系统声音服务(System Sound Services)提供了一个接口,用于播放不超过30秒的声音。它支持的文件格式有限,具体地说只有CAF、AIF和使用PCM或IMA/ADPCM数据的WAV文件。由于这些函数没有提供操纵声音和控制音量的功能,所以当你为多媒体或者游戏创建专门的配乐时,不要使用系统声音服务。
1. 声音:立刻播放一个简单的声音文件。如果手机被设置为静音,用户什么也听不到
2. 提醒:播放一个声音文件,如果手机被设置为静音或震动,将通过震动提醒用户
3. 震动:震动手机,而不考虑其他设置
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
系统声音服务并非是通过类实现的,而是使用传统的C语言函数调用来触发播放操作。要播放音频,需要使用的两个函数是AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID 和 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound。还需要声明一个类型为SystemSoundID的变量,它表示要使用的声音文件。下面演示了如何加载并播放声音:
There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (from 2.0 to 5.0 beta). The system sounds are all stored in/System/Library/Audio/UISounds/.
Sound ID | File name (iPhone) | File name (iPod Touch) | Category | Note |
1000 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | MailReceived |
1001 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | MailSent |
1002 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | VoicemailReceived |
1003 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SMSReceived |
1004 | SentMessage.caf | SentMessage.caf | SMSSent |
1005 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | CalendarAlert |
1006 | low_power.caf | low_power.caf | LowPower |
1007 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1008 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1009 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1010 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1011 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate |
1012 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1013 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1014 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Alert |
1015 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | - | Available since 2.1 |
1016 | tweet_sent.caf | tweet_sent.caf | SMSSent | Available since 5.0 |
1020 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1021 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1022 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1023 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1024 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1025 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1026 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1027 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1028 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1029 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1030 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1031 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1032 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1033 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1034 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1035 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1036 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1050 | ussd.caf | ussd.caf | USSDAlert |
1051 | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitTone |
1052 | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitTone |
1053 | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone |
1054 | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone |
1055 | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitTone |
1057 | Tink.caf | Tink.caf | PINKeyPressed |
1070 | ct-busy.caf | ct-busy.caf | AudioToneBusy | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1071 | ct-congestion.caf | ct-congestion.caf | AudioToneCongestion | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1072 | ct-path-ack.caf | ct-path-ack.caf | AudioTonePathAcknowledge | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1073 | ct-error.caf | ct-error.caf | AudioToneError | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1074 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | AudioToneCallWaiting | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1075 | ct-keytone2.caf | ct-keytone2.caf | AudioToneKey2 | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1100 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenLocked |
1101 | unlock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenUnlocked |
1102 | - | - | FailedUnlock |
1103 | Tink.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed |
1104 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed |
1105 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed |
1106 | beep-beep.caf | sq_beep-beep.caf | ConnectedToPower |
1107 | RingerChanged.caf | RingerChanged.caf | RingerSwitchIndication |
1108 | photoShutter.caf | photoShutter.caf | CameraShutter |
1109 | shake.caf | shake.caf | ShakeToShuffle | Available since 3.0 |
1110 | jbl_begin.caf | jbl_begin.caf | JBL_Begin | Available since 3.0 |
1111 | jbl_confirm.caf | jbl_confirm.caf | JBL_Confirm | Available since 3.0 |
1112 | jbl_cancel.caf | jbl_cancel.caf | JBL_Cancel | Available since 3.0 |
1113 | begin_record.caf | begin_record.caf | BeginRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1114 | end_record.caf | end_record.caf | EndRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1115 | jbl_ambiguous.caf | jbl_ambiguous.caf | JBL_Ambiguous | Available since 3.0 |
1116 | jbl_no_match.caf | jbl_no_match.caf | JBL_NoMatch | Available since 3.0 |
1117 | begin_video_record.caf | begin_video_record.caf | BeginVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1118 | end_video_record.caf | end_video_record.caf | EndVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1150 | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | VCInvitationAccepted | Available since 4.0 |
1151 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCRinging | Available since 4.0 |
1152 | vc~ended.caf | vc~ended.caf | VCEnded | Available since 4.0 |
1153 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | VCCallWaiting | Available since 4.1 |
1154 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCCallUpgrade | Available since 4.1 |
1200 | dtmf-0.caf | dtmf-0.caf | TouchTone |
1201 | dtmf-1.caf | dtmf-1.caf | TouchTone |
1202 | dtmf-2.caf | dtmf-2.caf | TouchTone |
1203 | dtmf-3.caf | dtmf-3.caf | TouchTone |
1204 | dtmf-4.caf | dtmf-4.caf | TouchTone |
1205 | dtmf-5.caf | dtmf-5.caf | TouchTone |
1206 | dtmf-6.caf | dtmf-6.caf | TouchTone |
1207 | dtmf-7.caf | dtmf-7.caf | TouchTone |
1208 | dtmf-8.caf | dtmf-8.caf | TouchTone |
1209 | dtmf-9.caf | dtmf-9.caf | TouchTone |
1210 | dtmf-star.caf | dtmf-star.caf | TouchTone |
1211 | dtmf-pound.caf | dtmf-pound.caf | TouchTone |
1254 | long_low_short_high.caf | long_low_short_high.caf | Headset_StartCall |
1255 | short_double_high.caf | short_double_high.caf | Headset_Redial |
1256 | short_low_high.caf | short_low_high.caf | Headset_AnswerCall |
1257 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_EndCall |
1258 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_CallWaitingActions |
1259 | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | Headset_TransitionEnd |
1300 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1301 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1302 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1303 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1304 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1305 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | SystemSoundPreview |
1306 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressClickPreview | The category was SystemSoundPreview before 3.2. |
1307 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1308 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1309 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1310 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1311 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate |
1312 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1313 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1314 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Selection |
1315 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | Available since 2.1 |
1320 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1321 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1322 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1323 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1324 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1325 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1326 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1327 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1328 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1329 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1330 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1331 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1332 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1333 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1334 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1335 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1336 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1350 | - | - | RingerVibeChanged |
1351 | - | - | SilentVibeChanged |
4095 | - | - | Vibrate | There was no category for this sound before 2.2. In the SDK this is the constant kSystemSoundID_Vibrate. |
static SystemSoundID _ringSystemSoundID;
static void ringAudioServicesSystemSoundCompletionProc(SystemSoundID ssID, void *clientData)
void ringStartRing()
// 获取文件所在的路径
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], @"/jad0007a.wav"];
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((__bridge CFURLRef) path, &_ringSystemSoundID);
AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(_ringSystemSoundID, NULL, NULL, ringAudioServicesSystemSoundCompletionProc, NULL);
通过调用AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion 添加可选的系统声音完成回调,通知你的程序声音已经播放完毕。如果你不使用一个接一个的短声音,那么一般可以跳过该步骤。
void ringStopRing()
if (_ringSystemSoundID != 0) {
_ringSystemSoundID = 0;
调用 AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID 以及相应的声音可以清除你的声音,该操作可以释放声音对象以及相关的所有资源