

Class ModelAndView


public class ModelAndView

extends ​Object

Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework. Note that these are entirely distinct. This class merely holds both to make it possible for a controller to return both model and view in a single return value.

Class to represent a model and view returned by a handler used by a DispatcherServlet. The view can take the form of a reference to a View object, or a String view name which will need to be resolved by a ViewResolver object. The model is a Map, allowing the use of multiple data objects keyed by name.

Author: Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller


Constructor Summary


          Default constructor for bean-style usage: populating bean properties instead of passing in constructor arguments.

ModelAndView(String viewName)​

          Convenient constructor when there is no model data to expose.

ModelAndView(String viewName, Map model)​

          Creates new ModelAndView given a view name and a model.

ModelAndView(String viewName, String modelName, Object modelObject)​

          Convenient constructor to take a single model object.

ModelAndView(View view)​

          Convenient constructor when there is no model data to expose.

ModelAndView(View view, Map model)​

          Creates new ModelAndView given a View object and a model.

ModelAndView(View view, String modelName, Object modelObject)​

          Convenient constructor to take a single model object.


Method Summary

​ ModelAndView

addAllObjects(Map modelMap)​

          Add all entries contained in the provided map to the model.

​ ModelAndView

addObject(String modelName, Object modelObject)​

          Add an object to the model.

​ void​


          Clear the state of this ModelAndView object.

​ Map


          Return the model map.

​protected  Map


          Return the model map.

​ View


          Return the View object, or ​​null​​ if we are using a view name to be resolved by the DispatcherServlet via a ViewResolver.

​ String


          Return the view name to be resolved by the DispatcherServlet via a ViewResolver, or ​​null​​ if we are using a View object.

​ boolean​


          Return whether this ModelAndView object is empty, i.e. whether it does not hold any view and does not contain a model.

​ boolean​


          Return whether we use a view reference, i.e. true if the view has been specified via a name to be resolved by the DispatcherServlet via a ViewResolver.

​ void​

setView(View view)​

          Set a View object for this ModelAndView.

​ void​

setViewName(String viewName)​

          Set a view name for this ModelAndView, to be resolved by the DispatcherServlet via a ViewResolver.

​ String


          Return diagnostic information about this model and view.





ModelAndView 类别就如其名称所看到的,是代表了Spring Web MVC程式中呈现画面时所使用Model资料物件与View资料物件,因为Java程式中一次仅仅能返回一个物件,所以ModelAndView的作用封装这两个物件,以方便您一次返回Model与View这两个物件。

最简单的ModelAndView是持有View的名称返回,之后View名称被View resolver,也就是实作org.springframework.web.servlet.View介面的实例解析,比如 InternalResourceView或JstlView等等,最简单的ModelAndView建构方式例如以下:

ModelAndView(String viewName)


ModelAndView(String viewName, Map model)


ModelAndView(String viewName, String modelName, Object modelObject)



ModelAndView(View view)

ModelAndView(View view, Map model)

ModelAndView(View view, String modelName, Object modelObject)

一个实作View的实例例是org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView, ModelAndView预设是使用转发(Forward)方式来完毕请求的结果画面,使用RedirectView的话,则会使用又一次导向(Redirect)将请求重导至指定的结果画面位置,以呈现请求的结果,比如:


public ModelAndView handleRequest(....) ... {


    return new ModelAndView(

                      new RedirectView(this.getViewPage()));




使用转发(Forward)方式的话,网址列上并不会出现被转发的目标位址,并且转发方式是在Web应用程式之内进行,能够訪问Web应用程式所设定的内部文件夹,像是WEB-INF文件夹,因而您能够将一些要控管存取的资源放到WEB-INF下,如此使用者就无法直接请求这些资源,而必须透过 DispatcherServlet与Controller的处理与控管,才干够取得这些资源,转发方式仅仅能在Web应用程式中进行,不能指定至其他的 Web应用程式位址。






 public interface ViewResolver { public view resolveViewName( String , Locale locale) throws ServletException;  }




 public interface View { public void render(Map model, HttpServletResquest resquest, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException; }
