看了半天的文档及源码,终于理出了spring-security的一些总体思路,spring security主要分认证(authentication)和授权(authority)。





授权也称Access Control,主要代码在spring-security-core下的包org.springframework.security.access下,主类:AccessDecisionManager、SecurityMetadataSource。它们的关系通过ConfigAttribute关联起来。


Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes(Object object)throws IllegalArgumentException;


void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object,Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) throws AccessDeniedException,InsufficientAuthenticationException;


     * This concrete implementation simply polls all configured
     * {@link AccessDecisionVoter}s and grants access if any
     * <code>AccessDecisionVoter</code> voted affirmatively. Denies access only if there
     * was a deny vote AND no affirmative votes.
     * <p>
     * If every <code>AccessDecisionVoter</code> abstained from voting, the decision will
     * be based on the {@link #isAllowIfAllAbstainDecisions()} property (defaults to
     * false).
     * </p>
     * @param authentication the caller invoking the method
     * @param object the secured object
     * @param configAttributes the configuration attributes associated with the method
     * being invoked
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access is denied     */
    public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object,
            Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) throws AccessDeniedException {        int deny = 0;        for (AccessDecisionVoter voter : getDecisionVoters()) {            int result = voter.vote(authentication, object, configAttributes);            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Voter: " + voter + ", returned: " + result);
            }            switch (result) {            case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_GRANTED:                return;            case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED:
                deny++;                break;            default:                break;
        }        if (deny > 0) {            throw new AccessDeniedException(messages.getMessage(                    "AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied", "Access is denied"));
        }        // To get this far, every AccessDecisionVoter abstained        checkAllowIfAllAbstainDecisions();




    private AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager;    private AfterInvocationManager afterInvocationManager;    private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = new NoOpAuthenticationManager();    private RunAsManager runAsManager = new NullRunAsManager();


     * Indicates the type of secure objects the subclass will be presenting to the
     * abstract parent for processing. This is used to ensure collaborators wired to the
     * {@code AbstractSecurityInterceptor} all support the indicated secure object class.
     * @return the type of secure object the subclass provides services for     */
    public abstract Class<?> getSecureObjectClass();


3.1 FilterSecurityInterceptor


 * Performs security handling of HTTP resources via a filter implementation.
 * <p>
 * The <code>SecurityMetadataSource</code> required by this security interceptor is of
 * type {@link FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource}.
 * <p>
 * Refer to {@link AbstractSecurityInterceptor} for details on the workflow.
 * </p>
 * @author Ben Alex
 * @author Rob Winch */public class FilterSecurityInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor implements Filter {}


     * Method that is actually called by the filter chain. Simply delegates to the
     * {@link #invoke(FilterInvocation)} method.
     * @param request the servlet request
     * @param response the servlet response
     * @param chain the filter chain
     * @throws IOException if the filter chain fails
     * @throws ServletException if the filter chain fails     */
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
            FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        FilterInvocation fi = new FilterInvocation(request, response, chain);


    public void invoke(FilterInvocation fi) throws IOException, ServletException {        if ((fi.getRequest() != null)                && (fi.getRequest().getAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED) != null)                && observeOncePerRequest) {            // filter already applied to this request and user wants us to observe            // once-per-request handling, so don't re-do security checking            fi.getChain().doFilter(fi.getRequest(), fi.getResponse());
        }        else {            // first time this request being called, so perform security checking
            if (fi.getRequest() != null) {
                fi.getRequest().setAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED, Boolean.TRUE);

            InterceptorStatusToken token = super.beforeInvocation(fi);            try {
                fi.getChain().doFilter(fi.getRequest(), fi.getResponse());
            }            finally {                super.finallyInvocation(token);
            }            super.afterInvocation(token, null);

3.2 MethodSecurityInterceptor 定义:

 * Provides security interception of AOP Alliance based method invocations.
 * <p>
 * The <code>SecurityMetadataSource</code> required by this security interceptor is of
 * type {@link MethodSecurityMetadataSource}. This is shared with the AspectJ based
 * security interceptor (<code>AspectJSecurityInterceptor</code>), since both work with
 * Java <code>Method</code>s.
 * <p>
 * Refer to {@link AbstractSecurityInterceptor} for details on the workflow.
 * @author Ben Alex
 * @author Rob Winch */public class MethodSecurityInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor implements
        MethodInterceptor {}


     * This method should be used to enforce security on a <code>MethodInvocation</code>.
     * @param mi The method being invoked which requires a security decision
     * @return The returned value from the method invocation (possibly modified by the
     * {@code AfterInvocationManager}).
     * @throws Throwable if any error occurs     */
    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
        InterceptorStatusToken token = super.beforeInvocation(mi);

