Abstract. Many applications of blind signatures, e.g. in blockchains, require compatibility of the resulting signatures with the existing system. This makes blind issuing of Schnorr signatures (now be
Abstract—Due to limited computational and storage capabilities, wireless medical sensor networks (WMSN) encounter considerable overhead in processing the storage and verification of numerous signature
Cloud file sharing (CFS) has become one of the important tools for enterprises to reduce technology operating costs and improve their competitiveness. Due to the untrustworthy cloud service prov
Threshold fully homomorphic encryption (ThFHE) enables multiple parties to compute functions over their sensitive data without leaking data privacy. Most of existing ThFHE schemes are restricted to fu
The quantum crisis presents a grave threat to patient health, the vast and lucrative healthcare industry, society, and national security. If current cryptographic systems protecting the security and p
A t-out-of-n threshold decryption system assigns key shares to n parties so that any t of them can decrypt a well-formed ciphertext. Existing threshold decryption systems are not secure when these par
Abstract. We show that if a set of players hold shares of a value a ∈ Fp for some prime p (where the set of shares is written [a]p), it is possible to compute, in constant rounds and with unconditiona
We show that if a set of players hold shares of a value a ∈ Fp for some prime p (where the set of shares is written [a]p), it is possible to compute, in constant rounds and with unconditional security
— A threshold signature scheme distributes the ability to generate signatures through distributed key generation and signing protocols. A threshold signature scheme should be functionally interchangea
ChatGPT is recognized as a significant revolution in the field of artificial intelligence, but it raises serious concerns regarding user privacy, as the data submitted by users may contain sensitive i
Neural Networks (NN) provide a powerful method for machine learning training and inference. To effectively train, it is desirable for multiple parties to combine their data – however, doing so conflic
A threshold signature scheme distributes the ability to generate signatures through distributed key generation and signing protocols. A threshold signature scheme should be functionally interchangeabl
In recent years, many extended identity-based broadcast proxy re-encryption (IBPRE) schemes have been put forward. These schemes are flexible enough and feasible to various application scenarios, incl
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