type ConnPool interface { Get() (*Conn, error) // 获取资源 Pulish(*Conn) error // 释放资源,返回池中 Shutdown() error // 关闭池 } type Connpool struct { lock sync.Mutex ConnList []*Conn //链接 capacity int32 // 链接池最大链接限制 numOpen int32 // 当前池中空闲链接数 running int32 // 正在使用的链接数 expiryDuration time.Duration //扫描时间 defaultExpiration time.Duration//链接的过期时间 factory newConn // 创建连接的方法 j *janitor //监视器 isClose bool //链接池是否关闭 }
type newConn func()(redis.Conn)
type Conn struct{ Expiration int64 Conn redis.Conn } func (C *Conn)close(){ err := C.Conn.Close() if err != nil{ log.Println("关闭链接失败!",err) } }
func NewGenericPool(capacity int32,expiryDuration time.Duration,defaultExpiration time.Duration) (*Connpool, error) { if capacity <= 0 { return nil, errors.New("Pool capacity <0,not Create") } p := &Connpool{ capacity: int32(capacity), expiryDuration: expiryDuration, running: 0, numOpen: 0, defaultExpiration:defaultExpiration, factory:func()(redis.Conn){ rs,err := redis.Dial("tcp", "") if err != nil{ return nil } return rs }, isClose:false, } // 启动定期清理过期链接,独立goroutine运行, // 进一步节省系统资源 j := p.monitorAndClear() p.j = j return p, nil }
c *Connpool //监控的链接池 Interval time.Duration //定期扫描时间 stop chan bool //通知链接池关闭,这里使用一个空struct{}更好,你可以自定义一个类型,type sig struct{}
func (c *Connpool)monitorAndClear()*janitor{ return runJanitor(c,c.expiryDuration) } type janitor struct { c *Connpool Interval time.Duration stop chan bool } func (j *janitor) Run() { //创建定时器 ticker := time.NewTicker(j.Interval) print("开启定时器\n") for { select { case <-ticker.C://当定时器每次到达设置的时间时就会向管道发送消息,检测链接队列中链接是否过期 print("开始扫描\n") j.c.DeleteExpired() case <-j.stop: //监视器退出信道, ticker.Stop() close(j.stop) return } } } func (j *janitor)stopJanitor(){ j.stop <- true } func runJanitor(c *Connpool,ci time.Duration)*janitor{ j := &janitor{ c:c, Interval: ci, stop: make(chan bool), } go j.Run()//运行监控器 return j }
//////////////////////////////////////// func (c *Connpool) DeleteExpired() { //现在时间戳 now := time.Now().UnixNano() //加互斥锁 c.lock.Lock() for i,conn := range c.ConnList { // "Inlining" of expired if conn.Expiration > 0 && now > conn.Expiration { //超时则删除 o, ok := c.delete( c.ConnList,i) //类型断言 if ok { c.ConnList = o.([]*Conn) } conn.close() } } c.lock.Unlock()//解互斥锁 } func (c *Connpool) delete(slice interface{}, index int) (interface{}, bool) { //判断是否是切片类型 v := reflect.ValueOf(slice) if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice { return nil, false } //参数检查 if v.Len() == 0 || index < 0 || index > v.Len() - 1 { return nil, false } return reflect.AppendSlice(v.Slice(0, index), v.Slice(index+1, v.Len())).Interface(), true } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 获取资源 func (c *Connpool) Get() (*Conn){ if c.isClose { return nil } var conn *Conn // 标志,表示当前运行的链接数量是否已达容量上限 waiting := false // 涉及从链接队列取可用链接,需要加锁 c.lock.Lock() ConnList := c.ConnList n := len(ConnList) - 1 fmt.Println("空闲链接数量:",n+1) fmt.Println("链接池现在运行的链接数量:",c.running) // 当前链接队列为空(无空闲链接) if n < 0 { //没有空闲的链接有两种可能: //1.运行的链接超出了pool容量 //2.