1.  class bank_account: #创建一个class,叫bank_account

2. def __init__(self, name, account_number, balance): #初始化name,account_number,和balance

3. #self代表当前的实例

4. self.name = name

5. self.account_number = account_number

6. self.balance = balance

7. def make_deposit(self, deposit): #一个银行账户存钱的个方法,有一个参数,deposit,代表存钱数量

8. self.balance = self.balance + deposit #余额等于余额加上存钱的数量

9. print('Add $',deposit,'to the balance')

 10.print('The balance now is', self.balance)

 11.def make_withdrawal(self, withdrawal): #一个银行账户取钱的一个方法,有一个参数,withdrawal,代表取钱的数量

12. self.balance = self.balance - withdrawal #余额等于余额减去取钱的数量

13. if self.balance < 0: #如果钱不够了,就...

14. print('Not enough money')

 15. self.balance = self.balance + withdrawal #把取过的钱再加到余额里,并且告诉银行账户的主人钱不够

 16. else:

17. print('Subtract $', withdrawal, 'from the balance')

 18. print('The balance now is', self.balance)

19. def display_balance(self): #一个银行账户看余额的一个方法

20. print('The balance is', self.balance)

22.class saving_account(bank_account): #创建一个class,叫saving_account,是bank_account的子类

23. def __init__(self, name, account_number, balance, interest): #初始化name,account_number,balance,和interest

24. bank_account.__init__(self, name, account_number, balance) #调用父类的初始化函数,name,account_number,和balance

25. self.interest = interest

 26.def get_balance(self, year): #一个存款账户看几年之后余额的一个方法

27. b = self.balance * ( 1 + self.interest )**year #复利公式,**是次方

28. print('The balance in', year, 'years, will be $', b)


30.candy_account = saving_account('candy', '1112234', 10, 0.1) #创建一个saving_account,叫candy_account

32.withdrawal_deposit_balance = str(input('Do you want to make withdrawal, make deposit, check balance, or check future balance?')) #问账户持有人要存钱,取钱,看现在的余额,还是看未来的余额

33.inputting = True

34.while inputting:

35. if withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'check balance': #如果账户持有者想要存钱,就...

 36.candy_account.display_balance() #调用看现在的余额的方法

 37.inputting = False

 38.elif withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'withdrawal' or withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'make withdrawal': #如果账户持有者想要取钱,就...

 39.dollars = float(input('How many dollars do you want to make withdrawal?')) #问账户持有者要取多少钱

40. candy_account.make_withdrawal(dollars) #调用取钱的方法

41. inputting = False

42.elif withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'deposit' or withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'make deposit': #如果账户持有者想要看现在的余额,就...

43. dollars = float(input('How many dollars do you want to make deposit')) #问账户持有者要存多少钱

 44.candy_account.make_deposit(dollars) #调用存钱的方法

 45.inputting = False

46. elif withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'future balance' or withdrawal_deposit_balance == 'check future balance': #如果账户持有者想要看未来的余额,就...

47. years = float(input('Which year do you want to check on? Please give the number of years after this year')) #问账户持有者又看几年之后的余额

48. candy_account.get_balance(years) #看未来的余额调用的方法

49. inputting = False

50. else:

51. print('Please enter make withdrawal, make deposit, check balance, or check future balance') #如果哪个都不是的话,就让账户持有者从新写一遍