- Contest Info
- Solutions
- A. Broken Keyboard
- B. Binary Palindromes
- C. Minimize The Integer
- D. Salary Changing
- E2. Voting (Hard Version)
Contest Info
[Practice Link](https://codeforces.com/contest/1251)
Solved | A | B | C | D | E1 | E2 | F |
6/7 | O | O | O | O | O | O | - |
- O 在比赛中通过
- Ø 赛后通过
- ! 尝试了但是失败了
- - 没有尝试
A. Broken Keyboard
view code#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops,no-stack-protector,fast-math") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define endl "\n" using namespace std; using db = double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pII = pair <int, int>; using pLL = pair <ll, ll>; constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7; template <class T1, class T2> inline void chadd(T1 &x, T2 y) { x += y; while (x >= mod) x -= mod; while (x < 0) x += mod; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; } inline int rd() { int x; cin >> x; return x; } template <class T> inline void rd(T &x) { cin >> x; } template <class T> inline void rd(vector <T> &vec) { for (auto &it : vec) cin >> it; } #define dbg(x...) do { cout << "\033[32;1m" << #x << " -> "; err(x); } while (0) void err() { cout << "\033[39;0m" << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void err(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; err(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void err(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; err(args...); } inline void pt() { cout << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void pt(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; pt(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void pt(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; pt(args...); } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } inline ll qpow(ll base, ll n) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1) res = res * base % mod; base = base * base % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } //head constexpr int N = 1e5 + 10; int n, cnt[30]; string s; void run() { cin >> s; memset(cnt, -1, sizeof cnt); for (int i = 0, len = s.size(), num = 0; i <= len; ++i) { if (i == len) { if (num & 1) { cnt[s[i - 1] - 'a'] = 1; } } else if (i && s[i] != s[i - 1]) { if (num & 1) { cnt[s[i - 1] - 'a'] = 1; } num = 0; } ++num; } for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) if (cnt[i] > 0) cout << char(i + 'a'); cout << endl; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int _T = rd(); while (_T--) run(); return 0; }
B. Binary Palindromes
view code#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops,no-stack-protector,fast-math") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define endl "\n" using namespace std; using db = double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pII = pair <int, int>; using pLL = pair <ll, ll>; constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7; template <class T1, class T2> inline void chadd(T1 &x, T2 y) { x += y; while (x >= mod) x -= mod; while (x < 0) x += mod; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; } inline int rd() { int x; cin >> x; return x; } template <class T> inline void rd(T &x) { cin >> x; } template <class T> inline void rd(vector <T> &vec) { for (auto &it : vec) cin >> it; } #define dbg(x...) do { cout << "\033[32;1m" << #x << " -> "; err(x); } while (0) void err() { cout << "\033[39;0m" << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void err(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; err(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void err(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; err(args...); } inline void pt() { cout << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void pt(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; pt(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void pt(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; pt(args...); } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } inline ll qpow(ll base, ll n) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1) res = res * base % mod; base = base * base % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } //head constexpr int N = 1e5 + 10; int n, cnt[2], len[110]; void run() { n = rd(); cnt[0] = cnt[1] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { string s; cin >> s; len[i] = s.size(); for (auto &c : s) ++cnt[c - '0']; } sort(len + 1, len + 1 + n); int res = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if (len[i] & 1) { if (cnt[0] & 1) { --cnt[0]; } else if (cnt[1] & 1) { --cnt[1]; } else if (cnt[0]) { --cnt[0]; } else if (cnt[1]) { --cnt[1]; } else { break; } --len[i]; } if (len[i] > cnt[0]) { if (cnt[0] & 1) { len[i] = len[i] - cnt[0] + 1; cnt[0] = 1; } else { len[i] -= cnt[0]; cnt[0] = 0; } } else { cnt[0] -= len[i]; len[i] = 0; } if (len[i] > cnt[1]) { if (cnt[1] & 1) { len[i] = len[i] - cnt[1] + 1; cnt[1] = 1; } else { len[i] -= cnt[1]; cnt[1] = 0; } } else { cnt[1] -= len[i]; len[i] = 0; } if (len[i]) break; ++res; } pt(res); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int _T = rd(); while (_T--) run(); return 0; }
C. Minimize The Integer
view code#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops,no-stack-protector,fast-math") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define endl "\n" using namespace std; using db = double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pII = pair <int, int>; using pLL = pair <ll, ll>; constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7; template <class T1, class T2> inline void chadd(T1 &x, T2 y) { x += y; while (x >= mod) x -= mod; while (x < 0) x += mod; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; } inline int rd() { int x; cin >> x; return x; } template <class T> inline void rd(T &x) { cin >> x; } template <class T> inline void rd(vector <T> &vec) { for (auto &it : vec) cin >> it; } #define dbg(x...) do { cout << "\033[32;1m" << #x << " -> "; err(x); } while (0) void err() { cout << "\033[39;0m" << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void err(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; err(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void err(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; err(args...); } inline void pt() { cout << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void