); root=Find(set, n); printf("Finf Root in %d\n", root); system("pause"); return 0; }
1.找到x1,x2两个元素根节点 2.将其中一个根添加到另一个树下面
树高我们应该如何获取?是在每次合并前去计算一遍吗?似乎计算量还不小。那我们应该如何做? 想到根节点了吗?原来是存放-1的,我们现在将其数据存放为"-高",这样获取高度将变得十分方便
void CreateSets(SetType *Set) { //输入数据,使第一个数变为根节点 int d=0,parent=0; int j,i = 0; int min,high; Set->n = 0; printf("input number(data,parent) to create set Number(<-1,-1> to exit):\n"); while (1) { scanf("%d,%d", &d,&parent); if (d == -1&&parent==-1) break; Set->set[i].data = d; Set->set[i].parent = parent; Set->n++; i++; } //更新每个根节点的数据 for (i = Set->n; i >= 0;i--) { j = i; high = 1; for (; Set->set[j].parent >= 0; j = Set->set[j].parent) high++; if (-high<Set->set[j].parent) Set->set[j].parent = -high; } printf("create set finish\n"); }
void Union(SetType* s, SetName Root1, SetName Root2) { if (s->set[Root1].parent<s->set[Root2].parent)//由于高度存放是负数,所以我们比较大小是不一样的 { //说明Root1高 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; } else if (s->set[Root1].parent == s->set[Root2].parent) { //随便合并,不过高度加一 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; s->set[Root1].parent -= 1; } else { //说明Root2高 s->set[Root1].parent = Root2; } }
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_SIZE 100 typedef int TElemType; typedef int SetName; //默认根节点下标作为集合名称 typedef struct _PTNode { int data; int parent; }PTNode; typedef struct { PTNode set[MAX_SIZE]; int n; }SetType; void CreateSets(SetType *Set) { //输入数据,使第一个数变为根节点 int d=0,parent=0; int j,i = 0; int min,high; Set->n = 0; printf("input number(data,parent) to create set Number(<-1,-1> to exit):\n"); while (1) { scanf("%d,%d", &d,&parent); if (d == -1&&parent==-1) break; Set->set[i].data = d; Set->set[i].parent = parent; Set->n++; i++; } //更新每个根节点的数据 for (i = Set->n; i >= 0;i--) { j = i; high = 1; for (; Set->set[j].parent >= 0; j = Set->set[j].parent) high++; if (-high<Set->set[j].parent) Set->set[j].parent = -high; } printf("create set finish\n"); } void Union(SetType* s, SetName Root1, SetName Root2) { if (s->set[Root1].parent<s->set[Root2].parent)//由于高度存放是负数,所以我们比较大小是不一样的 { //说明Root1高 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; } else if (s->set[Root1].parent == s->set[Root2].parent) { //随便合并,不过高度加一 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; s->set[Root1].parent -= 1; } else { //说明Root2高 s->set[Root1].parent = Root2; } } int Find(SetType s, TElemType e) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n&&e != s.set[i].data; i++) ; if (i >= s.n) return -1; for (; s.set[i].parent >= 0; i = s.set[i].parent) ; return i; } void ShowSet(SetType s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n; i++) printf("%d %d %d\n", i, s.set[i].data, s.set[i].parent); } int main() { SetType set; TElemType n; int root; CreateSets(&set); ShowSet(set); printf("input number to find root:\n"); scanf("%d", &n); root=Find(set, n); printf("Finf Root in %d\n", root); printf("Union root1 and root2:\n"); Union(&set, Find(set, 5), Find(set, 9)); ShowSet(set); printf("Union root1 and root2 finished\n"); system("pause"); return 0; }
C代表检测,I代表连接 C 3 2代表检测3,2号两台主机是否联网 I 3 2代表将3,2两台主机连接 C 1 5 I 4 5 I 2 4 C 3 5 S表示结束
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_SIZE 100 typedef int TElemType; typedef int SetName; //默认根节点下标作为集合名称 typedef struct _PTNode { int data; int parent; }PTNode; typedef struct { PTNode set[MAX_SIZE]; int n; }SetType; void CreateSets(SetType *Set) { //输入数据,使第一个数变为根节点 int d=0,parent=0; int i = 0; Set->n = 0; printf("input number of hosts to operate:\n"); scanf("%d", &d); while (d) { Set->set[i].data = i + 1; Set->set[i].parent = -1; Set->n++; i++; d--; } //由于是初始n台独立的主机,所以我们不需要去初始其高 printf("create hosts finish\n"); } void Union(SetType* s, SetName Root1, SetName Root2) { if (s->set[Root1].parent<s->set[Root2].parent)//由于高度存放是负数,所以我们比较大小是不一样的 { //说明Root1高 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; } else if (s->set[Root1].parent == s->set[Root2].parent) { //随便合并,不过高度加一 s->set[Root2].parent = Root1; s->set[Root1].parent -= 1; } else { //说明Root2高 s->set[Root1].parent = Root2; } } int Find(SetType s, TElemType e) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n&&e != s.set[i].data; i++) ; if (i >= s.n) return -1; for (; s.set[i].parent >= 0; i = s.set[i].parent) ; return i; } void ShowSet(SetType s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.n; i++) printf("%d %d %d\n", i, s.set[i].data, s.set[i].parent); } void OperateNetwork(SetType *set) { TElemType n; int host1, host2; char op; CreateSets(set); ShowSet(*set); while (1) { scanf("%c %d %d", &op, &host1, &host2); switch (op) { case 'C': if (Find(*set, host1) != Find(*set, host2)) printf("No\n"); else printf("Yes\n"); break; case 'I': Union(set, Find(*set, host1), Find(*set, host2)); break; case 'S': return; default: break; } } } void CheckNetWork(SetType s) { int i,n=0; for (i = 0; i < s.n; i++) if (s.set[i].parent < 0) n++; if (n == 1) printf("The network is connection\n"); else printf("There are %d components\n", n); } int main() { SetType set; OperateNetwork(&set); printf("CheckNetwork Finished\n"); ShowSet(set); CheckNetWork(set); system("pause"); return 0; }