        Object result;        try {
            result = mi.proceed();
        }        finally {            super.finallyInvocation(token);
        }        return super.afterInvocation(token, result);

4.Spring Security Java Config ---@EnableWebSecurity

将@EnableWebSecurity注解加到@Configuration下来获得spring securiy的安全性。


  @EnableWebSecurity  public class MyWebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
      @Override      public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
          web.ignoring()          // Spring Security should completely ignore URLs starting with /resources/
      @Override      protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                  .hasRole(&quot;USER&quot;).and()                  // Possibly more configuration ...
                  .formLogin() // enable form based log in                  // set permitAll for all URLs associated with Form Login                  .permitAll();
      @Override      protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) {
          auth          // enable in memory based authentication with a user named &quot;user&quot; and &quot;admin&quot;
                  .and().withUser(&quot;admin&quot;).password(&quot;password&quot;).roles(&quot;USER&quot;, &quot;ADMIN&quot;);
      // Possibly more overridden methods ...

4.1 WebSecurityConfigurer WebSecurityConfigurer允许对WebSecurity进行定制化,在绝大部分情景下,开发者使用@EnableWebSecurity注解或者对WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter进行重写的方式来自动应用@EnableWebSecurity注解。定义如下:

public interface WebSecurityConfigurer<T extends SecurityBuilder<Filter>> extends
        SecurityConfigurer<Filter, T> {


4.2 WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter



org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers.AbstractHttpConfigurer = sample.MyClassThatExtendsAbstractHttpConfigurer


org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers.AbstractHttpConfigurer = sample.MyClassThatExtendsAbstractHttpConfigurer, sample.OtherThatExtendsAbstractHttpConfigurer

4.2.1 初始化


    public void init(final WebSecurity web) throws Exception {        final HttpSecurity http = getHttp();
        web.addSecurityFilterChainBuilder(http).postBuildAction(new Runnable() {            public void run() {
                FilterSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor = http


     * Creates the {@link HttpSecurity} or returns the current instance
     * ] * @return the {@link HttpSecurity}
     * @throws Exception     */
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })    protected final HttpSecurity getHttp() throws Exception {        if (http != null) {            return http;

        DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher eventPublisher = objectPostProcessor
                .postProcess(new DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher());

        AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = authenticationManager();
        Map<Class<? extends Object>, Object> sharedObjects = createSharedObjects();

        http = new HttpSecurity(objectPostProcessor, authenticationBuilder,
                sharedObjects);        if (!disableDefaults) {            // @formatter:off            http
                .addFilter(new WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter())
                .apply(new DefaultLoginPageConfigurer<HttpSecurity>()).and()
                .logout();            // @formatter:on
            ClassLoader classLoader = this.context.getClassLoader();            List<AbstractHttpConfigurer> defaultHttpConfigurers =
                    SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactories(AbstractHttpConfigurer.class, classLoader);            for(AbstractHttpConfigurer configurer : defaultHttpConfigurers) {
        configure(http);        return http;

5. xml配置解析类SecurityNamespaceHandler


  private void loadParsers() {        // Parsers
       parsers.put(Elements.LDAP_PROVIDER, new LdapProviderBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.LDAP_SERVER, new LdapServerBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.LDAP_USER_SERVICE, new LdapUserServiceBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.USER_SERVICE, new UserServiceBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.JDBC_USER_SERVICE, new JdbcUserServiceBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER,                new AuthenticationProviderBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.GLOBAL_METHOD_SECURITY,                new GlobalMethodSecurityBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.AUTHENTICATION_MANAGER,                new AuthenticationManagerBeanDefinitionParser());
       parsers.put(Elements.METHOD_SECURITY_METADATA_SOURCE,                new MethodSecurityMetadataSourceBeanDefinitionParser());        // Only load the web-namespace parsers if the web classes are available
       if (ClassUtils.isPresent(FILTER_CHAIN_PROXY_CLASSNAME, getClass()
               .getClassLoader())) {
           parsers.put(Elements.DEBUG, new DebugBeanDefinitionParser());
           parsers.put(Elements.HTTP, new HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser());
           parsers.put(Elements.HTTP_FIREWALL, new HttpFirewallBeanDefinitionParser());
           parsers.put(Elements.FILTER_SECURITY_METADATA_SOURCE,                    new FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSourceParser());
           parsers.put(Elements.FILTER_CHAIN, new FilterChainBeanDefinitionParser());
           filterChainMapBDD = new FilterChainMapBeanDefinitionDecorator();
       }        if (ClassUtils.isPresent(MESSAGE_CLASSNAME, getClass().getClassLoader())) {
           parsers.put(Elements.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_BROKER,                    new WebSocketMessageBrokerSecurityBeanDefinitionParser());




