flash游戏开发 ios ios怎么玩flash游戏_selenium

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Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak

Growing up, you might have come across Flash while playing a game or using an interactive site. But Adobe Flash never officially made it to iOS devices. Here’s the only way to access Adobe Flash sites on your iPhone and iPad.

长大后,您可能在玩游戏或使用交互式网站时遇到过Flash。 但是Adobe Flash从未正式将其用于iOS设备。 这是访问iPhone和iPad上的Adobe Flash网站的唯一方法。

(What Is Adobe Flash?)

Once upon a time, Adobe Flash was the de-facto standard for delivering video, audio, animation, and interactive elements across the web. But then, thankfully, open standards like HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript came along. Adobe Flash was proprietary, slow, and consumed a lot of battery. It just didn’t work well on mobile devices.

曾几何时,Adobe Flash是在网络上交付视频,音频,动画和交互式元素的实际标准。 但是,幸运的是,随之而来的是开放标准,例如HTML 5,CSS和JavaScript。 Adobe Flash是专有的,速度慢并且消耗大量电池。 只是在移动设备上无法正常工作。

By 2011, Adobe had already ended mobile development of Flash.


Since then, the mobile web has thrived. Adobe is scheduled to officially sunset the Adobe Flash product in 2020. Major desktop browsers are now discontinuing support for Adobe Flash, although you can manually re-enable Flash in Google Chrome.

从那时起,移动网络蓬勃发展。 Adobe计划于2020年正式停用Adobe Flash产品。尽管您可以在Google Chrome浏览器中手动重新启用Flash ,但主要的桌面浏览器现已停止对Adobe Flash的支持。

(Why Flash Isn’t Supported on iOS and iPadOS Devices)

Apple devices like iPhone and iPad never officially supported Adobe Flash. In 2010, Steve Jobs wrote an open letter called Thoughts on Flash (which still makes for a good read). In it, he outlined the reasons for not implementing Adobe Flash in Apple devices.

iPhone和iPad等Apple设备从未正式支持Adobe Flash。 2010年,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)撰写了一封公开信,名为《 Thoughts on Flash》 (仍然值得一读)。 在其中,他概述了未在Apple设备中实现Adobe Flash的原因。

Jobs had a couple of arguments: Adobe Flash was not an open platform; the open H.264 video format was much better at delivering video than Flash; and when it came to games, there was the App Store. He also pointed out the issues with security, reliability, and performance.

乔布斯有两个论点:Adobe Flash不是一个开放平台。 开放的H.264视频格式在交付视频方面比Flash更好。 在游戏方面,有App Store。 他还指出了安全性,可靠性和性能方面的问题。

The biggest reason, though, was that Flash just did not work well with touchscreens.


(How to Use Adobe Flash on iPhone and iPad)

If you need to access an Adobe Flash site on your iPhone or iPad, you have several third-party options. Browsers such as the Puffin Web Browser comes with out-of-box support for Adobe Flash. Other browsers like Photon also offer this feature, but we recommend Puffin because it’s highly rated and free.

如果需要访问iPhone或iPad上的Adobe Flash网站,则可以使用多种第三方选项。 Puffin Web浏览器之类的浏览器对Adobe Flash具有开箱即用的支持。 其他浏览器(例如Photon)也提供此功能,但我们建议使用Puffin,因为它具有很高的评级和免费性。

Technically, rather than running Flash on your iPad or iPhone, Puffin runs websites that use Flash on a remote server and streams you the video. From your end, you appear to be using a Flash-based website as normal. But all the heavy lifting happens remotely.

从技术上讲,Puffin不是在iPad或iPhone上运行Flash,而是在远程服务器上运行使用Flash的网站并为您提供视频流。 从您的角度来看,您似乎正常使用基于Flash的网站。 但是所有繁重的工作都是远程进行的。

To get started, open the App Store, search for “Puffin Web Browser,” and tap on the “Get” button to download the free browser.

首先,打开App Store,搜索“ Puffin Web浏览器”,然后点击“获取”按钮以下载免费的浏览器。

Once downloaded, open the browser and tap on the URL bar.


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Here, enter the web address of the Flash site you want to visit. Tap on the “Go” button to open the website.

在这里,输入您要访问的Flash网站的网址。 点击“开始”按钮以打开网站。

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The Flash site will now open, with all its components. You can tap on the Flash player part and then select “Fullscreen” to open the game or the player in the fullscreen view.

现在将打开Flash网站及其所有组件。 您可以点击Flash播放器部分,然后选择“全屏”以全屏视图打开游戏或播放器。

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If you’re using an iPhone, you should switch to the landscape view as Flash player usually works in a landscape widescreen format.

如果您使用的是iPhone,则应切换到横向视图,因为Flash Player通常以横向宽屏格式工作。

Once you enter the fullscreen view, you’ll see two buttons on either side of the player. On the left is a button to access the keyboard. On the right is the menu button.

进入全屏视图后,您将在播放器的两侧看到两个按钮。 左侧是访问键盘的按钮。 右边是菜单按钮。

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The menu includes options to change the Flash quality and to enable the on-screen mouse and the gamepad.


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To exit the fullscreen view, tap on the “Menu” button and select “Exit.”


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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/436033/how-to-use-adobe-flash-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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