Top-model Izabella participates in the competition. She wants to impress judges and show her mathematical skills.
Her problem is following: for given string, consisting of only 0 and 1, tell if it's possible to remove some digits in such a way, that remaining number is a representation of some positive integer, divisible by 64, in the binary numerical system.
In the only line given a non-empty binary string s with length up to 100.
Print «yes» (without quotes) if it's possible to remove digits required way and «no» otherwise.
In the first test case, you can get string 1 000 000 after removing two ones which is a representation of number 64 in the binary numerical system.
You can read more about binary numeral system representation here:
【题意】: 给你一个只包含0和1的字符串 , 判断这个 字符串 能不能通过删除一些1或者0 使得剩下的数字是一个整数的二进制表示,并且能够被二进制的 64 整除。
【分析】:64 的二进制表示是:1000000(2) , 从给出的数字的最高位向后找到第一个 1 然后向后统计 0 的个数 num, num大于等于 6 则输出 yes 否则输出 no
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; char s[11000]; int main() { scanf("%s",s); int flag=0,cnt=0; for(int i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) { if(flag==0 && s[i]=='1') { flag=1; } if(flag) { if(s[i]=='0') { cnt++; } } } if(cnt>=6) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n"); return 0; }