重转系统后,结果装完之后发现无论我用什么播放器播放视频时就说无法解码音频。这个时候点击音量图标,报错说"There are no active mixer devices available. To install mixer device,to go control panel,click printer and other hardwares ,and click add hardwares.",但是在我的控制面板的printer and other hardwares选项下只有add a printer这个选项,当时我的感觉时驱动的问题,于是重转声卡驱动,结果没多久问题再次出现.害得我还重装了次系统还是没有解决。


Start->Run,输入Services.msc进入服务,将Windows Audio服务启动就行了.这个服务是用来"Manages audio devices for Windows-based programs. If this service is stopped, audio devices and effects will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start."的