在开始使用 IoTDB 之前,您需要先配置配置文件。为了您的方便,我们已经在文件中设置了默认配置。
- 环境配置文件。环境配置项的默认配置文件。用户可以在文件中配置 JAVA-JVM 的相关系统配置项。
- 系统配置文件
:IoTDB 引擎层配置项的默认配置文件。用户可以在文件中配置IoTDB引擎的相关参数,如JDBC服务监听端口()、数据存储目录解序()等。更重要的是,用户可以配置有关 TsFile 的信息,例如每次写入磁盘的数据大小()。rpc_port
- 日志配置文件 (
三个配置项的配置文件位于 IoTDB 安装目录: 文件夹中。$IOTDB_HOME/conf
iotdb engine. Properties
触发方式:客户端将命令发送到IoTDB服务器。有关客户端的用法,请参阅第 4 章。load configuration
环境配置文件主要用于在IoTDB服务器运行时配置Java环境相关参数,如JVM相关配置。这部分配置在 IoTDB 服务器启动时传递给 JVM。用户可以通过查看 (或) 文件来查看环境配置文件的内容。iotdb-env.sh
Description | The maximum heap memory size that IoTDB can use at startup. |
Type | String |
Default | On Linux or MacOS, the default is one quarter of the memory. On Windows, the default value for 32-bit systems is 512M, and the default for 64-bit systems is 2G. |
Effective | After restart system |
Description | The minimum heap memory size that IoTDB can use at startup. |
Type | String |
Default | On Linux or MacOS, the default is min{cores * 100M, one quarter of MAX_HEAP_SIZE}. On Windows, the default value for 32-bit systems is 512M, and the default for 64-bit systems is 2G. |
Effective | After restart system |
Name | JMX_LOCAL |
Description | JMX monitoring mode, configured as yes to allow only local monitoring, no to allow remote monitoring |
Type | Enum String: “true”, “false” |
Default | true |
Effective | After restart system |
Name | JMX_PORT |
Description | JMX listening port. Please confirm that the port is not a system reserved port and is not occupied |
Type | Short Int: [0,65535] |
Default | 31999 |
Effective | After restart system |
Name | JMX_IP |
Description | JMX listening address. Only take effect if JMX_LOCAL=false. is never allowed |
Type | String |
Default | |
Effective | After restart system |
JMX 授权
我们强烈建议您更改 JMX 远程连接的密码。
用户和密码位于 ${IOTDB_CONF}/conf/jmx.password 中。
权限定义位于 ${IOTDB_CONF}/conf/jmx.access 中。
- compressor
Name | compressor |
Description | Data compression method |
Type | Enum String : “UNCOMPRESSED”, “SNAPPY” |
Effective | Trigger |
- group_size_in_byte
Name | group_size_in_byte |
Description | The data size written to the disk per time |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 134217728 |
Effective | Trigger |
- page_size_in_byte
Name | page_size_in_byte |
Description | The maximum size of a single page written in memory when each column in memory is written (in bytes) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 65536 |
Effective | Trigger |
- max_number_of_points_in_page
Name | max_number_of_points_in_page |
Description | The maximum number of data points (timestamps - valued groups) contained in a page |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 1048576 |
Effective | Trigger |
- max_degree_of_index_node
Name | max_degree_of_index_node |
Description | The maximum degree of the metadata index tree (that is, the max number of each node’s children) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 1024 |
Effective | Trigger |
- max_string_length
Name | max_string_length |
Description | The maximum length of a single string (number of character) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 128 |
Effective | Trigger |
- time_series_data_type
Name | time_series_data_type |
Description | Timestamp data type |
Type | Enum String: “INT32”, “INT64” |
Default | Int64 |
Effective | Trigger |
- time_encoder
Name | time_encoder |
Description | Encoding type of time column |
Type | Enum String: “TS_2DIFF”,“PLAIN”,“RLE” |
Default | TS_2DIFF |
Effective | Trigger |
- value_encoder
Name | value_encoder |
Description | Encoding type of value column |
Type | Enum String: “TS_2DIFF”,“PLAIN”,“RLE” |
Default | PLAIN |
Effective | Trigger |
- float_precision
Name | float_precision |
Description | The precision of the floating point number.(The number of digits after the decimal point) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | The default is 2 digits. Note: The 32-bit floating point number has a decimal precision of 7 bits, and the 64-bit floating point number has a decimal precision of 15 bits. If the setting is out of the range, it will have no practical significance. |
Effective | Trigger |
- bloomFilterErrorRate
Name | bloomFilterErrorRate |
