CONTROL OUT transfer failed with Error Code:997
curEndpt.TimeOut = 25000;
success = curEndpt.XferData(ref buf, ref len);
if (success)
OutputBox.Text += stat + " Write Success";
DisplayXferData(buf, len, true);
OutputBox.SelectionStart = OutputBox.Text.Length;
OutputBox.Text += stat + " Transfer failed with Error Code:" + curEndpt.LastError + "\r\n";
OutputBox.SelectionStart = OutputBox.Text.Length;
windows error lookup:997 重叠 I/O 操作在进行中。
CyU3PUsbSendEP0Data (8, (uint8_t *)buf);
CyU3PUsbAckSetup ();
/** \brief Complete the status handshake of a USB control request.
This function is used to complete the status handshake of a USB control
request that does not involve any data transfer. If there is a need for
OUT or IN data transfers to process the control request, the CyU3PUsbGetEP0Data
and CyU3PUsbSendEP0Data calls should be used instead.
This function should only be used if a positive ACK is to be sent to the
USB host. To indicate an error condition, the CyU3PUsbStall call should be
used to stall the endpoint EP0-OUT or EP0-IN.
**Return value**\n
* None
*\see CyU3PUSBSetupCb_t
*\see CyU3PUsbRegisterSetupCallback
*\see CyU3PUsbSendEP0Data
*\see CyU3PUsbGetEP0Data
extern void
CyU3PUsbAckSetup (
正确回应(发送的数据长度为0,8字节的最后两字节为0x00 0x00):
CONTROL OUT transfer
Zero-length data transfer completed
wLength:Number of bytes to transfer if there is a Data
stage.如果非0长度,但是没接收到所谓的非0数据(data stage),也会返回997错误。