pt(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; pt(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void pt(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; pt(args...); } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } inline ll qpow(ll base, ll n) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1) res = res * base % mod; base = base * base % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } //head constexpr int N = 3e5 + 10; int n; char s[N]; void out(vector <int> &vec) { cout << vec.back(); vec.pop_back(); } void run() { vector <int> vec[2]; cin >> (s + 1); for (int i = 1; s[i]; ++i) { int num = s[i] - '0'; vec[num & 1].push_back(num); } reverse(vec[0].begin(), vec[0].end()); reverse(vec[1].begin(), vec[1].end()); while (!vec[0].empty() || !vec[1].empty()) { if (vec[0].empty()) { out(vec[1]); } else if (vec[1].empty()) { out(vec[0]); } else { if (vec[0].back() < vec[1].back()) { out(vec[0]); } else { out(vec[1]); } } } cout << endl; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int _T; cin >> _T; while (_T--) run(); return 0; }
D. Salary Changing
有\(n\)个人,你是老板,你手里有\(s\)元钱,要给这\(n\)个人发工资,每个人工资的范围是\([l_i, r_i]\),要如何发工资使得你的钱够用并且\(n\)个人工资的中位数最高。
view code#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops,no-stack-protector,fast-math") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define endl "\n" using namespace std; using db = double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pII = pair <int, int>; using pLL = pair <ll, ll>; constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7; template <class T1, class T2> inline void chadd(T1 &x, T2 y) { x += y; while (x >= mod) x -= mod; while (x < 0) x += mod; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; } inline int rd() { int x; cin >> x; return x; } template <class T> inline void rd(T &x) { cin >> x; } template <class T> inline void rd(vector <T> &vec) { for (auto &it : vec) cin >> it; } #define dbg(x...) do { cout << "\033[32;1m" << #x << " -> "; err(x); } while (0) void err() { cout << "\033[39;0m" << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void err(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; err(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void err(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; err(args...); } inline void pt() { cout << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void pt(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; pt(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void pt(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; pt(args...); } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } inline ll qpow(ll base, ll n) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1) res = res * base % mod; base = base * base % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } //head constexpr int N = 2e5 + 10; int n; ll s; pII a[N]; bool check(ll x) { int l = 0, r = 0; ll remind = s; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if (a[i].se < x) { remind -= a[i].fi; ++l; } else if (a[i].fi > x) { remind -= a[i].fi; ++r; } } if (l > n / 2 || r > n / 2) return false; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if (a[i].fi <= x && a[i].se >= x) { if (l < n / 2) { ++l; remind -= a[i].fi; } else { remind -= x; } } } return remind >= 0; } void run() { cin >> n >> s; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) a[i].fi = rd(), a[i].se = rd(); sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n); ll l = a[n / 2 + 1].fi, r = 1e9, res = l; while (r - l >= 0) { ll mid = (l + r) >> 1; if (check(mid)) { res = mid; l = mid + 1; } else { r = mid - 1; } } pt(res); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int _T = rd(); while (_T--) run(); return 0; }
E2. Voting (Hard Version)
那么我们从\(i \in [x, n]\)扫一遍,用一个大根堆维护\(m_i < i\)的所有人的最大\(p_i\),每次取出堆顶的\(p_i\)即可。
view code#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops,no-stack-protector,fast-math") #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fi first #define se second #define endl "\n" using namespace std; using db = double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pII = pair <int, int>; using pLL = pair <ll, ll>; constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7; template <class T1, class T2> inline void chadd(T1 &x, T2 y) { x += y; while (x >= mod) x -= mod; while (x < 0) x += mod; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } template <class T1, class T2> inline void chmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; } inline int rd() { int x; cin >> x; return x; } template <class T> inline void rd(T &x) { cin >> x; } template <class T> inline void rd(vector <T> &vec) { for (auto &it : vec) cin >> it; } #define dbg(x...) do { cout << "\033[32;1m" << #x << " -> "; err(x); } while (0) void err() { cout << "\033[39;0m" << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void err(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; err(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void err(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; err(args...); } inline void pt() { cout << endl; } template <class T, class... Ts> void pt(const T& arg, const Ts&... args) { cout << arg << ' '; pt(args...); } template <template<typename...> class T, typename t, typename... A> void pt(const T <t> &arg, const A&... args) { for (auto &v : arg) cout << v << ' '; pt(args...); } ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; } inline ll qpow(ll base, ll n) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1) res = res * base % mod; base = base * base % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } //head constexpr int N = 2e5 + 10; int n; vector <vector<int>> vec; ll gao(int x) { ll tot = 0; priority_queue <int, vector<int>, less<int>> pq; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { for (auto &it : vec[i]) pq.push(it); if (i >= x) { if (pq.empty()) return 0; tot += pq.top(); pq.pop(); } } return tot; } void run() { n = rd(); vec.clear(); vec.resize(n + 1); ll tot = 0; for (int i = 1, m, p; i <= n; ++i) { m = rd(); p = rd(); vec[m + 1].push_back(p); tot += p; } int l = 1, r = n; ll Max = 0; while (r - l >= 0) { int mid = (l + r) >> 1; ll tmp = gao(mid); chmax(Max, tmp); //dbg(l, r, mid, Max); if (tmp > 0) { r = mid - 1; } else { l = mid + 1; } } pt(tot - Max); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int _T = rd(); while (_T--) run(); return 0; }