zjzc01:/root# cat aa.pl 
use URI::Escape;
use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
print "\$xx is $xx\n";
$Signature = encode_base64($str);
print "$Signature\n";

#+ 替换为%20 =替换为%3d
$Signature = uri_escape("$Signature");
print "\$Signature is $Signature\n";
zjzc01:/root# perl aa.pl
$xx is GET&%2F&AccessKeyId%3DZ7bph8ZgNR4oMNVh%26Action%3DDescribeRegions%26Format%3DJSON%26RegionId%3Dregion1%26SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26SignatureNonce%3DNwDAxvLU6tFE0DVb%26SignatureVersion%3D1.0%26TimeStamp%3D%26Version%3D2014-05-26

$Signature is I3GHM2wC%2B3i40vWpXMRox7AK1WE%3D%0A

回车是 %0a


zjzc01:/root# cat aa.pl
use URI::Escape;
use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape);
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
print "\$xx is $xx\n";
$Signature = encode_base64($str,"");
print "$Signature\n";

#+ 替换为%20 =替换为%3d
$Signature = uri_escape("$Signature");
print "\$Signature is $Signature\n";
zjzc01:/root# perl aa.pl
$xx is GET&%2F&AccessKeyId%3DZ7bph8ZgNR4oMNVh%26Action%3DDescribeRegions%26Format%3DJSON%26RegionId%3Dregion1%26SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26SignatureNonce%3DNwDAxvLU6tFE0DVb%26SignatureVersion%3D1.0%26TimeStamp%3D%26Version%3D2014-05-26
$Signature is I3GHM2wC%2B3i40vWpXMRox7AK1WE%3D

encode_base64($str, $eol);
Encode data by calling the encode_base64() function. The first argument is the string to encode. The second argument is the line-ending sequence to use. It is optional and defaults to "\n". The returned
encoded string is broken into lines of no more than 76 characters each and it will end with $eol unless it is empty. Pass an empty string as second argument if you do not want the encoded string to be broken
into lines.

编码数据通过调用 encode_base64() 函数,第一个参数是需要编码的字符串。

第2个参数是行结束,它是可选的 默认是\no

