static implicit operator target_type ( source_type identifier ){......}
一般情况下,隐式转换运算符应当从不引发异常并且从不丢失信息,以便可以在不知晓的情况下安全使用它们。如果转换运算符不能满足那些条件,则应将其标记为 explicit 作为显示转换数据。
class Digit
public Digit(double d) { val = d; }
public double val;
// User-defined conversion from Digit to double
public static implicit operator double(Digit d)
return d.val;
// User-defined conversion from double to Digit
public static implicit operator Digit(double d)
return new Digit(d);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Digit dig = new Digit(7);
//This call invokes the implicit "double" operator
double num = dig;
//This call invokes the implicit "Digit" operator
Digit dig2 = 12;
Console.WriteLine("num = {0} dig2 = {1}", num, dig2.val);
class Distance
private int feet;
private double inches;
public Distance()
feet = 0;
inches = 0.0;
public Distance(double metres)
double f;
f = 3.28 * metres;
this.feet = (int)f;
this.inches = 12 * (f - feet);
public static implicit operator Distance(double metres)
return new Distance(metres);
public static explicit operator double(Distance d)
double metres;
metres = d.inches / 12 + (double)d.feet;
return (metres / 3.28);
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0}英尺{1}英寸 ", this.feet, this.inches);
class DistanceDemo
public static void Main()
Distance d1 = 1.25;
double d = (double)d1;
using System;
namespace Hunts.Keywords
// 定义一个人民币结构。数据类型转换的语法对于结构和类是一样的
public struct RMB
// 注意:这些数的范围可能不能满足实际中的使用
public uint Yuan;
public uint Jiao;
public uint Fen;
public RMB(uint yuan, uint jiao, uint fen)
if (fen > 9)
jiao += fen / 10;
fen = fen % 10;
if (jiao > 9)
yuan += jiao / 10;
jiao = jiao % 10;
this.Yuan = yuan;
this.Jiao = jiao;
this.Fen = fen;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("¥{0}元{1}角{2}分", Yuan, Jiao, Fen);
// 一些操作
public static RMB operator +(RMB rmb1, RMB rmb2)
return new RMB(rmb1.Yuan + rmb2.Yuan, rmb1.Jiao + rmb2.Jiao, rmb1.Fen + rmb2.Fen);
public static implicit operator float(RMB rmb)
return rmb.Yuan + (rmb.Jiao / 10.0f) + (rmb.Fen / 100.00f);
public static explicit operator RMB(float f)
uint yuan = (uint)f;
uint jiao = (uint)((f - yuan) * 10);
uint fen = (uint)(((f - yuan) * 100) % 10);
return new RMB(yuan, jiao, fen);
// more
class App
static void Main()
RMB r1, r2, r3, r4;
// 记得小学时的某次捐款,我把口袋里藏好的一块钱加6张一毛钱以及13个一分钱的硬币都贡献出去了:(
r1 = new RMB(1, 6, 13);
// 其实当时其他人都已经交过了,他们总共交了:
r2 = new RMB(46, 9, 3);
// 那么加上我的就是:
r3 = r1 + r2;
Console.WriteLine("r3 = {0}", r3.ToString());
// 隐式转换
float f = r3;
Console.WriteLine("float f= {0}", f);
// 显式转换
r4 = (RMB)f;
Console.WriteLine("r4 = {0}", r4.ToString());
//如果不进行显示转换,将出现错误 CS0266: 无法将类型“float”隐式转换为“Hunts.Keywords.RMB”。存在一个显式转换(是否缺少强制转换?)