
Sub drawcircularpavers()
    Dim brickcircles() As AcadCircle
    Dim counter As Integer, radius As Double
    Dim center As Integer
    ReDim brickcircles(txtnumberofcircles)
    With ThisDrawing.Utility
        radius = .GetDistance(center, "Enter the radius.")
    End With
    For counter = 0 To txtnumberofcircles - 1
        Set brickcircles(counter) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(center, radius - counter * radius / txtnumberofcircles)
        brickcircles(counter).color = acRed
        drawmortar center, counter, radius
End Sub
Sub drawmortar(center As Variant, counter As Integer, radius As Double)
     Dim startpoint(0 To 2) As Double, endpoint(0 To 2) As Double
     Dim theta As Double, stepsize As Double
     Static adjust As Double
     If frmcircleofbircks.optbrickparallel = True Then
        stepsize = 15 * pi / 180
        stepsize = 30 * pi / 180
        If adjust = 0# Then
            adjust = 15 * pi / 180
            adjust = 0#
        End If
    End If
    For theta = 0 To 360 * pi / 180 Step stepzise
        startpoint(0) = (radius - counter * radius / txtnumberofcricles) * Cos(theta + adjust) + center(0)
        startpoint(1) = (radius - counter * radius / txtnumberofcircles) * Sin(theta + adjust) + center(1)
        endpoint(0) = (radius - (counter + 1) * radius / txtnumberofcircles) * Cos(theta_adjust) + center(0)
        endpoint(1) = (radius - (counter + 1) * radius / txtnumberofcircles) * Sin(theta + adjust) + center(1)
        startpoint(2) = 0#: endpoint(2) = 0#
        With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
            .AddLine startpoint, endpoint
            .Item(ModelSpace.Count - 1).Update
        End With
End Sub
