Group sparsity 毕竟只是对group的非零项的约束,属于一维的,但是rank描述的是矩阵的相关性属性,其中的每一个atomy因为位置和排列呈现出二维的秩序,所以rank decomposition 是从2D的角度剖析相似度的structure。
求解矩阵的秩问题可以转变为奇异值分解问题(可以参考矩阵论相关知识)为此,提出了Nuclear norm:
Nuclear Norm Minimization (NNM)
NNM: pros and cons
Weighted nuclear norm minimization (WNNM)
Optimization of WNNM
【1】Q. Xie, D. Meng, S. Gu, L.Zhang, W. Zuo, X. Feng, and Z. Xu, “On the optimization of
weightednuclear norm minimization,” Technical Report, to be onlinesoon.
An important corollary
【2】Q. Xie, D. Meng, S. Gu, L.Zhang, W. Zuo, X. Feng, and Z. Xu, “On the optimization of
weightednuclear norm minimization,”Technical Report, to be onlinesoon.
Application of WNNM to image denoising
1. For each noisy patch, search inthe image for its nonlocal similar patchesto form matrix Y.
2. Solve the WNNM problem to estimate the clean patchesX from Y.
3. Put the clean patchback to the image.
4. Repeat the above procedures several times toobtain the denoised image.
WNNM based image denoising
【3】S. Gu, L. Zhang, W. Zuo and X.Feng,“WeightedNuclear Norm Minimization with Application to Image Denoising,”CVPR 2014.
About the weights
Thinking: What representation is better for imageinterpretation?
What’s next?
• Actually I don’tknow … Probably “Sparse/Low-rank + Big Data”?
– Theoreticalanalysis? – Algorithms and implementation?
• W.r.t. image restoration,one interesting topic (at least I think) isperceptual quality oriented image restoration.