

aliens = []

#创建30个绿色的外星人 for alien_number in range(0,30): 疑问:为何是alien_number??? new_alien ={'color':'green','speed':'slow','point':5} aliens.append(new_alien) for alien in aliens[0:3]: if alien['color'] == 'green': alien['color']='yellow' alien['speed'] = 'high' alien['point'] = 10


print(aliens[0:5]) print('........')



aliens = []

#创建30个绿色的外星人 for alien_number in range(0,30): new_alien ={'color':'green','speed':'slow','point':5} aliens.append(new_alien) for alien in aliens[0:3]: if alien['color'] == 'green': alien['color']='yellow' alien['speed'] = 'high' alien['point'] = 10 elif alien['color'] == 'yellow':#将上面if下的黄色的外星人改为红色..... alien['color'] = 'red' alien['speed'] = 'fast' alien['point'] = 15


print(aliens[0:5]) print('........') P96例1


pizza = { 'Crust':'thick', 'topping':['mushroom','extra cheese'] }#字典中的键值对的值可以是列表:'topping':['mushroom','extra cheese']


print(' You order a '+ pizza['Crust'] +'- crust pizza '+ 'with the flowing toppings:') for topping in pizza['topping']: print("\t"+topping) #制表符【\t】 #知识点:访问字典中的键名——pizza['Crust']、制表符\t的使用

#P96例二 favorite_language = { 'jen':['python','Ruby'], 'sarah':['C'], 'edward':[' Ruby','GO'], 'phil':['c++','python'], } for name,languages in favorite_language.items():#在items一定不能少了s print('\n' + name.title() + "'s favorite languages are:") for language in languages: print( "\t"+ language.title())#for循环与print联合使用达到循环打印

#知识点:字典键值对一起访问使用方法【.items()】 """循环若第n行紧接着下一行是缩进,那么第n+1属于第n行,例如 #for language in languages: print( "\t"+ language.title())第二行属于第一行的for循环中 """

#P97 在字典中存贮字典 users = { 'jocker':{'first_name':'li','last_name':'kunhai','age':25}, 'Albert':{'first_name':'zhou','last_name':'bangqin','age':38}, } for user_name,user_information in users.items(): #键放在user_name值放在user_information中 print("\nUser_name " + user_name) full_name = user_information['first_name'] + "" + user_information['last_name'] print('\tfull_name ' + full_name.title())

P100用户输入和while循环 例子 """ numbers = input('pleas, input number:' ) if int(numbers) <= 45: print('you are 6666!!!....')

#运行结果:pleas, input number:25 you are 6666!!!....


例子 """ #请求用户输入一条信息,并打印该条信息 massage = input('tell sometion,and I will repeat it bakck to you: ') #input括号内的提示语:要规范\易于明白 print(massage)

""" 例子: """ name = input("pleas enter your name: ") print('hollo!!!'+ name + " you are 6666!!!!")


例子 """ #编写清晰的代码 name = input('A') #如果A较长,可以先存贮在一个变量中 print(A)


""" """ prompt = "If you tell us who you are, we can personalize you see." prompt += "\n what is you first name?: " # prompt += 表示在prompt后面追加字符串。 name = input(prompt) print('\n Hello '+ name + '!')

错误例子 """ #P102用input获取输入值并用int()来将输入的值转化为数值 age = input("how old are you? :") input = int(age) """

age = input("how old are you? :") if age < 25: #该句语法错误 print("...........") #错误:TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' #因为age < 25中,age为字符串而不能与数值作比较大小


4 % 3 1

5 % 3 2

6 % 3

7 % 3 1

8 % 3 2

例子: """ P102用if和else根据不同身高判断以输出不同信息 height = input("How tall are you? :") #用清晰简明的提示以请求用户输入 height = int(height) #把用户用户输入的字符串转化为数值(默认输入为字符串) if height >= 36: print('\n you are tall enough to ride !') #if满足执行该代码 else: print("you will be able to ride when you are a little older.") #if不满足执行该行 """ 例子: """ P103判断是偶数还是奇数,并根据判断结果输出信息 number = input("Enter a number ,and I will tell you If it's odd or even: ") number = int(number)

if number %2 == 0: print("\n it's even.") else: print("n\ it's odd.")