Description | The false positive rate of bloom filter in each TsFile. Bloom filter checks whether a given time series is in the tsfile before loading metadata. This can improve the performance of loading metadata and skip the tsfile that doesn’t contain specified time series. If you want to learn more about its mechanism, you can refer to: wiki page of bloom filter。 |
Type | float, (0, 1) |
Default | 0.05 |
Effective | After restart system |
Engine Layer
- rpc_address
Name | rpc_address |
Description | The jdbc service listens on the address. |
Type | String |
Default | “” |
Effective | After restart system |
- rpc_port
Name | rpc_port |
Description | The jdbc service listens on the port. Please confirm that the port is not a system reserved port and is not occupied. |
Type | Short Int : [0,65535] |
Default | 6667 |
Effective | After restart system |
- time_zone
Name | time_zone |
Description | The time zone in which the server is located, the default is Beijing time (+8) |
Type | Time Zone String |
Default | +08:00 |
Effective | Trigger |
- base_dir
Name | base_dir |
Description | The IoTDB system folder. It is recommended to use an absolute path. |
Type | String |
Default | data |
Effective | After restart system |
- data_dirs
Name | data_dirs |
Description | The directories of data files. Multiple directories are separated by comma. The starting directory of the relative path is related to the operating system. It is recommended to use an absolute path. If the path does not exist, the system will automatically create it. |
Type | String[] |
Default | data/data |
Effective | Trigger |
- wal_dir
Name | wal_dir |
Description | Write Ahead Log storage path. It is recommended to use an absolute path. |
Type | String |
Default | data/wal |
Effective | After restart system |
- enable_wal
Name | enable_wal |
Description | Whether to enable the pre-write log. The default value is true(enabled), and false means closed. |
Type | Bool |
Default | true |
Effective | Trigger |
- enable_parameter_adapter
Name | enable_parameter_adapter |
Description | enable dynamically adjusting system to avoid OOM |
Type | Bool |
Default | true |
Effective | After restart system |
- memtable_size_threshold
Name | memtable_size_threshold |
Description | max memtable size |
Type | Long |
Default | 1073741824 |
Effective | when enable_parameter_adapter is false & After restart system |
- avg_series_point_number_threshold
Name | avg_series_point_number_threshold |
Description | max average number of point of each series in memtable |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 10000 |
Effective | After restart system |
- tsfile_size_threshold
Name | tsfile_size_threshold |
Description | max tsfile size |
Type | Long |
Default | 536870912 |
Effective | when enable_parameter_adapter is false & After restart system |
- enable_partition
Name | enable_partition |
Description | Whether enable time partition for data, if disabled, all data belongs to partition 0 |
Type | Bool |
Default | false |
Effective | After restart system |
- partition_interval
Name | partition_interval |
Description | Time range for dividing storage group, time series data will be divided into groups by this time range |
Type | Int64 |
Default | 604800 |
Effective | Should not be changed after first start up |
- concurrent_writing_time_partition
Name | concurrent_writing_time_partition |
Description | This config decides how many time partitions in a storage group can be inserted concurrently For example, your partitionInterval is 86400 and you want to insert data in 5 different days, |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 1 |
Effective | After restart system |
- multi_dir_strategy
Name | multi_dir_strategy |
Description | IoTDB’s strategy for selecting directories for TsFile in tsfile_dir. You can use a simple class name or a full name of the class. The system provides the following three strategies: 1. SequenceStrategy: IoTDB selects the directory from tsfile_dir in order, traverses all the directories in tsfile_dir in turn, and keeps counting; 2. MaxDiskUsableSpaceFirstStrategy: IoTDB first selects the directory with the largest free disk space in tsfile_dir; 3. MinFolderOccupiedSpaceFirstStrategy: IoTDB prefers the directory with the least space used in tsfile_dir; 4. UserDfineStrategyPackage (user-defined policy) You can complete a user-defined policy in the following ways: 1. Inherit the cn.edu.tsinghua.iotdb.conf.directories.strategy.DirectoryStrategy class and implement its own Strategy method; 2. Fill in the configuration class with the full class name of the implemented class (package name plus class name, UserDfineStrategyPackage); 3. Add the jar file to the project. |