当前是空pool,从未往pool添加链接或者一段时间内没有链接添加,被定期清除 // 运行链接数目已达到该Pool的容量上限,置等待标志 if c.running >= c.capacity { //print("超过上限") waiting = true } else { // 当前无空闲链接但是Pool还没有满, // 则可以直接新开一个链接执行任务 c.running++ conn = &Conn{ time.Now().Add(c.defaultExpiration).UnixNano(), c.factory(), } } // 有空闲链接,从队列尾部取出一个使用 } else { conn = ConnList[n] ConnList[n] = nil c.ConnList = ConnList[:n] c.running++ } // 解锁 c.lock.Unlock() if waiting { //当一个链接执行完以后会添加到池中,有了空闲的链接就可以继续执行: // 阻塞等待直到有空闲链接 for len(c.ConnList) == 0{ continue } c.lock.Lock() ConnList = c.ConnList l := len(ConnList) - 1 conn = ConnList[l] ConnList[l] = nil c.ConnList = ConnList[:l] c.running++ c.lock.Unlock() } return conn } // 释放资源,返回池中 func (c *Connpool) Pulish(conn *Conn) error { if c.isClose { return nil } conn.Expiration = time.Now().UnixNano() c.lock.Lock() c.running -- c.ConnList = append(c.ConnList,conn) c.lock.Unlock() return nil } // 关闭池 func (c *Connpool) Shutdown() error { c.isClose = true for _,conn := range c.ConnList { conn.close() } c.j.stopJanitor() return nil }
package main import ( "Pool/Conn_Pool" "fmt" "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis" "time" ) func main() { //容量、扫描时间、键值默认过期时间 Pool,_ := Conn_Pool.NewGenericPool(10,10 * time.Second,5 *time.Second) c := Pool.Get() //通过Do函数,发送redis命令 v, err := c.Conn.Do("SET", "name1", "小王") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } v, err = redis.String(c.Conn.Do("GET", "name1")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(v) Pool.Pulish(c) time.Sleep(time.Second) c = Pool.Get() //通过Do函数,发送redis命令 v, err = c.Conn.Do("SET", "name2", "李四") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } v, err = redis.String(c.Conn.Do("GET", "name2")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(v) Pool.Pulish(c) time.Sleep(time.Second) c = Pool.Get() //通过Do函数,发送redis命令 v, err = c.Conn.Do("SET", "name3", "sb") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } v, err = redis.String(c.Conn.Do("GET", "name3")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(v) Pool.Pulish(c) select { } }
package Conn_Pool import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "reflect" "sync" "time" "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis" ) type Conn struct{ Expiration int64 Conn redis.Conn } func (C *Conn)close(){ err := C.Conn.Close() if err != nil{ log.Println("关闭链接失败!",err) } } type newConn func()(redis.Conn) //type sig struct{} type ConnPool interface { Get() (*Conn, error) // 获取资源 Pulish(*Conn) error // 释放资源,返回池中 Shutdown() error // 关闭池 } type Connpool struct { lock sync.Mutex ConnList []*Conn //链接 capacity int32 // 链接池最大链接限制 numOpen int32 // 当前池中空闲链接数 running int32 // 正在使用的链接数 expiryDuration time.Duration //扫描时间 defaultExpiration time.Duration//链接的过期时间 factory newConn // 创建连接的方法 j *janitor //监视器 isClose bool //链接池是否关闭 } func NewGenericPool(capacity int32,expiryDuration time.Duration,defaultExpiration time.Duration) (*Connpool, error) { if capacity <= 0 { return nil, errors.New("Pool capacity <0,not Create") } p := &Connpool{ capacity: int32(capacity), expiryDuration: expiryDuration, running: 0, numOpen: 0, defaultExpiration:defaultExpiration, factory:func()(redis.Conn){ rs,err := redis.Dial("tcp", "") if err != nil{ return nil } return rs }, isClose:false, } // 启动定期清理过期链接,独立goroutine运行, // 进一步节省系统资源 j := p.monitorAndClear() p.j = j return p, nil } // 获取资源 func (c *Connpool) Get() (*Conn){ if c.isClose { return nil } var conn *Conn // 标志,表示当前运行的链接数量是否已达容量上限 waiting := false // 涉及从链接队列取可用链接,需要加锁 c.lock.Lock() ConnList := c.ConnList n := len(ConnList) - 1 fmt.Println("空闲链接数量:",n+1) fmt.Println("链接池现在运行的链接数量:",c.running) // 当前worker队列为空(无空闲worker) if n < 0 { //没有空闲的链接有两种可能: //1.运行的链接超出了pool容量 //2.当前是空pool,从未往pool添加链接或者一段时间内没有链接添加,被定期清除 // 运行链接数目已达到该Pool的容量上限,置等待标志 if c.running >= c.capacity { //print("超过上限") waiting = true } else { // 当前无空闲链接但是Pool还没有满, // 则可以直接新开一个链接执行任务 c.running++ conn = &Conn{ time.Now().Add(c.defaultExpiration).UnixNano(), c.factory(), } } // 有空闲链接,从队列尾部取出一个使用 } else { conn = ConnList[n] ConnList[n] = nil c.ConnList = ConnList[:n] c.running++ } // 判断是否有链接可用结束,解锁 c.lock.Unlock() if waiting { //当一个链接执行完以后会添加到池中,有了空闲的链接就可以继续执行: // 阻塞等待直到有空闲链接 for len(c.ConnList) == 0{ continue } c.lock.Lock() ConnList = c.ConnList l := len(ConnList) - 1 conn = ConnList[l] ConnList[l] = nil c.ConnList = ConnList[:l] c.running++ c.lock.Unlock() } return conn } // 释放资源,返回池中 func (c *Connpool) Pulish(conn *Conn) error { if c.isClose { return nil } conn.Expiration = time.Now().UnixNano()//更新链接的过期时间 c.lock.Lock() c.running -- c.ConnList = append(c.ConnList,conn) c.lock.Unlock() return nil } // 关闭池 func (c *Connpool) Shutdown() error { c.isClose = true for _,conn := range c.ConnList { conn.close() } c.j.stopJanitor() return nil } //////////////////////////////////////// func (c *Connpool) DeleteExpired() { //现在时间戳 now := time.Now().UnixNano() //map加互斥锁 c.lock.Lock() for i,conn := range c.ConnList { // "Inlining" of expired //检测map if conn.Expiration > 0 && now > conn.Expiration { //超时则删除 o, ok := c.delete( c.ConnList,i) //类型断言 if ok { c.ConnList = o.([]*Conn) } conn.close() } } c.lock.Unlock()//解互斥锁 } func (c *Connpool) delete(slice interface{}, index int) (interface{}, bool) { //判断是否是切片类型 v := reflect.ValueOf(slice) if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice { return nil, false } //参数检查 if v.Len() == 0 || index < 0 || index > v.Len() - 1 { return nil, false } return reflect.AppendSlice(v.Slice(0, index), v.Slice(index+1, v.Len())).Interface(), true } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////监视器///////////////////// func (c *Connpool)monitorAndClear()*janitor{ return runJanitor(c,c.expiryDuration) } type janitor struct { c *Connpool Interval time.Duration stop chan bool } func (j *janitor) Run() { //创建定时器 ticker := time.NewTicker(j.Interval) print("开启定时器\n") for { select { case <-ticker.C://当定时器每次到达设置的时间时就会向管道发送消息,此时检查链接队列中链接是否过期 print("开始扫描\n") j.c.DeleteExpired() case <-j.stop: //监视器退出信道, ticker.Stop() close(j.stop) return } } } func (j *janitor)stopJanitor(){ j.stop <- true } func runJanitor(c *Connpool,ci time.Duration)*janitor{ j := &janitor{ c:c, Interval: ci, stop: make(chan bool), } go j.Run() return j } /////////////////////////////////////