Abstract. Public key encryption with equality test (PKEET) allows
testing whether two ciphertexts are generated by the same message or
not. PKEET is a potential candidate for many practical applications
like efficient data management on encrypted databases. Potential applicability of PKEET leads to intensive research from its first instantiation
by Yang et al. (CT-RSA 2010). Most of the followup constructions are
secure in the random oracle model. Moreover, the security of all the
concrete constructions is based on number-theoretic hardness assumptions which are vulnerable in the post-quantum era. Recently, Lee et al.
(ePrint 2016) proposed a generic construction of PKEET schemes in the
standard model and hence it is possible to yield the first instantiation
of PKEET schemes based on lattices. Their method is to use a 2-level
hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme together with a
one-time signature scheme. In this paper, we propose, for the first time,
a direct construction of a PKEET scheme based on the hardness assumption of lattices in the standard model. More specifically, the security of
the proposed scheme is reduces to the hardness of the Learning With
Errors problem. We have used the idea of the full identity-based encryption scheme by Agrawal et al. (EUROCRYPT 2010) to construct the
proposed PKEET