Type | String |
Default | MaxDiskUsableSpaceFirstStrategy |
Effective | Trigger |
- tsfile_size_threshold
Name | tsfile_size_threshold |
Description | When a TsFile size on the disk exceeds this threshold, the TsFile is closed and open a new TsFile to accept data writes. The unit is byte and the default value is 2G. |
Type | Int64 |
Default | 536870912 |
Effective | After restart system |
- tag_attribute_total_size
Name | tag_attribute_total_size |
Description | The maximum persistence size of tags and attributes of each time series. |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 700 |
Effective | After restart system |
- enable_partial_insert
Name | enable_partial_insert |
Description | Whether continue to write other measurements if some measurements are failed in one insertion. |
Type | Bool |
Default | true |
Effective | After restart system |
- flush_wal_threshold
Name | flush_wal_threshold |
Description | After the WAL reaches this value, it is flushed to disk, and it is possible to lose at most flush_wal_threshold operations. |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 10000 |
Effective | Trigger |
- force_wal_period_in_ms
Name | force_wal_period_in_ms |
Description | The period during which the log is periodically forced to flush to disk(in milliseconds) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 10 |
Effective | Trigger |
- fetch_size
Name | fetch_size |
Description | The amount of data read each time in batch (the number of data strips, that is, the number of different timestamps.) |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 10000 |
Effective | After restart system |
- merge_concurrent_threads
Name | merge_concurrent_threads |
Description | THe max threads which can be used when unsequence data is merged. The larger it is, the more IO and CPU cost. The smaller the value, the more the disk is occupied when the unsequence data is too large, the reading will be slower. |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 0 |
Effective | After restart system |
- enable_stat_monitor
Name | enable_stat_monitor |
Description | Whether to enable background statistics |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Effective | After restart system |
- back_loop_period_in_second
Name | back_loop_period_in_second |
Description | The frequency at which the system statistic module triggers(in seconds). |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 5 |
Effective | After restart system |
- concurrent_flush_thread
Name | concurrent_flush_thread |
Description | The thread number used to perform the operation when IoTDB writes data in memory to disk. If the value is less than or equal to 0, then the number of CPU cores installed on the machine is used. The default is 0. |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 0 |
Effective | After restart system |
- stat_monitor_detect_freq_in_second
Name | stat_monitor_detect_freq_in_second |
Description | The time interval which the system check whether the current record statistic time range exceeds stat_monitor_retain_interval every time (in seconds) and perform regular cleaning |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 600 |
Effective | After restart system |
- stat_monitor_retain_interval_in_second
Name | stat_monitor_retain_interval_in_second |
Description | The retention time of system statistics data(in seconds). Statistics data over the retention time range will be cleaned regularly. |
Type | Int32 |
Default | 600 |
Effective | After restart system |
- tsfile_storage_fs
Name | tsfile_storage_fs |
Description | The storage file system of Tsfile and related data files. Currently LOCAL file system and HDFS are supported. |
Type | String |
Default | LOCAL |
Effective | After restart system |
- core_site_path
Name | core_site_path |
Description | Absolute file path of core-site.xml if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. |
Type | String |
Default | /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml |
Effective | After restart system |
- hdfs_site_path
Name | hdfs_site_path |
Description | Absolute file path of hdfs-site.xml if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. |
Type | String |
Default | /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml |
Effective | After restart system |
- hdfs_ip
Name | hdfs_ip |
Description | IP of HDFS if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS. If there are more than one hdfs_ip in configuration, Hadoop HA is used. |
Type | String |
Default | localhost |
Effective | After restart system |
- hdfs_port
Name | hdfs_port |
Description | Port of HDFS if Tsfile and related data files are stored in HDFS |
Type | String |
Default | 9000 |
Effective | After restart system |
- dfs_nameservices
Name | hdfs_nameservices |
Description | Nameservices of HDFS HA if using Hadoop HA |
Type | String |
Default | hdfsnamespace |
Effective | After restart system |
- dfs_ha_namenodes
Name | hdfs_ha_namenodes |
Description | Namenodes under DFS nameservices of HDFS HA if using Hadoop HA |
Type | String |
Default | nn1,nn2 |
Effective | After restart system |
- dfs_ha_automatic_failover_enabled
Name | dfs_ha_automatic_failover_enabled |
Description | Whether using automatic failover if using Hadoop HA |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Effective | After restart system |
- dfs_client_failover_proxy_provider
Name | dfs_client_failover_proxy_provider |
Description | Proxy provider if using Hadoop HA and enabling automatic failover |
Type | String |
Default | org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider |
Effective | After restart system |
- hdfs_use_kerberos
Name | hdfs_use_kerberos |
Description | Whether use kerberos to authenticate hdfs |
Type | String |
Default | false |
Effective | After restart system |
- kerberos_keytab_file_path
Name | kerberos_keytab_file_path |
Description | Full path of kerberos keytab file |
Type | String |
Default | /path |
Effective | After restart system |
- kerberos_principal
Name | kerberos_principal |
Description | Kerberos pricipal |
Type | String |
Default | your principal |
Effective | After restart system |
- authorizer_provider_class
Name | authorizer_provider_class |
Description | the class name of the authorization service |
Type | String |
Default | org.apache.iotdb.db.auth.authorizer.LocalFileAuthorizer |
Effective | After restart system |
Other available values | org.apache.iotdb.db.auth.authorizer.OpenIdAuthorizer |
- openID_url
Name | openID_url |
Description | the openID server if OpenIdAuthorizer is enabled |
Type | String (a http url) |
Default | no |
Effective | After restart system |
Automatic Schema Creation and Type Inference
- enable_auto_create_schema
Name | enable_auto_create_schema |
Description | whether auto create the time series when a non-existed time series data comes |
Type | true or false |
Default | true |
Effective | After restart system |
- default_storage_group_level
Name | default_storage_group_level |
Description | Storage group level when creating schema automatically is enabled. For example, if we receives a data point from root.sg0.d1.s2, we will set root.sg0 as the storage group if storage group level is 1. (root is level 0) |
Type | integer |
Default | 1 |
Effective | After restart system |
- boolean_string_infer_type
Name | boolean_string_infer_type |
Description | To which type the values “true” and “false” should be reslved |
Type | BOOLEAN or TEXT |
Default | BOOLEAN |
Effective | After restart system |
- integer_string_infer_type
Name | integer_string_infer_type |
Description | To which type an integer string like “67” in a query should be resolved |
Type | INT32, INT64, DOUBLE, FLOAT or TEXT |
Default | DOUBLE |
Effective | After restart system |
- nan_string_infer_type
Name | nan_string_infer_type |
Description | To which type the value NaN in a query should be resolved |
Default | FLOAT |
Effective | After restart system |
- floating_string_infer_type
Name | floating_string_infer_type |
Description | To which type a floating number string like “6.7” in a query should be resolved |
Default | FLOAT |
Effective | After restart system |